

Type: Publications
Year: 1973
Data from thirty one tropical African lakes are combined to evaluate the influence of Morpho-Edaphic factors on fish catch. A relationship exists between increasing Morpho-Edaphic Index (MEI) and catch, deviations from which are partly accounted for by differences in the [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1973
The factors regulating fish production from river systems remains poorly studied and understood. Rivers conform to physical and chemical laws which determine their morphology. From these laws relationships are calculated which estimate the total length and number of streams of [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1973
Sarotherodon galilaeus is one of the most widespread. oichlid. species on the African continent, forming a basis for many fisheries, both in Africa and Israel.  
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
 There are extensive data on the toxicity of zinc to fish laboratory conditions supported to some extent by field data on fish kills there are virtually no field observations to indicate the concentrations of zinc that are not inimical to [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
The major inland fisheries resources of Jordan, capable of immediate development and exploitation, have been identified. Improved methods of carp spawning, hatching of eggs and rearing spawn have been demonstrated, resulting in a 100 percent increase in seed production as compared [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
Les eaux intérieures de l'Afrique jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'approvisionnement en protéines animales d'un continent qui manque traditionnellement de ces produits essentiels. L'accroissement de la demande, l'introduction de nouvelles techniques de pêche et, par dessus [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
Sensitivity of fish to low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) differs between species, between the various life stages (eggs, larvae, and adults), and between the different life processes (reading, growth, and reproduction, which in turn may depend on swimming ability, [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
La sensibilite des poisoons aux faibles teneurs en oxyqgno dissou, (OD) differe d'une espace a l'autre, d'un stade du cycle biologique ä l'autre (oeufs, larvec et adultes), ainsi que d'un processun biologique A l'apre (alimentation, croissance ot reproduction, qui peuvent [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
Chlorine as hypochlorous acid and chloramines is toxic to aquatic life. Coarse fish species, invertebrate organisms and plants are generally more resistant to chlorine than salmonids, although the prodotion of young Daphnia is reduced at a concentration of 0.0035 mg/1 [...]
Type: Publications
Year: 1972
Growing number of sport fishermen. The economic and social importance of this sport in Europe, and the various measures for its management in the different countries. Water pollution and stock assessment problems, and EIFAC's part in efforts towards resolving these [...]