Calendar of Events
July 2011
2 July
FAO Council resolution on the celebration of the IYQ
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
December 2011
22 December
Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the celebration of the IYQ
New York, United States (General Assembly of the United Nations)
May 2012
29 May
Establishment and first meeting of the International Coordination Committee (ICC) of the IYQ
Santiago, Chile (FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean)
June 2012
11 June
Nomination of Evo Morales as Special Ambassador for the IYQ
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
September 2012
3 September
Launching of Bolivia’s national website for the IYQ
La Paz, Bolivia
11 September
Establishment of the IYQ Editorial Committee
Santiago, Chile
October 2012
26 October
First meeting of the National Committee on Quinoa
Santiago, Chile
November 2012
16-18 November
International Festival of Quinoa and Cañihua 2012
Puno, Peru
24 November
Travelling exhibition “Quinoa, a future sown thousands of years ago”
Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian. Washington, United States
27 November
Travelling exhibition “Quinoa, a future sown thousands of years ago”
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Washington, United States
December 2012
11 December
Regional seminar on Quinoa
Jujuy, Argentina
January 2013
23 January 2013
Policy Brief “Perspective 20” - Territorial development: Quinoa, a catalyst for innovation
Montpellier, France
February 2013
12 February
IYQ meeting with UNESCO, CIRAD and Action contre la faim (ACF)
Toulouse, France (Higher School of Agriculture of Toulouse-Purpan)
20 February
Launching of the IYQ
New York, United States (General Assembly of the United Nations)
20 February
Nomination of First Lady of Peru Nadine Heredia as Special Ambassador for the IYQ
New York, United States (General Assembly of the United Nations)
20 February
Scientific technical meeting on food security and Quinoa
New York, United States
20 February
IYQ launching activities in FAO regional and country offices
Santiago, Chile
; Cairo, Egypt;
; Uruguay;
Accra, Ghana;
Bangkok, Thailand
; Budapest, Hungary;
Bridgetown, Barbados;
Panama City, Panama
20 February
Seminar: Quinoa in Ecuador
Santa Catalina Experiment Station, Ecuador
28 February – 3 March
-Conference on Quinoa at the International Agricultural Show - "Conservation of plant genetic resources" and "Expansion of the cultivation of quinoa"
- Quinoa exhibition of Project Equeco: “Quinoa in Bolivia, towards a sustainable agriculture”
Paris, France
March 2013
7 March
Field day “Harvest and Threshing of Quinoa”
Paredones, Chile
8 March
International Women’s Day - during this celebration the Peruvian Ministry of Culture awarded the recognition of "Meritorius Culture Personality" to 3 rural women
Lima, Peru
13 March
IYQ launch in Ecuador
Riobamba, Ecuador
14 March
IYQ launch in Colombia
Popayán, Colombia
22-25 March
Event “Royal Quinoa and the International Year of Quinoa”
La Paz, Bolivia, (CABOLQUI);
Uyuni, Bolivia, (CABOLQUI)
April 2013
1 April
FAO presentation on the International Year of Quinoa
Panama City, Panama
1 April
Seed production of quinoa
Chimborazo, Ecuador
8-11 April
Quinoa week in Tarapacá: seminars on production, science and fairs
Colchane, Chile;
Iquique, Chile;
Chiu – Chiu, Chile
24-28 April
International Agricultural Show – distribution of promotional material and presentation by FAO representative in Morocco
Meknès, Morocco
May 2013
1 May
Farmer field school on Quinoa seed production
Chimborazo, Ecuador
June 2013
7 June
Imbabura gastronomic festival
Ibarra, Ecuador
13 June- 13 December
Technical study for the International Year of Quinoa - generating a quinoa policy in Ecuador
Ecuador (10 provinces of Ecuador)
14 June
Cañar gastronomic festival
Cantón Cañar, Ecuador
15 June
‘Muhu Raymi’ seed fair
Huancapallac - Kichki; Huánuco, Peru
17 June
Quinoa side events during the 38th session of the FAO Conference
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
17-18 June
Expo Quinoa Jujuy
Jujuy, Argentina
27 June
International Seminar: Quinoa, an Ally in the Fight against Hunger (ALADI)
Montevideo, Uruguay
July 2013
1 July
Publication of Quinoa variety descriptors
Quito, Ecuador
8-12 July
IV Global Congress on Quinoa
Ibarra, Ecuador
8-12 July
Publication of updated Quinoa variety descriptors
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
11-12 July
Festival of Quinoa and Alternative Andean Products 2013
27 July
Launch of new coin featuring Quinoa, by Peru´s Central Reserve Bank
Concurrent events IV Global Congress on Quinoa (training and involvement of civil society)
Ibarra, Ecuador
Presentation of feasibility study for the International Quinoa Center
La Paz, Bolivia
August 2013
8 August
Andean Crops Convention
Cusco, Peru
12-14 August
International Quinoa Research Symposium
Pullman, Washington, United States of America
Washington State University
15-16 August
First meeting of quinoa producers
Cotacachi, Ecuador
29 August
Round table: “Access to quinoa genetic resources in Peru”
Lima, Peru
September 2013
3 September
Presentation of recipe books on Quinoa
5 September
International Food Fair “Mistura”
Lima, Peru
8-13 September
Quinoa Phantasy Chef: Quinoa-based cooking contest with new recipes adapted to Italian cuisine
Sondrio, Italy
16 September
Book Presentation “Ayara, Madre Quinua” - MINAGRI, SANTILLANA and FAO
Lima, Peru
26-27 September
Quinoa Innovation Fair “Innovaquinua”
October 2013
3 October
“Quinoa Fusion” food fair
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
7 October
Inauguration of Travelling exhibition “Quinoa, a future sown thousands of years ago”
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
10 October
First Lady of Peru visit to Abancay
Comunidad Pcsica, Ayamaraes-Apurimac, Peru
10 October
Carchi Gastronomic Festival
Tulcán, Ecuador
10 October
National Seminar (World Food Day)- Discussion on quinoa’s role in supporting sustainable food systems in collaboration with the Government of Peru and Sierra Exportadora Lima
Rabat, Morocco
14-18 October
Quinoa Week
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
16 October
World Food Day
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
16 October
- Conference and debate on Quinoa, “Quinoa: A controversial success” – CIRAD, IRD and Artisans du monde
- Quinoa tasting and sale of fair trade products
Montpellier, France
18 October
Celebration of World Food Day, Quinoa and Food – Embassy of Peru in France
Paris, France
18 October- 11 December
International Contest on Quinoa Technological Innovation - MINAGRI: Concurso Internacional de Innovación Tecnológica en Quinua
Lima, Peru
28 October- 31 December
Photo exhibition "Quinoa, ancient food for the world"
Lima, Perú
30-31 October
International Congress on Quinoa “Quino@ndo, From the Andes to Milan and from Milan to the world”
Milan, Italy
31 October
Quinoa harvesting - Experimental Station La Molina (INIA)
Lima, Peru
November 2013
5-8 November
Science and Technology Week (Quinoa)
Bogotá, Colombia
9 November
Quinoa-based food contest
San Antonio, Chile
9-10 November
Cooking show and quinoa tasting in partnership with Slow Food and the Embassy of Peru
Casablanca, Morocco
14-15 November
International Scientific Congress of Quinoa and Andean grains
Lima, Peru
22 November
Launching of IYQ and seminar
FAO, Indonesia
26-27 November
Second meeting of Quinoa producers
Colt, Ecuador
December 2013
2-13 December
Travelling exhibition 'From the Andes to the World’ - in collaboration with Bioversity International
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
3 December
Book presentation of 'Quinoa in the Kitchen' - in collaboration with Slow Food
Rome, Italy (FAO Headquarters)
12 December
Closing ceremony of the International Year of Quinoa: A Future Sown Thousands of Years Ago
Jujuy, Argentina
12-13 December
Closing ceremony of the International Year of Quinoa: A Future Sown Thousands of Years Ago
Tunja, Colombia
14 December
- Closing ceremony of the International Year of Quinoa: A Future Sown Thousands of Years Ago
- Presentation of summary book on the state of the art of Quinoa worldwide
- Publication of Quinoa recipe book
- Publication of variety catalogues in countries with the greatest Quinoa biodiversity (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)
La Paz, Bolivia
13-15 December
International Symposium of Quinoa Producers and Researchers
Oruro, Bolivia
15 December
International Scientific Congress of Quinoa and Andean grains
Lima, Peru
15 December
First Food Festival of Quinoa and “Healthiest Dish” competition
Lima, Perú;
16 December
- Closing ceremony of the International Year of Quinoa: A Future Sown Thousands of Years Ago
- Presentation of summary book on the state of the art of Quinoa worldwide
- Publication of Quinoa recipe book
- Publication of variety catalogues in countries with the greatest Quinoa biodiversity (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)
Lima, Perú