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Cyprus 13 – 15 April, 1994


Wednesday 13th April
9:30Opening session
Welcome speeches
Designation of officials
Adoption of the agenda
10:00Coffee break
10:30Concrete proposals on activities on diversification (species, culture systems, products) to be developed for 1995 and onwards, from participants. Reference could be made to developments in their respective countries and possibly in Europe in general
14:30-Proposals on diversification from participants continue
14:30Concrete proposals on diversification in the form of prioritized activities, for inclusion in the TECAM network programme, for 1995 and onwards
Friday 15th April, 1994
 Field trip to SAGRO Aquaculture Ltd. (hatchery) and SAGRO Deep sea Ltd. (open sea cage culture unit with three types of cages)
 Adjournment of the meeting


-Mr. G.Georgiou(Cyprus)
-Mrs. D. Stephanou(Cyprus)
-Mr. Hatem Ben Ouada(Tunisia)
-Mr. Jura Jug-Dujakovic(Croatia)
Facs:385-58-45 593 
- Mr. C.Agius(Malta)
-Mr. Charles de la PomélieIFREMER-Palavas-France)
Phone:33-67-68 08 33 
Facs:33-67-68 28 85 
-Mrs. Maria Teresa Dinis(Portugal)
-Mr. A. Abouhala(Morrocco)
-Mr. Moheidine Belkhir(MEDRAP-Tunisia)
Phone:216-1-790 119 
Facs:216-1-793 962 


Aquaculture Technologies Ltd

Tim Atack, Director

Alkioni Fish Farm Ltd

Nicos Lophitis, Director

A. P. Z. Aquarium Ltd

Zenon Stokkos, Director

Dapa Fisheries Ltd

Daniel Kourides, Director

Kimagro Fish Farming Ltd

Antonis Kimonides, Director
Savvas Agrotis, Director

Kingfisher Ltd

Christakis Theori, Director

Blue Island Fish Farming Ltd

Panikos Menelaou, Director

Sagro Aquaculture Ltd

Savvas Agrotis, Director
Chistakis Marangos, Hatchery Manager

Aquaculture Technologies Ltd

Tim Atack, Director

Sagro Deep Sea Fish Ltd

Savvas Agrotis, Director

Telia Aqua Marine Ltd

Socrates Hassikos, Director


Working Group Meeting on Diversification of Aquaculture Production

Final Report

The working group meeting of experts on Diversification of Aquaculture Production as follow up to the recommendations of MEDRAP II Steering Committee meeting (Byblos, Lebanon, 3–5 November, 1993) took place in the premise of the Agricultural Training Centre in Agros, Cyprus, from 13 to 15 April 1994.

Experts and Representatives from Cypriot fish farming industry participated actively in the meeting general discussion and debate in addition to the Network Members.

The meeting was opened by Mrs. D. Stephanou, Cyprus Sub-regional Coordinator who welcomed, on behalf of the National Coordinator, Mr. A. Demetropoulos, all participants and the UNDP representative in Cyprus who took part to the opening session activities. The representative of MEDRAP to this working group meeting who was Mr. M. Belkhir addresses on behalf of Mr. H. Akrout, the Project Coordinator, the meeting, presented an overview on the background of MEDRAP activities and highlighted the future MEDRAP organisation and strategy.

The officials of the meeting were elected as follows:

-   Chairman:Mr. G. Georgiou(Cyprus)
-   Rapporteurs:Mr. C. Agius (Malta)
Mr. M. Belkhir(MEDRAP-Tunisia)

Mr. G. Georgiou, the responsable of the focal point on Diversification of Aquaculture Production, introduced the agenda and presented the working document accordingly.

Mr. M. Belkhir, thereafter took the floor and reminded that the TECAM network is a long term aim and that experts are invited to contribute actively in the elaboration of realistic proposals which should focus on advanced training courses specific workshop and particularly on joint and collaborative research (diagnosis/analytical) works that will favour an efficient functioning of the network.

The importance of such concrete proposals of activities were emphasized as they will be presented for consideration and adoption in the MEDRAP-CIHEAM working group meeting for the elaboration of TECAM network 1995 and onwards programme of activities, to be held in Saragossa, Spain, on June 1994.

In the general discussion that followed all experts' proposals presentations, it was highlighted that marketing is still being the major problem checking the aquaculture production and that technics in marketing and diversification in term of biology and technology should be enhanced and developped.

It was stressed to update and disseminate available information on alternative and preferred options for the reproduction and rearing species of high value and for the processing of products; this might be by increasing the understanding of the markets and by exchanging materials and experts through the operation of joint research programmes and also, by publishing a specific newsletter in cooperation with and through SIPAM network.

The proposals of prioritized activities for TECAM network programme during 1995 and onwards were elaborated and reported herewith in the report of the working group meeting of experts on Diversification of Aquaculture Production.

In the closing session, the MEDRAP representative to this meeting on behalf of the Project Coordination and all the participants, thanked the authorities of Cyprus for hosting the working group meeting and sharing its organisation fees. He expressed his gratitude for Mrs.D.Stephanou, Mr. G. Georgiou and all the experts for their active and positive contribution.

The meting adjourned at 20:00 pm, April 14, 1994.

The day after, on Friday 15 April, 1994, a field trip was organised to SAGRO aquaculture Ltd (hatchery) and to SAGRO Deep sea Ltd (farm ocean and off shore cages). Lunch was offered to all participants by the owner of SAGRO fish farming.

Proposals on Diversification of Aquaculture Production Activities for TECAM 1995 and onwards programme

General introduction

The production of sea bass and sea bream in the Mediterranean has increased steeply in the last few years. It is therefore important to give serious consideration to diversification of aquaculture production in order to ensure sustainability of this emerging industry.

Within the TECAM network it is the objective of the diversification focal point to address this need on a regional basis.

MEDRAP II have already collected some information on capabilities, needs and status of research on diversification in each member country. It should be the aim of this focal point to keep it always updated. In addition the establishment of a data base in this sector is very essential and urgent to underpin all other activities hereunder recommended in order of priority.

It is recognised that financial constraints restrict the level of activities that is possible and this was born in mind in drawing up the list of priorities.

The expert group took into consideration the conclusions reached by the meeting on diversification held in July, 1991, in Malta. The experts discussed the current situation and needs with special emphasis on the main problems currently facing the industry. During these discussions which were held on the first day, representatives from the Cypriot fish farming industry (refer to list of participants) also participated.

Other than for sea bass and sea bream the commercialisation of other inputs. The degree of progress is highly variable among different species but by large three levels can be identified.

Level 1 where the technology is quite advanced eg Puntazzo puntazzo and Pagrus major.

Level 2 where the technology is less well developed egSolea sp.

Level 3 where virtually no research has been reported eg Umbrina cirrosa and Pagellus sp.

The level of development and interest in the eventual application of the technology differs considerably between the various countries. However in general terms the species identified in the Malta workshop continue to carry high priority whilst some new species seem to also have come to the fore in the interim period. These principally include:

Seriola dumeriliiamberjacks
Epinephelus sp.groupers
Thunnus sp.tunas

The reports by the individual experts are appended.

The Cyprus Working Group of experts agreed to recommend the following activities in order of priority at the forthcoming Saragossa meeting:

  1. - Suggested Activities

    1. Workshop : species Diversification in Aquaculture (1995)

      Objective : to review the status of knowledge on the culture of new species.

      Participants profile: experts and researchers.

      Maximum number of participants: 15.

      Duration : 3 days.

      Frequency : yearly.

      Venue : any TECAM member active in this field.

      Expected output : to enable institutions to keep abreast of developments in the culture of new species and to plan future strategies.

    2. Advanced training course (1995) Injob training in the management and operation of offshore cages.

      Objective : to strengthen national expertise in the operation and management of offshore installations by training trainers.

      Participants profile : trainers in countries practising this form of aquaculture.

      Maximum number of participants: 6

      Duration: 1 week.

      Venue: any TECAM member with the capability and willingness to organise such a course.

      Expected output: upgrading of the human resource sector in offshore fish farm management.

    3. Advanced training course (1996). Techniques of production of new species.

      Objective : to strengthen national expertise in the technology of culture of new species as this becomes available through the collaborative research programmes and elsewhere by training trainers.

      Participants profile : hatchery technical managers.

      Maximum number of participants: 10.

      Duration: 2 weeks.

      Frequency : biannually eg 1st course : Puntazzo puntazzo
      2st coourse : Dentex/Pagrus.

      Venue: any TECAM member with the capability and willingness to organise such a course.

      Expected output : to strengthen the human resource capability in the application of new species culture technology.

    4. Workshop: Management of aquaculture systems (a) offshore cages (b) land-based systems such as onshore installations and marshlands (1996)

      Objective : to review the status of aquaculture system development and management which should help to identity ways of cutting production costs.

      Participants profile : experts and researchers.

      Maximum number of participants: 15

      Duration: 4 days.

      Venue: any institution active in this field.

      Expected output: to enable institutions to keep abreast of new developments of culture systems and to plan future research strategies.

  2. - Collaborative Research Programmes (1995–1997)

    1. Development of new species technology.

      Objective : to develop new species technology with maximal use of existing resources. It is recommeded to establish joint research and development programmes between institutions with an interest in a particular species. Each research programme should focus on a particular species and report to the focal point, Cyprus. This should also aim to exchange biological material.

      Institution profile : institutions actively engaged in the development of new species technology. This would be identified by the focal point.

      Duration : 3 years.

      Frequency : yearly.

      Costs : to be shared between the participating institution with respect to running costs at national level and 30.000 USD to be cover by the TECAM network to facilitate staff exchange and periodic assessment meeting.

      Expected output : development of culture technology for an increasing number of species and rapid dissemination of such information.

  3. - Other Related Activities (1995–1997)

    Compilation of existing data on the biology and culture of marine species with aquaculture potential (1995–1997).

    Objective : to collate the sparsely distributed information on this discipline it was agreed that a compilation of the existing data on the subject is needed.

    One way to progress that was identified would be to ask each species research group as suggested in proposal 3 to write the relevant section on the appropriate species and then for the focal point to put them together for distribution.

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