

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub’s panel session at the World Biodiversity Forum
Pastoralism is a livestock production system that relies heavily on the continued service exchanges with its ecosystems. A close link exists between pastoral peoples, the ecosystems in which they live, and the animals that they breed. Despite the numerous challenges...
Partners agree to join efforts and convey evidence-based knowledge globally
The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub (PKH) serves as an important mechanism that brings together key stakeholders to join efforts towards sustainable pastoralism. Therefore, as the Hub prepares its own activities, it called upon its partners to present their work and actions...
Why are drylands so important?
Drylands are a vital but often overlooked resource. Those that live in drylands depend on forests and other wooded lands, and grasslands for their livelihoods and to meet basic needs. Trees and forests in drylands also provide habitats for biodiversity, protect against...
Resilient livelihoods, food security and nutrition hinge on biodiversity conservation and sustainable use
Africa has a rich array of biological diversity, which is a foundation for the continent’s food, nutrition, and health; and if not conserved and sustainably used, could pose a serious risk to food security and public health. Biodiversity includes the diversity...
A diverse and interactive panel discussion at the CFS 46
Policies and legislations should support initiatives that facilitate pastoral mobility, resource access and animal welfare. This was the key message at the side-event titled “Pastoral mobility and animal welfare in a changing landscape.”FAO’s Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, The Donkey Sanctuary and...