


The FAO Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism. General presentation of the FMM, as FAO unearmarked fund and an important tool to support FAO Strategic Objectives (FMM purposes, history, supportive resource partners, etc.).
粮农组织推动向可持 续、气候适应型农业政策和 治理机制过渡,与各国合作 审查其政策和投资战略,帮 助各国调整政策和方案,以 此支持实施《2030 年可持 续发展议程》以及关于气候 变化的《巴黎协定》。
Today’s key challenge is how to increase production to meet the growing demand for food, feed and bioenergy while conserving biodiversity and reducing the pressure on natural resources and ecosystems.
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