Green economy

Covering 27 percent of the earth's surface and home to nearly 15 percent of the global population, mountains provide globally significant goods and services vital for the well-being of humanity as well as ecological health of the planet.

Roughly 60-80 percent of the world's freshwater resources for domestic, agricultural and industrial consumption originate from mountains. By providing vital ecosystem, provisioning and supporting services, mountains contribute directly and indirectly to the economic development, environmental protection, and human well-being to populations living in mountainous areas and in the downstream regions.

Mountains are crucial for the green economy due to myriad of goods and services they provide to upstream and downstream populations. A significant share of world’s resources coming from mountains for mining, forestry, water for drinking and irrigation directly contribute to the economic development. Mountain products and services form the basis for many economic sectors – food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, agriculture, forestry and rangeland production, hydropower generation, tourism and others.

Economic growth and sustainability in the  uplands and lowlands is directly linked with ensuring sustainable supply of mountain ecosystem resources that support livelihoods of a billion people living in mountain regions.

In the face of global challenges, such as climate change, the sustainable management of the ecological wealth of mountains is key to ensuring the wellbeing of people and the planet. 

Mountain Partnership members meet in Kyrgyzstan

Mountain Partnership members meet in Kyrgyzstan


The Mountain Societies Research Institute of the University of Central Asia (MSRI\UCA) hosted a meeting of Mountain Partnership members in Central Asia on 22 June 2018. Representatives of MSRI, Aigine Cultural Research Center, PF EKOIS,  Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy Public Fund...

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IPROMO 2018: Bioeconomy in mountain areas

IPROMO 2018: Bioeconomy in mountain areas


The bioeconomy of the world’s mountains will be under discussion at the 2018 International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) in Ormea and Pieve Tesino, Italy, from 18 June to 2 July. Some 37 technical officers and researchers from more than 20 countries will...

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IPROMO 2018 Summer School: Bioeconomy in mountain areas

IPROMO 2018 Summer School: Bioeconomy in mountain areas


The 11th International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO) will focus on bioeconomy as an opportunity for local development in mountain areas. A particular emphasis will be placed on the importance of a participatory approach whereby local communities and authorities closely cooperate. IPROMO 2018...

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Sustainable water management at ForumAlpinum

Sustainable water management at ForumAlpinum


From 4-8 June 2018, 2018, water experts from around the Alps gathered in Breitenwang, Austria, where the 7th Water Conference of the Alpine Convention, took place in the scope of the ForumAlpinum, a biannual event by the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR),...

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Mountain development and prioritizing the SDGs

Mountain development and prioritizing the SDGs


The University of Central Asia’s (UCA) Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI) conducted an expert survey on prioritizing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets for sustainable mountain development. Recognizing the importance of pursuing sustainable mountain development as part of transforming our world into one free of poverty, the...

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Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

Mountain session, SDG 15 Expert Group Meeting

peak to peak

Issue 116 – Month 6 – Year 2018

The June 2018 issue of Peak to Peak provides a brief overview of the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 on Life on Land that was held in New York on 15 May 2018. The newsletter continues with stories about...

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