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Principales sources d’information générales

Les documents cités dans cette section ont été utiles lors de la rédaction de la synthèse et ne sont pas spécifiques à un pays. La littérature relative à chacun des pays est mentionnée dans le paragraphe intitulé «Principales sources d’information» à la fin de chaque monographie.

Bucks, D.A. 1993. Micro-irrigation world wide usage report.

CILSS/OECD. 1991. The development of irrigated crops in Sahel. Summary and reports by country. OECD/CILSS/CLUB of Sahel. SATURDAY/D (91) 366. E/F.

FAO. 1986. Irrigation in Africa south of the Sahara. Technical document No. 5 of the investment centre of the FAO. Rome. 181 pp.

FAO. 1995. Irrigation in Africa/L’irrigation en Afrique en chiffres. FAO Water Report No. 7. Rome.

FAO. 1997a. Irrigation in the Near East Region in figures. FAO Water Report No. 9. Rome.

FAO. 1997b. Irrigation in the countries of the former Soviet Union in figures. FAO Water Report No. 15. Rome.

FAO. 1997c. Irrigation potential in Africa - a basin approach. FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 4. Rome.

FAO. 1999. Irrigation in Asia in figures. FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 18. Rome.

FAO. 2000. Irrigation in Latin America and the Caribbean in figures. FAO Land and Water Bulletin No. 20. Rome.

FAO. 2004a. Drought impact mitigation and prevention in the Limpopo River Basin - a situation analysis. FAO Land and Water Discussion Paper No. 4. Rome.

FAO. 2004b. Directions for agricultural water management in Africa. FAO Land and Water Development Division. Unpublished.

FAO. 2005a. Factors affecting the development and management of water resources for agriculture in the Lake Chad basin. FAO-AGLW internal notes.

FAO. 2005b. Factors affecting the development and management of water resources for agriculture in the Nile Delta. FAO-AGLW internal notes.

FAO. 2005c. Large hydro-electricity and hydro-agricultural schemes in Africa. FAO-AGLW internal notes.

FAO. 2005d. FAOSTAT - database (available at

FAO. 2005e. AQUASTAT - database (available at

Geheb, K., and Sarah, M.T. (eds.). 2002. Africa’s inland fisheries: the management challenge. Fountain Publishers. Kampala.

Gleick, P.H., ed. 1993. Water in crisis: a guide to the of world’s freshwater resources. New York, USA, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press for Pacific Institute. 473 pp.

Gleick, P.H., ed. 2004. The world’s water 2004-2005: the biennial report on freshwater resources. Washington, DC, Island Press.

ICID. 2005. Sprinkler and micro-irrigated area in some ICID member countries (available at

International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Undated. World Lake Database.

IPTRID/FAO. 2003. The irrigation challenge - increasing irrigation contribution to food security through higher water productivity canal irrigation systems. Issue paper No. 4.

L’vovitch, M.I. 1974. World water resources and their future. Russian ed. Mysl. Moscow. Translation in English by R.L. Nace, American Geological Union, Washington, 1979. 415 pp.

Margat, J. 1991. Ressources en eau des pays africains, utilisation et problèmes. VII Congrès mondial des ressources en eau. May, 1991, Rabat, Morocco. IWRA/AREA. 21 pp.

Margat, J. 1994. Les ressources en eau des pays de l’OSS- Evaluation, utilisation et gestion. Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel, Paris. 83 pp.

SADC. 2000. Revised protocol on shared water courses in Southern African Development Community. Windboek.

UNDP. 2005. Human Development Index (available at

UNESCO. 1972. Etudes des ressources en eau du Sahara septentrional. Final report + 7 technical annexes.

UNICEF/WHO. 2005. Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) for water and sanitation (available at

UNICEF. 2005. Statistics by country (available at

United Nations. 1987. Groundwater in Western and Northern Africa. UN-DTCD Natural Resources Water Series No. 18.

United Nations. 1988. Groundwater in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. UN-DTCD Natural Resources Water Series No. 19.

WHO. 2005. World malaria report 2005.

World Bank. 2005. Indicators of world development (available at

World Conservation Union (UICN). 2005. Towards an agency for Volta Basin?

World Resources Institute. 1994. World resources 1994-1995. A guide to the global environment. Oxford University Press for WRI/UNEP/UNDP. 400 pp.

World Resources Institute. 2003. World resources 2002-2004. Decisions for the earth: balance, voice, and power.

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