Coastal protection in the aftermath of the
Indian Ocean tsunami:
What role for forests and trees?

Proceedings of the Regional Technical Workshop,
Khao Lak, Thailand, 28–31 August 2006

Compiled and edited by Susan Braatz, Serena Fortuna, Jeremy Broadhead and Robin Leslie


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Bangkok, 2007

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© FAO 2007

ISBN 978-974-7946-95-6

Cover design: Somchai Singsa
Cover photo: Jeremy Broadhead

For copies of the report, write to:

For copies of the report, write to:
Patrick Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974139
Fax: 66-2-6974445
E-mail: [email protected]




Executive summary

Welcome address

Part 1. Technical presentations  and discussions


Chapter 1 Protection from tsunamis

Thematic paper: The role of forests and trees  in protecting coastal areas against tsunamis

Field study presentation: The role of coastal vegetation in protecting the Thai coast against the 2004 tsunami

Field study presentation: Outcomes of the project “In-depth assessment of mangroves and other coastal forests affected by the tsunami in Southern Thailand”

Field study presentation: Understanding tsunami impacts from reef island perspectives — experience from the Maldives

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 2.  Protection from cyclones

Thematic paper:Role of forests and trees in protecting coastal areas against cyclones

Field study presentation: Cyclone disaster mitigation in Bangladesh

Field study presentation: Evaluation of storm protection functions — a case study of mangrove forest in Orissa, India and the 1999 super cyclone

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 3. Protection from wind and salt spray

Thematic paper: Protective functions of coastal forests and  trees against wind and salt spray

Field study presentation: Use of coastal shelterbelts along the east coast  of India

Field study presentation: The important role of trees in combating coastal erosion, wind and salt spray — a New Zealand case study

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 4. Protection from coastal erosion

Thematic paper: The role of coastal forests and trees in  protecting against coastal erosion

Field study presentation: Status of coastal erosion in Viet Nam and proposed measures for protection

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 5. Coastal area planning and management

Thematic paper: Coastal area planning and management with a focus on disaster management and the protective role of coastal forests and trees

Field study presentation: Mangrove planting for coastline protection — to plant or not to plant?<.a>

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 6. Synthesis

Thematic paper: Synthesis of the protective functions of  coastal forests and trees  against natural hazards

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions

Chapter 7. Forestry initiatives for coastal protection

Part 2. Diagnostic tool


Tsunami working group results

Cyclone working group results

Wind and salt spray working group results

Coastal erosion working group results

Working group conclusions and further refinements

Part 3. Conclusions and recommendations




Appendix 1. Workshop agenda

Appendix 2. Workshop participants