Home > Foro (ORCA) > ORCA Research > Research fields > ORCA Centres > Nutrition, Quality, and Health

Nutrition, Quality, and Health

The core work of this Centre is to conduct research that will generate knowledge on the health and other benefits of organic production and organic foods.

Recently several significant studies have been published that seek to identify food quality differences between organically and non-organically produced food, focused primarily on nutrient density, antioxidant capacity, and pesticide residues.

The application of this rapidly emerging research to nutritional diversity and its role in the context of food security around the globe will be an important consideration of the Centre. This Centre will also address the cumulative health and quality factors of organic systems production, including calculating the secondary health impact from water and air.

The Centre will conduct animal food studies and epidemiological research; gauge the impact of consumption of organic foods and develop parameters and methods to differentiate between organic and non-organic foods.

The proposed Key Topics are: Aromatics and Medicinal Plants & Underutilized Varieties.

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The ORCA Centres and Topics

ORCA Centres

The eleven ORCA Centres will cover 22 topics related to organic agriculture.