Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds

ISSN 1024-6703


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Table of Contents

Rome, 2002

Proceeding of the electronic workshop

organized by the
FAO Land and Water Development Division

18 September-27 October 2000

Cover photographs:

Top-left: Smallholder farm couple incorporating crop residues in the soil to improve soil fertility in India. FAO/17751/A. Conti.

Bottom-left: A woman drawing drinking water from a village pump in northern India. FAO/13652/j. Isaac.

Top-right and bottom-right: Upper watershed of the Rio Jequetepeque, northern Peru. Felipe Carhuallanqui.

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ISBN 92-5-104765-0

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© FAO 2002

Table of Contents



List of background papers (available on CD-ROM)

List of case studies (available on CD-ROM)

Summary of conclusions and recommendations

Synthesis report of the FAO electronic workshop - Sylvia Tognetti

Discussion papers

1. Land use impacts on water resources: a literature review - Benjamin Kiersch
2. Instruments and mechanisms for upstream-downstream linkages: a literature review - Benjamin Kiersch


1. Abstract of background papers
2. Abstract of case studies
3. List of interventions
4. Workshop programme

FAO technical papers

Back cover