
Sur initiative conjointe de la CEDEAO, du Gouvernement de la République du Bénin et du Réseau Billital Maroobé (RBM) s’est tenue à Cotonou, la Deuxième Edition de la Concertation de Haut Niveau sur la transhumance transfrontalière apaisée entre le Sahel et les pays côtiers.

L’objectif de la réunion était d’apprécier l’état de mise en oeuvre des conclusions et recommandations de la Session de Lomé, tenue en janvier 2015, et de dégager de nouvelles orientations pour une transhumance apaisée lors de la prochaine campagne.

Lire le communiqué final de la session ministérielle (5p.)

Lire le rapport de la réunion des experts (12p.)

Year of publication: 2015
Topic: 参与
Language: Français
Type of document: 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲

How can education help build a stronger and more secure society and economy in Kenya’s northern arid lands? This study uses a resilience framework to ask how various education systems in the arid lands are helping or hindering young people and their societies to absorb shocks, adapt to and minimize stresses, and transform in positive ways when confronted with internal change and external pressures. The question is based on the concept of peacebuilding, in which it is assumed that people and societies are resilient when they accommodate adversity through complementary absorptive, adaptive and transformative capacities.

Year of publication: 2015
Organization: 联合国儿童基金会 
Topic: 教育, 性别和青年问题, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

For centuries, pastoralists achieved a social, cultural, environmental and economic balance in these unpredictable ecosystems by developing highly adaptable and sustainable livestock production systems. However, pastoralists remain largely unheard and unseen due to their mobility with livestock in search of pastures, water sources and markets. The current dominant narratives on pastoralism fail to acknowledge their contributions to society, economy and environment.

This report highlights the benefits of pastoralists’ participation in society and vice-versa. It discusses the mechanisms to enhance pastoralist participation in policy dialogue.

Year of publication: 2015
Organization: 联合国环境规划署 
Topic: 参与, 增加价值
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

The landscape in Sierra de Gredos was modelled largely by the livestock that traditionally grazed in mountain pastures in the summer and descended to the valleys when the snow came. In this video, one of the few goat farmers left in this Natura 2000 site explains their pastoral management and the impact of recent policy developments.

Year of publication: 2015
Topic: 环境服务
Language: English, Español
Type of document: 视频
Geographical coverage: 欧洲

Le terme foncier pastoral recouvre des réalités complexes qui renvoient à une gamme diversifiée de ressources localisées dans diverses zones dont l’accès est régi par droits divers. L’objectif de cette synthèse est d’analyser les politiques, les cadres juridiques et réglementaires relatifs au foncier et au pastoralisme mis en place par les États et les institutions de la région et d’examiner les initiatives récentes des partenaires en appui au pastoralisme. Elle vise à en tirer des leçons pour mieux envisager l’avenir du pastoralisme et les voies pour sécuriser la mobilité et renforcer la résilience.

Year of publication: 2015
Topic: 土地, 参与
Language: Français
Type of document: 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲

This study aims to strengthen peacebuilding through education initiatives designed to increase access to quality education for remote and marginalized communities, particularly nomadic pastoralists and agro-pastoralists. It explores how education might advance peacebuilding and community resilience in vulnerable contexts prone to conflict through UNICEF supported Alternative Basic Education (ABE) centers for pastoralist and agro-pastoralist children and youth. 

Year of publication: 2015
Organization: 联合国儿童基金会 
Topic: 冲突, 教育, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术, 科学
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

This report reviews and analyzes in brief the actual and potential conflicts of pasture use, mining and protected areas development with wildlife conservation and sustainable use through hunting in Kyrgyzstan. It identifies issues to be considered in future projects on integrated land and natural resources management as well as in sector specific projects. Wild animals, including game species used for hunting, are an integral part of ecosystems and essential for their functionality and resilience. Given the uncertainties about the impacts of climate change, conservation and sustainable use of wild animals is an important element of adaptation. This is because it retains options for future land-use and increases the resilience of ecosystems and land-use systems.

Year of publication: 2015
Topic: 冲突, 环境服务, 土地
Language: English
Type of document: 科学
Geographical coverage: 中亚地区

On Tuesday 8th September 2015 a meeting was held on the “Importance of Livestock Routes for Local, National and International Development: Their Mapping Servicing and Protection.”The meeting was organised through the Rangeland Management Platform – a forum organised by the Pastoral Livestock Development Directorate, State Ministry of Livestock Development Sector (MoA) and the Ethiopian Society of Agricultural Production/Pasture Rangelands Forum Ethiopia. The objectives of the meeting were: • To share experiences of mapping, servicing and protecting livestock routes in Ethiopia and neighbouring countries; and • To identify opportunities for better understanding, servicing and protecting livestock routes in future, and suggestions as to how this could be achieved in Ethiopia.

Year of publication: 2015
Organization: 个人作者, 国际土地联盟, 国际畜牧研究所, 美国国际开发署 
Topic: 经济, 环境服务
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲