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Working document
By Mr. G. Georgiou (Cyprus)

13 – 15 April, 1994


At present the main marine fish species cultured commercially on an intensive scale in the Mediterranean countries are seabass and seabream. The experimental culture of these two species commenced in the late 1970s and the production progressed rather slowly until 1989. Since then, however, mainly due to the solution of various limiting technical problems, the production of seabass and seabream increased very fast. In 1993 the fry production of both species in all the Mediterranean countries is estimated to be 100.000.000 and the table size production 18.000 tons as against 25.000.000 fry and 2.500 tons of table size fish in 1989. It is also estimated that the Mediterranean production of seabass and seabream will be around 40.000.000 tons in 1996. (Stephanis & Divanach. Fishing News, December, 1993). The 1995 estimated consumption in the European Union countries is estimated to be about 28.512.000 tons (study: “Il mercato degli anni novanta dei prodotti dell'aquacultura del Nord Adriatico”)

In view of the above facts and figures diversifiction is one of a very limited list of measures that can be taken to help the Mediterranean aquaculture to avoid future marketing problems, and produce a variety of fish species which are highly esteemed and are locally appreciated. The Salmon industry experience, regarding the market/production relation, should not be repeated in the case of seabass-seabream.

Offshore technology is employed increasingly, in technology diversification, for environmental reasons but also for minimizing the production costs and for utilizing new culture spaces. The need for diversification was foreseen in the MEDRAP framework and was the subject of various activities, Malta workshop on Diversification (July 1991), Cyprus Aquaculture Research subnetworking Seminar (Oct. 1991). Constitution meeting of the Diversification Network, Cadiz-spain (April 1992), TECAM-SELMA constitution Seminar, Tunis (May 1993).


The objective of this working group meeting of experts is a) to study and revue the most recent developments on the diversification of production in the Mediterranean.b) to suggest needed action in the form of a prioritized activities programme, for inclusion in the TECAM Network program for 1995 onwards.


The priorities in diversification, as identified in the above mentioned activities of the MEDRAP II project, are in two main sectors: The diversification of cultured species and the diversification of technology and culture systems.

3.1. Cultured species

The species identified in the Malta workshop were:

Fish:Puntazzo puntazzo, Dentex, Pagrus pagrus, solea senegalensis, Seliola sp., Epinephelus sp., Coryphaena hippurus.
Crustacea: Penaeus japonicus
Molluscs: Tapes sp.

The main species selection criteria were the following:

  1. They are species endemic to the Mediterranean sea.

  2. They should have a high market, technical, biological and production potential.

  3. The culture potentials are suitable to the conditions prevailing in the countries involved.

3.2. Technology and culture systems.

The adoption of culture systems and technology should be the privilege of each country concerned, always bearing in mind the local conditions and resources. The culture system for which most interest was expressed, is the open sea cage culture, which among other advantage that it presents, is that is a more ecologically friendly system of production, in the sense that under rational conditions it has a very limited environmental impact.


Having selected the priorities in the field of diversification, it is necessary to select and point out the activities within these priorities, since there is an extensive list of them, the implementation of which will require a considerable amount of resources. On the basis of the above, the following suggestions are put forward for consideration during the working group meeting.

4.1 Joined Mediterranean research project on diversification.

Each country, within the framework of collaborative research, will undertake specific research project/s on a topic of its own interest, within the field of diversification. All the projects will be proposed officially within a certain period, which will be specified during the meeting, so as to have a joined project going before the end of 1994, if possible. A preliminary list of the specific topics will be presented by each participant, in order to have available for presentation to the Zaragoza working group the preliminary joined research project proposal. The Cyprus workshop will do the necessary preparatory work in order to make the jointed project functional. More specifically the structure, the role of each country/research parther, the terms of reference, financial aspects, procedures e.t.c should be cleared out.

An agreement among countries, within the same structure and arrangement, could be reached for the exchange of certain biological material. These could be specified during the workshop and could include material like, phytoplankton and zooplankton species, ova, etc.

4.2. Annual workshop on diversification.

The object of the workshop is to revue the developments regarding the joined Mediterranean project and enhance cooperation among researchers. Project reports, which should be communicated in advance through SIPAM network to the other project partners, should be presented at the workshop.

4.3 Diversification data base

A Data base should be established within the SIPAM network. This global information will cover species as well as culture system diversification, with special emphasis on equipment and suppliers. A review of publications of interest to the Med. joined research project, should be made and communicated regularly to the project partners.

4.4 Advanced training courses.

A series of highly specialized training courses, seminars and/or study tours should be planned, during the working group meeting on aspects of diversification of both species and culture system, for strengthening national expertise.

Report of the Meeting on the Constitution of Focal Point on Diversification of Aquaculture Production
(Cadiz-Spain, 13 April 1992)

The meeting was organized at Cadiz, Spain, on the 13th April, 1992, following the Workshop on Marine Hatchery Management which took place in the same premises, 9–11 April 1992. Both activities were organized by MEDRAP in cooperation with CUPIMAR.

The participants came from 13 member countries, Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon, Lybia, Malta, Morocco: Portugal, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey and Yugoslavia (Croatia). The list of participants is given in ANNEX I.

In the introductory statement according to the agenda, ANNEX 2, Mr. G. Georgiou, Network Coordinator, spoke on the need for diversification, the scope and objectives of the Network and emphasized that the recommendations of the Malta workshop on diversification, ANNEX 3, 1–6 July, 1991, will form the working basis of the Network, since these reflect the interest of the countries in the Mediterranean region. The priorities of the Nicosia seminar, ANNEX 4, on Research in Aquaculture, 22–25 October, 1991 will be followed. During this seminar the recommendation for the establishment of the Diversification Network was made along with 5 other Networks, which were later approved by the NSC in Cairo, 16–17/12/91.

The diversification of aquaculture production in the Mediterranean region regards: a) species diversification b) technology and culture systems diversification c) marketing diversification, and aims at the full exploitation of physical and human resources of the countries of the region. The species selection should be the privilege of each country concerned, always bearing in mind the local conditions and the physicochemical parameters prevailing. The aquaculture potential of the species selected should be determined both by their culture and market potential.

Regarding the functional mechanism, Cyprus will be the Network Coordination Center. Focal points from each MEDRAP II member countries are the relevant research bodies/institutes and should be contacted through the National Coordinators. Cooperation will be directly between focal points, with information to the coordination center. This cooperation can be managed through various activities such as:

  1. exchange of information

  2. exchange of biological material

  3. working group meetings

  4. establishment of data base of the Network

Financial aspects will be managed by the member countries themselves, according to their research plans, priorities, and resources.

The general field of research activities as regards species diversification for each country are:

-   D. labrax and S. auratus: All member countries

-   Puntazzo puntazzo: Cyprus, Yugoslavia (Croatia), Morocco.

-   Dentex dentex: Yugoslavia (Croatia), Cyprus, Turkey

-   Seriola dumerili: Malta

-   Siganidae: Cyprus

-   Solea senegalensis: Portugal, Tunisia, CUPIMAR

-   Solea solea: Morocco, Egypt, CUPIMAR, Bulgaria

-   Scofthalmus maximus: Portugal, Turkey, Bulgaria

-   Mugilidae: Egypt, Bulgaria, Albania, Syria

-   Tilapia spp. : Egypt, Malta, Syria

-   Coryphaena hippurus: Malta

-   Pagrus major: Yugoslavia (Croatia), Cyprus, Turkey

-   Pagrus pagrus: Cyprus, CUPIMAR

-   Acipencer sp. : Turkey

-   Penaeus japonicus: Portugal, Tunisia, Morocco, Bulgaria, Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Cyprus.

-   Penaeus Kerathurus: Libya

-   Artemia salina: Libya, Portugal

-   Tapes spp. : Tunisia, Portugal. Morocco, CUPIMAR

-   Mytilus edulis: Tunisia, Bulgaria, Turkey

-   Ostrea edulis: Morocco

-   Crassortrea gigas: Morocco, Cyprus, Tunisia

-   Abalone: Morocco

Offshore cage culture was the main interest regarding diversification of technology and culture systems.

The services of a consultant may be employed for research in the field of marketing diversification.

The next meeting on diversification during which research papers will be presented from each focal point and further and more specific planning will be made regarding the Network activities, was decided by all the participants to be organized in about one year. Yugoslavia (Croatia), Turkey, Egypt, Syria and Morocco were proposed as possible host countries, The final venue will be decided later.

Research activities carried out by the private sector can be associated with the Diversification Network activities through the National Coordinator of each country. It was stressed by all participants, including some from the private sector who were present, that a close cooperation should exist between the administration/research centers and the private sector of each country to enhance the development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean region.

Experts' Proposals of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production

Diversification of Aquaculture Production
By Mr. C.Agius (Malta)


Aquaculture in Malta started in 1989 with the setting up of the National Aquaculture Centre by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Authorities also amended the Industrial Development Act to enable aquaculture to benefit from the incentives available to export - oriented manufacturing industry. In addition Policy guidelines were adopted by the Ministry of Environment which provides for the environmental framework within which aquaculture can be developed.

The National Aquaculture Centre

Research priorities of the Centre are diversification, pathology, nutrition and environmental studies. Close collaboration with the University of Malta is maintained in this aspect. In addition the Malta Council for Science and Technology provides support for the project.

The Centre participants very actively in international activities of MEDRAP, with the private sector and in international research programmes.

The Industry

In the absence of sheltered bays and inlets and with a shortage of on-shore sites the industry is mainly directed at large-scale offshore fish farms employing mainly rubber cages. (Dunlop, etc) and also Farmocean cages.

At present there are 5 farms with a target production of 500 tonnes each. The production of the bass and sea bream has progressed as follows:


There is in addition a small hatchery producing 300,000 fingerlings annually and a commercial hatchery with an annual target production of 3 to 5 million fingerings is underway.

Main problems

With the present reduction of market prices there is an effort to diversity markets and products. A commercial fish smoking plant has recently been established.

A major problem is a 15% levy that products exported to the EU are subject to. This severely affects competitiveness.

Activities in diversification

A limited amount of research has been carried out on species other than seabass and seabream. This concerns mainly on-growing of wild - caught coryphenes (Coryphaena hippurus) and amberjacks (Seriola dumerulii). Coryphenes suffer from low winter temperatures and in January to April they will have to be maintained in heated water. Amberjacks grow extremely fast attaining 350g in 5 months 1.5 kilos in 12 months and 3 to 4 kilos in 24 months. No progress has so far been reported with their spawning.

TUNISIA Proposal of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production for the 1995 and onwards TECAM Programme
By Mr. H. Ben Ouada (Tunisia)

In Tunisia, the fish aquaculture production was about 800 tons, in 1993 and provided by three private commercial companies. Species cultivate are sea bass and sea bream. The shellfish (Tapes décussatus) is also culvated, with less success, by three other private companies. But the land collect activity yield the greater part of production (about 1500 tons).

The research activity interested fresh water spieces like Tilapia, Carpus, Mullets and marine fishes like solea and dentex. But all these researches were fragmentary and sea bass and sea bream still the only species where research detailed whole of the cycle, since brood stock to commercial size.

Production and research activities took both, a lot of time to concretize reliable results of sea bass and sea bream species, because it was conducted in lagoon area which has a particular conditions (high salinity, high concentration of mineral and organic materials and specific bacteries), so performing aquaculture here needs an appropriate technology.

Actually it is important to give serious considerations to diversification of aquaculture production in these particular conditions.

We define some criterions to choose species for future study :

-   High initial price.

-   High fecondity : we classify species in two classes: species with high fry productity and species witch have low fecondity and developed adaptative comportment (like territorial comportment). We shoose the first kind of species wish could have most success.

Some rearing experiences conducted on Puntazzo, puntazzo, Dentex dentex, Epiniphelus gigas and sea bream Sparus aurata shows that puntazzo puntazzo followed by Dentex dentex has similar or better growth than sea bream.

Taking into considération all this, we give the priority research (specially hatchery researches) to the two last species : Puntazzo puntazzo at first priority and dentex dentex at the second pririty.

Proposals of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production
By Mr.A.Abouhala (Morrocco)

L'aquaculture en Méditerranée a connu ces dernières années un développement remarquable au niveau de l'élevage du loup et de la dorade. L'accumulation du savoir faire tant au niveau des écloseries qu'au niveau des grossissements, les progrès technologiques réalisés dans le domaines des équipements et les facilités financières allouées dans certaines régions ont poussé la production de ces deux espèces à des niveaux inattendus.

En effet, la production méditerranéenne de poisson d'élevage, constituée principalement de loup et de dorade, est passé de 3 500 tonnes en 1989 à plus de 18 000 tonnes en 1993. Les prévisions de production pour ces deux espèces sont estimées à plus de 40 000 tonnes à l'horizon 1996 avec un marché européen, principale consommateur, ne dépassant pas les 30 000 tonnes.

Devant cette situation de plus en plus critique, un certain nombre de stratégies doivent être développées afin d'éviter la même crise qu'a connue la salmoniculture en Europe. La diversification a constitué toujours un point d'intérêt commun et pour les chercheurs et pour les professionnels. Rappelons ici que cette diversification concerne les espèces:

Cependant un certains nombre de considérations devront être prises en compte avant tout lancement de projet:

Proposals of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production
By Mrs. D. Stephanou & Mr. G. Georgiou (Cyprus)

1. General Introduction

The aquaculture production of seabass and seabream in the Mediterranean, has increased considerably during the last five years. This increase of production. With the gradual solution of certain technological and technical problems, is expected to continue in a even faster rate during the next year. The 1996 production is expected to be 40000 tons as against 18000 tons in 1993. The possibility for the repetition of the case of the European salmon industry is becoming tangible, with the quick drop in prices of both seabass and seabream.

In Cyprus the Department of Fisheries. as well as the private sector. has foreseen this danger very early and experimental programmes and measures towards both species and technology diversification were initiated some years ago.

2. The present state of species diversification.

Research work on diversification of aquaculture, at the Fisheries Department's Experimental Marine Aquaculture Station of Meneou, commenced in 1989 with the experimental culture of puntazzo puntazzo. Previous work on the culture of Diplodus sagrus gave limited results, mainly due to the slow growth rate of this species, during the prefattening-fattening stage. The culture potentials of P. Puntazzo were proved very promising. (hatchery, nursery, fattening, broadstock keeping, marketing) Problems on spontaneous spawning, over-inflation of the swimblader during the larval rearing stage (day 20–30), handling and management techniques, are the main technical difficulties still encountered in the mass culture production of this species.

In 1994 the Cyprus fry production of P. puntazzo is expected to be about 500,000. Pagrus major has also been cultured experimentally for some years. The problems on the culture of this species (hatchery, nursery, fattening) are not difficult to overcome since they have been studied extensively by the Japanese and it is only a matter of applying them under local conditions. About 100,000 fry of P. major was produced in 1993 in Cyprus. The marketing potentials of P. major still have not been proved. Dentex dentex is also presently under experimental culture at the Meneou station. The main effort now is the mass production of D. dentex fry. The prefattening - fattening of this species is also under study. About 15000 fry of D. dentex was produced in Cyprus in 1993. Pagrus pagrus, a highly esteemed species in the Cyprus market, is also under experimental culture at Meneou station. Fry were collected from the wild and their fattening is being studied for a year and a half. Presently their weight ranges from 350–550g. It is hoped that they shall spawn this year. A study on their natural spawning period is presently under way. In addition, siganus rivulatus and S. luridus, Pagellus bogaraveo and Pagellus erythrinus are reared experimentally at the Meneou Station. The culture of Crassostrea gigas was tried , mainly in the station's outflow channel, but with very limited success. Their growth and survival was poor. Hybrid striped bass is cultured commercially by a private company.

3. Proposals on the species diversification.

The following activities on species diversification, in order of priority, are proposed for the 1995 onward programme of TECAM network.

3.1 Annual workshop on species diversification in the Mediterranean. During the workshop the progress in each country on each species will be studied and revued. It shall be a high level. 3-day workshop. With participants from all Mediterranean countries.

3.2 Training on hatchery techniques on the culture of new fish species. To be undertaken in a station which works extensively on the subject, by participants from all MEDRAP countries. Duration: one week.

3.3 Listing of diversification experimental programmes presently under way in all the Mediterranean area. This will facilitate research work in the Mediterranean, it will enhance cooperation among institutions. A report should be compiled and be circulated. Perhaps this work could be managed after the first annual workshop on diversification, hopefully to take place in 1995.

3.4 Species diversification Data Base. Integrated with the SIPAM network.

4. The present state of the diversification of culture methods and technology.

The culture of marine fish in offshore units started in Cyprus about 3 years ago. This technology was utilized in order to overcome the bottleneck which was imposed to fish fattening because of the scarcity of suitable land and also because of environmental considerations.

Presently 5 units are working on offshore basis and 3 more are being set up. Their production last year reached about 200t and this quantity is expected to be doubled this year.

Almost all types of offshore cages, which exist in the market today, are being used in Cyprus: They range from Farmocean to PolarCirkel type, from floating platforms to submerged structures.

From the study of the application of offshore cage culture technology in the Mediterranean and the Cyprus experience in this field. Certain weak points were spotted which hinder. to a smaller or larger extent , the rational employment of this technology. The following are mentioned as some of the main drawbacks: lack of experience for the use of these new systems, gaps in knowledge of their performance under Mediterranean field conditions, limited knowledge on fish management methods, (stocking, sorting, cropping) etc. Also the legal administrative framework is limited or inadequate, in most cases, for the establishment of offshore cage culture units.

Presently offshore system are being employed on an increasing scale in the Mediterranean and this method has good potentials for being expanded also to countries which are not presently involved in the fattening of marine fish, or are undertaking it on landbased installations

5. Proposals on the diversification of technology and culture methods.

In view of the increasing importance that this topic presents to Mediterranean aquaculture, the following activities are proposed to be included in the programme of TECAM (in order of priority):

5.1 Workshop on offshore culture systems for marine species in the Mediterranean

The workshop will be intended both for a) the private sector and b) for administrators-managers who have experience with their use in their companies/countries. During the workshop the management, technologies and legal aspects of the application of offshore cage culture technology will be examined and experiences will be shared. Measures for further actions will examined and decided.

5.2 Injob training in fish management methods and equipment employed in offshore cages. The training has to take place in private companies in cages which are used in the Mediterranean. Special scholarships are required, totalling 1.5 man/month. This could be arranged on exchange basis as well.

5.3 Collection of the legislative provisions governing the establishment and operation of offshore fish units in the Mediterranean countries.

5.4 Compilation of a directory a) of the suppliers of equipment and supplies which are specifically used in offshore aquaculture systems and b) of companies which employ this technology in the Mediterranean.

5.5 Study tour in a country of the Mediterranean which is considered strong in this field.


In Cyprus there is shortage of fresh marine fish. Local Local production from fishing activities meets only about 40% of the total fish consumption. In 1992 total domestic fisheries (including aqualculture) yielded about 2830t valued at about cō8.4 million. In addition 5452t of fish and fish products valued at about cō5.4 million had to be imported to cover the increasing demand.

The Cyprus government promotes aquaculture and in particular marine aquaculture acknowledging its potential in increasing local supply of fish. The island is considered an advanced country as regards aquaculture.

Presently there are in operation 3 private commercial marine fish hatcheries and 5 private commercial offshore cage farms, mainly for the fattening of gilthead seabream Sparus aurata and seabass Dicentrarchus labrax. New species cultivated to a lesser extent are the Japanese red seabream Pagrus major and hybrid striped bass. One shrimp farm started operation recently. As regards freshwater aquaculture there are 5 private commercial trout farms on landbased installations. Also trout is seasonally fattened in cages in 5 reservoirs by private units working on commercial basis. A private commercial farm for ornamental fish (mainly Koi-carp) also works on landbased installations.

The fattening of sea fish is undertaken in cages which are anchored at least 1km offshore and in water depth of at least 20m. The cage farms employ the most successful designs of offshore aquaculture structures which have been tested for years under similar conditions (exposed areas) in other parts of the world, like Japan, Scandinavia, Ireland etc. A wide variety of offshore cages are now in use in Cyprus i.e. Bridgestone, Farm Ocean, Dunlop, Polarcirkel etc.

Each farm employs personnel of high academic and technical level and applies modern methods of production and management. In general about 200 persons are presently employed on fulltime and part-time basis in aquaculture.

The Department of Fisheries operates 2 aquaculture research stations which undertake mainly research and development work in marine and freshwater aquaculture. Also it issues licenses for the establishment and operation of fish farms under certain terms and conditions and undertakes the monitoring of their operation.

During 1993 the hatcheries produced about 5.5 million of marine fish fry out of which about 4 million were exported and the rest were kept for fattening. The total production of marine table size fish from aquaculture reached about 200t and 50% of that quantity was exported. Production of trout was about 90t out of which 40t were produced in the cages in the reservoirs. During the same year the total value of aquaculture products (including freshwater trout) was around Cō2 million (Cō1=U.S. $2). Doubling of the production of marine table size fish is anticipated in 1994 and dramatic increase in marine aquaculture products is expected in the years to come due to the increase of production of the existing cage fish farms and the operation of new ones.

In Cyprus 21 reservoirs covering an area of 1300 ha and having a water capacity of 270 million tons are stocked with 17 species of fish and used for angling. All these species were imported and acclimatized under local conditions since no indigenous freshwater fish existed on the island. The Department of Fisheries issues the angling licences (2126 in 1993) and manages the fish stocks.

By Mr. J. J. Dujakovic (Croatia)

1. Diversification of cultured species

Principal species produced in Mediterranean are sea bass and gilthead sea bream. The prices of these fishes become very sensitive showing a diminishing trend. The market has become saturated, so alternative high-valued fishes are being sought. The ways to produce those fishes would be:

The new mediterranean species proposed for intensive production on Malta workshop were: Puntazzo puntazzo, Dentex dentex, Seriola dumerilli and Siganidae species.

The case of Puntazzo was very interesting and significant in last two years. The production cost is just a little bit smaller in relation to gilthead sea bream, so the market price was similar, what was to high to attract the customers. But after the saturation of sea bass and sea bream market and dropping the prices interest for this fish as well as for their fingerlings increased.

Lot of investigations, most of it unpublished, were taken on intensive production of Dent ex (in Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Croatia). Italian and Croatian experience showed that commercial fingerling production and weaning are still unprofitable. There is a question about the purpose for further pilot production.

With Seriola and Lampuga any serious results are not available. But with some new species promising results were obtained. Shi drum (Umbrina cirrhosa) become a object of intensive investigation, especially in Italy. It shims that good candidate for commercial aquaculture has been found. Technology for fingerling production is available, food conversion ratio in weaning period shim to be profitable. Research and development work should be continued.

Solea solea is commercially very attractive fish. Technology of fingerlings production is available but weaning is possible only in ponds and tanks. Problem of obtaining broodstock was main limiting factor for the research on Pagrus pagrus and his potential interest in aquaculture. This is a commercially attractive species with good growth potential.

Stabile price and constant demand on market increased interest for ell production.

In north European countries investigation on Pagellus bogaraveo (in England red sea bream ?) were intensify in last tree years. This species live on the slope of the shelf in Mediterranean and Atlantic. It matures at 4–5 years. The investigation on sexual maturation in captivity and larval rearing should be continued. Results of growing and survival in floating cages were obtained in Croatia. Fish reach consume size of 400 gr. in third year of rearing. Investigations and small-scale production in cages will be continued.

Japanese red sea bream, "Pagrus mayor was introduced in several mediterranean countries. Fingerlings production and cage culture exist more than 5 years. At the beginning this species was not accepted on the mediterranean markets but some effort have been made in order to avoid future marketing problems.

Research on intergeneric crosses within the Sparidae, and their potential interest in aquaculture have been taken for 4 years in Croatia. Only early developmental stages (up to 60 days after hatching) were investigated. Some crosses suggest that it may be suitable candidate for aquaculture.

2. Technology and culture systems

Open sea aquaculture was developed in few mediterranean countries mainly for minimizing the production cost, for obtaining product of better quality and for environmental reasons. The advantages of this type of cultivation were recognized in most mediterranean countries and its development should be expected.

Some farms have been considering the possibility of rearing sea bass and sea bream in semiclosed system with controlled temperature in the first year of growing, and than finalizing the production in outdoor systems (cages or ponds) in warm period (from spring next year to autumn). So it may be possible to reach the market size of 400–500 gr. in the second year of growing.

Some companies have driven the developmental efforts leading to the evolution of the intensive recirculating system. Several technological innovations, such as ozonization, clarification, foam fractionations could developed a new generation of recirculation systems with controlled water quality and temperature during whole production cycle. The equilibrium between high investment and shorter growing period must be found.

Proposals of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production
By Mr. C. de la Pomélie (Fracne)


L'aquaculture française, qu'elle soit marine ou continentale, est très diversifiée par le nombre d'espèces, élevées, par ses structures d'élevage et par la taille de ses entreprises. Cependant, son développement est actuellement bride par le manque de sites aquacoles, les contraintes de l'environnement et l'encombrement des marchés par les espèces traditionnellement élevées, auxquelles on peut dès aujourd'hui adjoindre le loup et la daurade.

Reculer les limites de la surproduction, conquérir de nouveaux sites, sont de nos jours les enjeux de l'aquaculture. Les réponses sont multiples, mais celles apportées par la recherche sont déterminantes. Ces recherches visent à la diversification des tailles et de la qualité des espèces déjà commercialisées, à la diversification des espèces pour répondre à l'attente des consommateurs et à la diversification des structures d'élevage pour créer de nouvelles entreprises.


Sauf pour les mollusques, les données fournies ci-après sont celles de 1993.

• Undaria pinnafitida70 TProduction pilote; marché?
• Penaeus japonicus
(crevette japonaise)
33 TSites peu nombreux; faible rentabilité
• Astucus Sp.
10 TMaîtrise technique difficile
MOLLUSQUES (données 1992) Total 197000 T 
• Crassostrea gigas
(huître creuse)
132600 T
• Mytilus edulis
Mytilus galloprovincialis
59200 T
• Ostrea edulis
(huître plate)
1800 T
• Ruditapes philippinarum
Tapes decussatus
400 T
Autres espèces3000 T
• Salmo gairdneri, trutta
(truite arc en ciel, fario)
45000 T
• Carpes
Autres espèces
10000 T
• Dicentrarchus labrax
(loup ou bar)
1957 T
• Sparus aurata
(daurade royale)
385 T
• Scophthalmus maximus
440 T
• Salmo gairdneri, trutta
(truite arc en ciel, fario)
678 T
• Salmo solar
(saumon atlantique)
240 T
259813 T 


Les écloseries marines françaises ont produit:

12.000.000de naissains de Pecten maximus (coquille St Jacques)
7.000.000de post-larves de Penaeus japonicus (crevette japonaise)
13.650.000alevins de Dicentrarchus labrax (loup ou bar)
4.790.000alevins de Sparus aurata(daurade royale)
1.230.000alevins de Scophthalmus maximus (turbot).


Ces essais, encore expérimentaux, sont tentés par la voie de la cytogénétique.

2.1. Mollusques

L'huître creuse n'est pas de qualité constante tout au long de l'année, notamment lors de sa période de reproduction. Pendant cette période, le consommateur la juge de moindre qualité, ce qui entraîne une chute saisonnière des ventes, gênante pour la trésorerie des entreprises. Pour résoudre ce problème de diversification des périodes de vente, I'IFREMER a mis au point, au point, au stade pilote, un procédé de triploïdisation de l'huître.

2.2. Poissons

La triploïdisation de certains poissons (saumon, truite) est connue depuis longtemps (INRA). Ce procédé permit l'élevage de poissons de grandes tailles (truites de 2 à 5 kg) en termes économiques. L'IFREMER, en concertation avec d'autres organismes scientifiques et certains producteurs, tente un programme de cytogénétiques sur le loup.


La diversification des espèces de poissons d'eau douce est une réflexion déjà ancienne de la recherche (CEMAGREF). Les programmes de recherche ont abouti à la faisabilité technique de quelques espèces : silure, esturgeon, omble chevalier, sandre. Le développement de ces espèces reste pour l'instant faible, car elles sont peu connues du consommateur. Enfin, il est à signaler que le savoir-faire sur l'élevage de l'anguille en eau douce est le fait de quelques sociétés privées (GEAL par exemple).

La réflexion sur la diversification des poissons d'eau de mer est seulement naissante. Elle sera le fait vraisemblablement de certains producteurs qui mèneront eux-mêmes leur recherche avec l'appui de l'IFREMER. Seuls, des stocks de géniteurs d'ombrine méditerranéenne et de charax sont constitués.

Pour les coquillages, après les déceptions du développement de la palourde, seule subsiste une volonté de relance de l'élevage de l'huître plate sur la Méditerranée.


4.1. Conchyliculture

Beaucoup de sites conchylicoles français apparaissent comme surchargés. C'était le cas notamment de l'étang de Thau, lagune méditerranéenne où, de plus, cohabitaient les élevages de moules et d'huîtres creuses. La mise au point de longlines, adaptées aux conditions de la mer ouverte, a permis à beaucoup d'éleveurs de l'étang de Thau de pratiquer l'élevage de la moule en off-shore à partir de 1983. La production sur ce nouveau site est estimée en 1993 à plus de 12.000 tonnes.

4.2. Poissons Marins Mediterraneens (loup et daurade)

Au départ, les éleveurs de ces espèces se sont installés sur des lagunes (étang de Thau) ou à terre. Dès 1986, des fermes marines se sont installées en mer dans des sites plus ou moins protégés des fortes houles engendrées par les tempêtes. Ceci a abouti à une grande variété de structures de cage: jet-floats, cages immergeables,…

Cependant, du fait de la concurrence d'autres activités comme le tourisme et de considérations liées à l'environnement, il est devenu pour le pisciculteur marin quasi impossible de trouver de nouveaux sites.

Par ailleurs, l'augmentation de la productivité de la main-d'oeuvre est indispensable, compte tenu de son prix, pour que l'aquaculture française reste concurrentielle. Ces gains de productivité sont liés à l'automatisation des tâches, ce qui reste techniquement difficile sur les cages.

C'est pourquoi l'IFREMER, après avoir mené une réflexion approfondie sur la pisciculture off-shore, a entamé un project de recherche visant à terme à faire le grossissement des poissons marins en circuit fermé qui permettra de nouveau l'installation de fermes aquacoles à terre.

En définitive, la stratégie française de diversification vise au développement de l'aquaculture. Celui-ci a deux composantes: l'installation d'entreprises nouvelles et la pérennité des entreprises. Leur durabilité a pour corollaire la profitabilité à long terme. La diversification doit donc permettre d'atteindre des marchés volumineux, si ce n'est que pour justifier la recherche, dont les cours sont le plus stable possible tout au long de l'année, mais aussi dans l'avenir. Or, une des composantes de l'instabilité des cours est certainement l'évolution à moyen ou long terme de la parité des monnaies entre elles. L'érosion de la plupart des monnaies de l'Europe du Sud ou du Sud de la Méditerranée, vis-à-vis du franc, fait que les producteurs français doivent se tourner vers les marchés de l'Europe du Nord, ce qui a une influence très importante sur la stratégie de diversification de l'aquaculture.

Proposals of Activities on Diversification of Aquaculture Production
By Mrs. M. T. Dinis (Portugal)


1. Actual status of the aquaculture

Marine aquaculture in Portugal has been promoted since the country joined the European Community in 1986, although Salmonids (freshwater trout) represented 50% of the total produced in 1993. The production figures untill 1990 didn't the amount of the investment, due to the low technology applied to the first projects.

However, after 1989, the new projects were implemented applied modern methods of management and production and employed a more high academic personnel. The farms adopted semi-intensive systems earth ponds, and an industry of fish feeds has been developed in parallel. The main species produced are sea bream and seabass, of which a small part are sold in the country and the remain are exported mainly to Italy. As a result the production of these species has increased rapidly, and in 1993 a total of 4 million fry was produced and sold in the country for ongrowing purposes. Concerning marketable fish, among the most important species, sea bream represented an estimated of 400 tons.

But this increase was also common to all the Mediterranean countries, given as a result marketing problems. Portuguese producers claimed that the running costs had barely been covered by the selling price of the fish, which is controlled by the principal market, Italy.

Therefore, diversification may be a way to solve part of the problem, together with marketing studies fir the traditional species already produced.

2. Priorities in diversification

During a recent meeting with producers, the following priorities in diversification were suggested;

New species:
Fish: Solea senegalensis, Pagrus, Diplodus sp.
Molluscs: Pecten maximus

Traditional species:
Feeds and running coasts for the fattening farms
Reduction of the price of juveniles

Economic studies:
New markets
New add values to the traditional species

3. Research and diversification

Research on new species has been developed by research projects funded either by the EC or Portuguese funds, for endemic species of high market potential. The University of Algarve, IPIMAR (the former National Institute of Fisheries), Faculty of Sciences in Lisbon and the Instituto Biomédicas Abel Salazar, are involved in these kind of projects. Spawning of Solea senegalensis at the University of Algarve is already a reality.

13–15 April, 1994


At present the main marine fish species cultured commercially on an intensive scale in the Mediterranean countries are seabass and seabream. The experimental culture of these two species commented in the late 1970s and the production progressed rather slowly until 1989. Since then, however, mainly due to the solution of various limiting technical problems, the production of seabass and seabream increased very fast. In 1993 the fry production of both species in all the Mediterranean countries is estimated to be 100.000.000 and the table size production 18.000 tons as against 25.000.000 fry and 2.500 tons of table size fish in 1989. It is also estimated that the Mediterranean production of seabass and seabream will be around 40.000.000 tons in 1996. (Stephanis & Divanach. Fishing News, December, 1993). The 1995 estimated consumption in the European Union countries is estimated to be about 28.512.000 tons (study; “Il mercato degli anni novanta dei prodotti dell' aquaculture del Nord Adriatico”)

In view of the above facts and figures diversification is one of a very limited list of measures that can be taken to help the Mediterranean aquaculture to avoid future marketing problems, and produce a variety of fish species which are highly esteemed and are locally appreciated. The Salmon industry experience, regarding the market/production relation, should not be repeated in the case of seabass-seabream.

Offshore technology is employed increasingly,in technology diversification, for environmental reasons but also for minimising the production costs and for utilizing new culture spaces. The need for diversification was foreseen in the MEDRAP framework and was the subject of various activities, Malta workshop on Diversification (July 1991), Cyprus Aquaculture Research subnetworking Seminar (Oct 1991). Constitution meeting of the Diversification Network, Cadiz-Spain (April 1992), TECAM-SELMA constitution Seminar, Tunis (May 1993).


The objective of this working group meeting of experts is a) to study and revue the most recent developments on the diversification of production in the Mediterranean. b) to suggest needed action in the form of a prioritized activities programme, for inclusion in the TECAM Network program for 1995 onwards.


The priorities in diversification, as identified in the above mentioned activities of the MEDRAP II project, are in two main sectors: The diversification of cultured species and the diversification of technology and culture systems.

3.1 Cultured species

The species identified in the Malta workshop were:

Fish:Puntazzo puntazzo, Dentex, Pagrus pagrus, solea senegalensis,Seliola sp., Epinephelus sp., Coryphaena hippurus.
Crustacea:Penaeus japonicus
Molluscs:Tapes sp.

The main species selection criteria were the following:

  1. They are species endemic to the Mediterranean sea.

  2. They should have a high market, technical, biological, and production potential.

  3. The culture potentials are suitable to the conditions prevailing in the countries involved.

3. 2. Technology and culture systems.

The adoption of culture systems and technology should be the privilege of each country concerned, always bearing in mind the local conditions and resources. The culture system for which most interest was expressed, is the open sea cage culture, which among other advantages that it presents, is that it is a more ecologically friendly system of production, in the sense that under rational conditions it has a very limited environmental impact.


Having selected the priorities in the field of diversification, it is necessary to select and point out the activities within these priorities, since there is an extensive list of them, the implementation of which will require a considerable amount of resources. On the basis of the above, the following suggestions are put forward for consideration during the working group meeting.

4. 1. Joined Mediterranean research project on diversification.

Each country, within the framework of collaborative research, will undertake specific research project/s on a topic of its own interest, within the field of diversification. All the projects will be proposed officially within a certain period, which will be specified during the meeting, so as to have a joined project going before the end of 1994, if possible. A preliminary list of the specific topics will be presented by each participant, in order to have available for presentation to the Zaragoza working group the preliminary joined research project proposal. The Cyprus workshop will do the necessary preparatory work in order to make the jointed project functional. More specifically the structure, the role of each country/research parther, the terms of reference, financial aspects, procedures e.t.c should be cleared out.

An agreement among countries, within the same structure and arrangement, could be reached for the exchange of certain biological material. These could be specified during the workshop and could include material like, phytoplankton and zooplankton species, ova, etc.

4. 2 Annual workshop on Diversification.

The objective of the workshop is to revue the developments regarding the jointed Mediterranean project and enhance cooperation among researchers. Project reports, which should be communicated in advance through SIPAM network to the other project partners, should be presented at the workshop.

4. 3 Diversification data base

A Data base should be established within the SIPAM network. This global information will cover species as well as culture system diversification, with special emphasis on equipment and suppliers. A review of publications of interest to the Med. joined research project, should be made and commercial regularly to the project partners.

4. 4 Advanced training courses.

A series highly specialized training courses, seminars and/or study tours should be planned, during the working group meeting on aspects of diversification of both species and culture system, for strengthening national expertise.

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