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CARROZ, J. 1951-2 Der Krieg im internationalen Recht. Aufklärung, 1(7):160-4

CARROZ, J. 1951-52, J. Ist die Wiederbewaffnung Deutschlands unvereinbar mit den Bestimmungen der Haager Konvention? Aufklärung, 1(8):224-6

CARROZ, J. 1952 La personalité juridique internationale de l'Organisation des Nations Unies (Thèse). Faculté de Droit, Université de Paris.

CARROZ, J. 1952-53 Ein Problem der Vereinten Nationen. Aufklärung, 2(3):190-4

CARROZ, J. 1952-53 Der Verzicht auf den Krieg in den Verfassungen. Aufklärung, 2(4-6):295-300

CARROZ, J. et PROBST, Y. 1958 Personnalité juridique internationale et capacité de conclure des traites de l'O.N.U. et des institutions spécialisées. Paris, Imprimerie R. Foulon, 91 p.

CARROZ, J. 1959 Die internationale Gesetzgebung für die Luftfahrt über hoher See. Z. Luftrecht, 8(1):3-24

CARROZ, J. 1959 International legislation on air navigation over the high seas. J. Air Law Commer., 26(2):158-72

TAPIADOR, D.D. and CARROZ, J. 1963 Standard requirements for fish handling, processing, distribution and quality control. FAO Fish. Rep., (9):249 p.

CARROZ, J. 1965 Establishment, structure, functions and activities of international fisheries bodies. 1. The Indo Pacific Fisheries Council (IPFC). FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (57):35 p.

CARROZ, J. and FISHERIES BIOLOGY BRANCH. 1963 Establishment, structure, functions and activities of international fisheries bodies. II. Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC). FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (58):30 p. Issued also in Spanish

CARROZ, J. 1966 Legislative and administrative aspects of water pollution control. IPFC Occas. Pap., (66/2): 14 p.

CARROZ, J. 1966 and MARINE BIOLOGY and ENVIRONMENT BRANCH, FISHERY RESOURCES and EXPLOITATION DIVISION. Establishment, structure, functions and activities of international fisheries bodies. III. Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the South West Atlantic CARPAS. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., (60):29 p. Issued also in Spanish

CARROZ, et DE VASCONCELOS, L.L. 1966 Notes sur la législation, l'administration et la planification des pêches. En Rapport et compte rendu du Séminaire sur l'administration et la planification du développement des pêches. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 8-27 mars 1965. FAO Rapp. Pêches, (32):33-55

CARROZ, J. et DOBBERT, J.P. 1966 Le programme alimentaire mondial. Annu. Fr. Droit Int., 12(1966):1-41 (Prepared as an internal document for World Food Programme)

CARROZ, J. and ROCHE, A.G. 1967 The proposed International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas. Am. J. Int. Law, 61(3):673-702

CARROZ, J. 1968 Le programme de coopération F.A.O.-Industrie. Annu. Fr. Droit Int., 13(1967):468-82

GULLAND, J.A. and CARROZ, J. 1968 The management of fishery resources. L'aménagement des ressources halieutiques. La ordenación de los recursos pesqueros. FAO Fish. Circ/FAO Circ. Pêches/FAO Circ. Pesca, (300): 12 p.

GULLAND, J.A. and CARROZ, J. 1968 Management of fishery resources. Adv. Mar. Biol., (6):1-71

GULLAND, J.A. and CARROZ, J. The state of world fisheries. FAO World Food Problems, (7):49 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

CARROZ, J. and ROCHE, A.G. 1969 The international policing of high sea fisheries. Can. Yearb. Int. Law, 6(1968):61-90

CARROZ, J. 1972 La Commission internationale des pêches pour l'Atlantique Sud-Est. Annu. Can. Droit Int., 9(1971):3-29

CARROZ, J. 1973 Le rôle de la FAO dans la conservation des ressources biologiques de la mer. In Actualités du droit de la mer. Société française pour le droit international. Colloque de Montpellier, 25-27 mai 1972. Paris, Editions A. Pedone, pp. 247-68

CARROZ, J. 1973 The richness of the sea: fisheries. In The future of the law of the sea. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Future of the Sea organized at Den Helder by the Royal International Law Institute of Utrecht State University, 26 and 27 June 1972, edited by L.J. Bouchez and L. Kaijen. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, pp. 75-94

CARROZ, J. 1974 Effectiveness of existing fisheries management machinery of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council. Presented at the Ad hoc Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, First Session, UNDP, Manila, 18-19 June 1974. In Report of the first session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 November 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCSP: 74/2REP:4-13. Also presented at the IPFC 16th session, Jakarta, Indonesia, 30 October - 8 November 1974, IPFC, IPFC/74/26:9 p. (mimeo)

BARDONNET, D. et CARROZ, J. 1974 Les Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et le droit international des pêches maritimes. Annu. Fr. Droit Int., 19(1973):837-74

CARROZ, J. 1975 Les nouvelles techniques de coopération entre pays riverains et pêcheurs étrangers. En La pêche et le renouvellement du droit de la mer. Travaux du Colloque international tenu à Marseille le 26 mai 1975. Marseille, Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Marseille, pp. 23-8

CARROZ, J. et SAVINI, M. 1976 L'aménagement des ressources biologiques de la mer appelle-t-il une coopération à l'échelle régionale ou mondiale? In Le nouveau droit de la mer après Caracas et Genève avant New-York. Rev. Iranienne Relat. Int./Iranian Rev. Int. Relat., (5-6) hiver/winter 1975-6:175-96

CARROZ, J. 1977 La Conférence sur le droit de la mer. Ses implications en ce qui concerne la pêche dans les PVD. En Dossier: La pêche dans les Etats ACP. Courrier: Communauté Eur. - Afr. - Caraïb. - Pacif., (41):83-5 Issued also in English

CARROZ, J. 1977 The management of living resources in the Baltic Sea and the Belts. Ocean. Dev. Int. Law J., 4(3):213-32

CARROZ, J. 1978 Institutional aspects of resources management and protection in the Mediterranean. Ocean Manage., 3:235-51

CARROZ, J. 1978 Regional and sub-regional arrangements for the management of living resources off the coast of West Africa. In Report on the CIDA/FAO/CECAP Seminar on the changing Law of the Sea and the fisheries of West Africa. Banjul, The Gambia, 19-27 September 1977. Rome, FAO, Canada Funds-in-Trust, FAO-FI:TF/INT 180 (a) (CAN):24-30

CARROZ, J. and MOORE, G.K.F. 1978 CECAF Working Paper on possible institutional arrangements for sub-regional cooperation in fisheries among the Government of Capo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and The Gambia. Rome, FAO Fisheries Department, November 1978, 12 p. (mimeo)

CARROZ, J. and SAVINI, M., 1978 Bilateral fishery agreements. A review of bilateral fishery agreements concluded as a result of the new regime of the oceans. FAO Fish. Circ., (709):65 p. Issued also in French and Spanish

CARROZ, J., LABON, A., and GULLAND, J.A. 1978 Implications of the extended zones of maritime jurisdiction for the fishing industry of Thailand. Rome FAO/UNDP International Indian Ocean Fishery Survey and Development Programme, IOP/TECH/78/18: 13 p.

CARROZ, J. 1978 Le nouveau droit des pêches et la notion d'excédent. Annu. Fr. Droit Int., 24 (1978): 851-65

CARROZ, J. 1979 Institutional and financial aspects of tuna management in the IPFC and IOFC areas. Notes. In Report of the Consultation Meeting on management of tuna resources of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Manila, Philippines, 26-29 June 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, SCS/GEN/79/24: 117-22

CARROZ, J. and SAVINI, M., 1979 The new international law of fisheries emerging from bilateral agreements. Mar. Policy, 3 (2): 79-98

CARROZ, J. 1980 Les problèmes de la pêche à la Conférence sur le droit de la mer et dans la pratique des Etats. Rev. Gén. Droit Int. Public, (3) juillet-septembre: 1-47.

CARROZ, J. 1981 Launching of the Committee for the Development and Management of Fisheries in South China Sea. ICLARAM Newsl., 4 (1): 12-3

CARROZ, J. LEVY, J.P. and RUIVO, M. 1981 Sri Lanka: policies and institutions for marine affairs and aquatic resources. Rome, FAO, FI: GCP/INT/369/NOR: 24 p.

CARROZ, J. 1982 The living resources of the sea. In The management of humanity's resources: the Law of the Sea. Workshop 1981 organized by the Hague Academy of International Law and the United Nations University. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp. 193-207

CARROZ, J. 1983 Les problèmes de la pêche dans la Convention sur le droit de la mer la pratique des Etats. In Le nouveau droit international de la mer. Publ. Rev. Gén. Droit Int. Public, Paris (Nouv. Ser.), (39): 177-229

CARROZ, J. and SAVINI, M. 1983 The practice of coastal states regarding foreign access to fishery resources. (An analysis of bilateral agreements). FAO Fish. Rep. (293): 43-72. Issued also in French and Spanish

CARROZ, J. 1984 Achievement of the FAO World Conference on fisheries management and development. INFOFISH Market. Dig., (5): 8-9

CARROZ, J. 1984 Institutional aspects of fishery management under the new regime of the oceans. San Diego Law Rev., 21 (3): 513-40

CARROZ, J. 1984 World fisheries face change and challenge. Mazingira, 8(3): 17-23

CARROZ, J. et SAVINI, M. 1983 Les accords de pêche conclus par les Etats africains riverains de l'Atlantique. Annu. Fr. Droit Int., 29 (1983):674-709

CARROZ, J. 1985 Achievements of the FAO World Conference on fisheries management and development. In Proceedings of the second Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. Volume 1. Economic recovery, fisheries economics and seafood trade. Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University, International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, pp. 33-5

CARROZ, J. 1985 The way forward for fisheries. Mazingira, 8(4):11-2

CARROZ, J. 1986 La Conférence mondiale de la FAO sur l'aménagement et le développement des pêches. En Espaces et ressources maritimes, édité par A. Piquemal. Paris, Edition Economica pour CERDAM, Université de Nice, Droit et sciences humaines 1, pp. 11-27

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