WISDOM – East Africa

Woodfuel Integrated Supply/Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) Methodology

Spatial woodfuel production and consumption analysis of selected African countries

Rudi Drigo
Consultant - Wood energy planning and forest resources monitoring

FAO – Forestry Department – Wood Energy
August 2005


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Acronyms and Abbreviations

PART 1: Methodology
Selection of spatial base
Demand Module
Integration module and definition of priority areas

PART 2: Results

PART 3: Findings
Subsistence energy in a local supply/demand context
Main deficit areas and affected populations
Contribution to forestry and energy policy formulation
A new dimension to the process of mapping extreme poverty

PART 4: Follow up recommendations


Annex 1: Definitions and conversion factors
Annex 2. Demand module. References on woodfuel consumption
Annex 3. Supply module. References on woody biomass stocking
Annex 4. List of main deficit areas