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3. Election of the Chairman and Members of the Programme Committee
3. Election du président et des membres du Comité du programme
3. Elección del Presidente y los Miembros del Comité del Programa

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL: Comme vous le savez le Comité du programme se compose d'un président et dix autres membres (huit appartenant aux régions de l'Afrique, de l'Asie, du Proche-Orient et de l'Amérique latine; trois appartenant aux régions de l'Europe, de l'Amérique du Nord et du Pacifique du Sud-Ouest).

A l'article visé par la référence, j'ai réuni les candidatures suivantes:


CO. Keller Sarmiento

F. Brewster

A.G. Ngongi Namanga

J. Tchicaya
Y.A. Hamdi
R.C. Gupta
A. Abdel-Malek
M. Sidki Zehni
T. Ahmad
Sierra Leone
T.E.C. Palmer

CHAIRMAN: There seems to be some discrepancy between the English and the French version because Libya is not there in the English one. Apparently there is a mistake in the French version. The English version in document CL 85/LIM/1 has Argentina, Barbados, Cameroon, Congo, Egypt, India, Lebanon, Pakistan and Sierra Leone. I am sorry, Libya was added inadvertently, so these are the ones. It is only in the French text. In the French text kindly omit Libya. We have there the United States and France as the other two, Madame Ambassador Fenwick and Mr Mazoyer of France, they are the other two.

A.G. NGONGI NAMANGA (Observer for Cameroon): I have only two small announcements to make. After thorough consultations, as is traditional in the African spirit, I have been authorised by Mr T.E.C. Palmer of Sierra Leone to withdraw his candidature for election to the Programme Committee. That means there are two African candidates for two seats on the Programme Committee. I have also been authorised by Mr Tchicaya to announce his withdrawal of his candidature for the Finance Committee. That means there will be two African candidates for two seats on the Finance Committee.

CHAIRMAN: Thank you very much. We appreciate the gesture of Sierra Leone, Mr Palmer. Now, according to the procedure we first elect the Chairman. There is a single nomination, Mr Trkulja of Yugoslavia and I take it that it is the unanimous pleasure of the Council to request Professor Trkulja to continue in the very distinguished and effective work he has been doing. Thank you very much,and we elect Milan Trkulja. I want to add my personal pleasure at the re-election of Professor Trkulja because I have seen his very hard and dedicated work as Chairman of the Programme Committee.

Now, we have the following eight to represent Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Near East: Mr Keller Sarmiento from Argentina, Mr Brewster from Barbados, Mr Ngongi Namanga from Cameroon, Mr Tchicaya from Congo, Dr Hamdi from Egypt, Mr Gupta from India, Mr Abdel-Malek from Lebanon, Mr Ahmad from Pakistan. We have to represent the regions of Europe, North America and the Southwest Pacific: Mr Mazoyer from France and Madame Fenwick from the United States. I take it that it is the unanimous pleasure of the Council that we make them "beasts of burden" - I know they are going to be very hard worked! We want to thank you for this wonderful selection of the Programme Committee and I want to add my congratulations to the members and the Chairman of the Programme Committee.

Elected by acclamation
Elu par acclamation
Elegido par aclamación


5. Election of the Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters
5. Election des membres du Comité des questions constitutionnelles et juridiques
5. Elección de los Miembros del Comité de Asuntos Constitucionales y Jurídicos

I would like now to take up Item 5, Election of the Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters so that if there is going to be ballotting we can do it at one stretch, that is the idea. Item 5, document CL 85/LIM/3, election of members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters. There are seven Member Nations to be elected for a period of two years, at this session of the Council and the seven nominations are Algeria, El Salvador, Italy, Philippines, Poland, United States of America and the Yemen Arab Republic. I take it it is your pleasure that we request all these seven countries to serve for a period of two years on the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters.

Elected by acclamation
Elu par acclamation
Elegido por aclamación

4. Election of the Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee
4. Election du président et des membres du Comité financier
4. Elección del Presidente y los Miembros del Comité de Finanzas

We will now take up item 4 on our Agenda, Election of the Chairman and Members of the Finance Committee, document CL 85/LIM/2, again an exceedingly important organ of the Council. You will see from the document that there are nine Member Nations to be elected by the Council, six from the regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Near East, and three from the regions of Europe, North America, and Southwest Pacific. You will see from the document that we proceed in two steps. We elect the Chairman of the Finance Committee. For that we have a single nomination, Mr Abeyagoonasekera from Sri Lanka, who has been serving with great distinction as Chairman of the Finance Committee. I take it that it is your pleasure that we request Mr Abeyagoonasekera to continue to serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee.


I would like to add my words of congratulations as well as gratitude to Mr Abeyagoonasekera again for the wonderful work he has been doing as Chairman of the Finance Committee and I am happy that we will have the privilege of his continued guidance over the affairs of this Committee. You will seç that the members come from the Regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Near East, for which we have five positions, because one position has gone with the Chairman's election. For five positions we have seven nominations: Mr Sequeira of Angola, Mr Rajaona of Madagascar, Mr Jalil of Malaysia, Mr Acuña of Panama, Mr Gazzo of Peru, and Mr Bukhari of Saudi Arabia. There are six names and five positions.

For the region of Europe, North America and Southwest Pacific we have three positions and we have five names as it stands just now: Mr Sault of Australia, Mr Gosselin of Canada, Mr Schümm of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Papageorgiou of Greece, and Mr Battisti of Italy. From the regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Near East there are six names for five positions. So obviously we will have to make a selection by ballot. Does any member want to take the floor now?

If there is an election for the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes my proposal is that we do the ballot at the same time, we will have two ballot papers. So I would like to know if the position is as I have stated. We have re-elected Mr Abeyagoonasekera of Sri Lanka as Chairman of the Finance Committee. We have six names for five positions from the regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Near East, and we have five names for three positions from the regions of Europe, North America, and Southwest Pacific. We will have to proceed with the election.

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