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31. The Sub-Committee considered proposals for future studies put forward by members under Agenda Items 6, 7 and 8. It was agreed to group the proposals into five areas of possible work namely: Proposal 1 - Study the impact of the Uruguay Round agreements on fish exports and adaptation of developing and developed countries to changes in fish import regimes in major markets; Proposal 2 - Regional fish trade and new, low cost products; Proposal 3 - Impact of Uruguay Round agreements and further trade liberalisation on sustainability, on trade of developed and developing countries, including an examination of fisheries management regimes and their implementation; Proposal 4 - Developing the new `risk approach' and foster research in practical HACCP application (in cooperation with the Codex Alimentarius Commission); Proposal 5 - Impact of international trade in fishery products on food security and employment. The Sub-Committee noted the Secretariat's advice that Proposals 2 and 4 would be carried out elsewhere; A variety of views were expressed on Proposals 1, 3 and 5. As agreed under Agenda Item 8.1 work on Proposal 3 is subject to decision by COFI (see Paragraph 23). It was agreed that priority should be given to the implementation of Proposals 1 and 5. Some delegates pointed out that the emphasis in Proposal 5 should be on food security and not employment. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to develop project proposals with objectives, methodologies and financial implications for distribution to members for any comment.

32. The Sub-Committee noted the announcement by Japan of its intention to host an expert consultation in November 2000 on the linkage between over-capacity and unsustainability and Japan's intention to request the technical cooperation of FAO in preparing for this consultation.

33. With reference to agenda item 7 and discussions thereon, some delegations regretted that WTO was not represented. The Secretariat confirmed that WTO had been invited and had received copies of all meeting documents.

34. Under agenda item 7, one delegation expressed its opposition to the fact that in future meetings of the Sub-Committee the Rapporteur would use only one language in the preparation of the report of the Sub-Committee. The delegation requested that the issue be raised with COFI and that the means be provided to permit all FAO languages to be used in all stages of the procedure for the preparation and adoption of the report. The Secretariat explained that procedures followed with no use of Drafting Committee are those set down by the FAO Council following its review of the statutory bodies in 1994/95. The Fifth and Sixth Session of the Sub-Committee had used this approach with success.

35. During the discussion of the meeting documents, members provided specific suggestions for changes and improvements. The Secretariat explained that all points raised in Plenary would be properly taken into consideration when revising them.

36. The Sub-Committee also requested that meeting documents be made available in a timely manner, including on FAO's web site.

37. The Sub-Committee requested the Secretariat to present shorter and more focused agendas for future meetings of the Sub-Committee. Meeting papers should be more focused and more objective allowing for more in-depth analysis and policy relevant conclusions.

38. The Sub-Committee agreed to place on the agenda for its next session a discussion on ways to improve its operation, including on ways to encourage more involvement by members in the debate during the Sub-Committee sessions.


39. The Sub-Committee received with great appreciation the invitation to consider holding the Eighth Session of the Sub-Committee in conjunction with the seafood fair to be held in the year 2002 (14 to 17 February) expressed by the Senator for Economic Affairs and Ports of the Federal State of Bremen, Mr J. Hattig during the Opening Ceremony of FISH INTERNATIONAL 2000.


40. The report was adopted on 25 March 2000.

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