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Blackwood, C.M., 1978 Suministro de agua para las instalaciones de elaboración de pescado. FAO, Doc.Téc.Pesca, (174): 84 p. Publicado también en francés e inglés.

Brox, J., 1984 Planning and engineering data.4. Containers for fish handling. FAO Fish.Circ., (773):53 p.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines, 1983 Socioeconomic and marketing study of municipal fishing households, Bayawan, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/83/WP/121: 94 p.

Cansdale, G.S., 1979 Low-cost water filtration system. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/79/WP/80:73 p.

Comité de Pesca Continental para Africa (CPCA), 1983 Report of the second session of the Sub-Committee for the development and management of the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Roma, 6–7 de octubre de 1983. FAO Fish.Rep., (301):20 p. Publicado también en francés.

Diegues, A.C., 1983 Policies and strategies for fisheries development: some relevant issues for developing countries. FAO Fish.Rep., (295) Suppl.:1–15.

Emerson, D.K., 1980 Rethinking artisanal fisheries development: western concepts, Asian experiences. World Bank Staff Working Pap., (423): 97 p.

Hotta, M., 1984 Analysis of the economic viability of operations of the fish handling complex in Bayawan, Negros Oriental, Philippines. Small-scale Fisheries Development Project. Roma, FAO, FI:GCP/PHI/037/CAN, Field document, 1:22 p.

Kalbermatten, J.M., et al., 1980 Appropriate technology for water supply and sanitation: a planner's guide. In World Bank studies in water supply and sanitation. Washington, D.C., Banco Mundial, Vol.2:194 p.

Kelsen, S., 1979 Report of fish handling (of fresh fish), processing (of dried, smoked and fermented fish) and fish marketing within the Philippine Cooperative Development. Assistance to Cooperatives Development and Marketing, UNDP/FAO Project PHI/76/001. Roma, FAO, FAO/AGO/PHI/76/001:45 p.

Kenya, 1984 Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, Fisheries Department statistical bulletin, 1983. Fish.Dep.Stat.Bull., Nairobi, (1983)

Leung, A., 1978 Post-harvest handling of live marine fish in Hong Kong. Proc.IPFC, 18(3):128–35

Lisac, H., 1975 Technical considerations in planning fish utilization operations. Documento presentado en el Seminario FAO/ASDI sobre planificación y ejecución de programas para el aprovechamiento del pescado en Africa. Lusaka, Zambia, 5–23 de mayo de 1975. Roma, FAO, FII/TFUA/75/L27 (mimeografiado)

Lisac, H., 1977 Fresh Fish: the problems in small-scale fisheries. In Proceedings of the Conference on the handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish. Londres, 5–9 de julio de 1976. Londres, Tropical Products Institute. págs. 105-14

Lisac, H. y A. Nordheim, Brasil. 1979 Feasibility study for a pilot/demonstration distribution scheme of smallscale fishermen catches in the Maranhao State. Mission report. Roma, FAO, TCP/BRA/8804/01:98 p.

Löndahl, G., 1984 El almacenamiento refrigerado en las pesquerías, FAO Doc.Téc.Pesca, (214):78 p. Publicado también en inglés

Lupín, H.M., 1986 Measuring the effectiveness of insulated fish containers. FAO Fish.Rep., (329)Suppl.:34–46

Medina Pizzali, A.F., 1980 Application of chilled sea water in a small-scale fishery project; a case study. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):819–25

Myers, M., 1984 Datos técnicos y de planificación. 1. Manipulación del pescado fresco. FAO Circ.Pesca, (735):60 p. Publicado también en francés e inglés.

Ruckes, E., 1980 Marketing aspects of the development of small-scale fisheries. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):955-63

Toh, J. Ho, 1980 A case study in Camarines Norte area fishing cooperative in the Philippines. Proc.IPFC, 19(3):609–31

Wagner, E.G. y J.N. Lanoix, 1958 Excreta disposal for rural areas and small communities. WHO Monogr.Ser., (39)

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