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L. Establishment of an FAO Olive Production Committee

615. The Conference noted that an Inter-Regional Technical Assistance Project for the Improvement of Olive Production in the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East had been started by FAO in December 1966, and that this project was entering into a second phase which would entail olive and olive oil production, including experimentation, demonstration and research to be executed in the various participating countries. In addition, a regional centre for the improvement and demonstration of olive production techniques offering training facilities was to be set up in Spain.

616. A number of olive producing Member Nations of the Organization had informed the Director-General that they considered it desirable that FAO establish a technical committee on olive production in order to ensure the coordination of their efforts, to give an opportunity to their representatives to discuss the progress of work and future programmes, and to harmonize action at the national level. In addition, the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC) had adopted a recommendation in that sense at its Nineteenth Session in November 1968.

617. Accordingly, the Director-General submitted a paper to the Conference proposing the establishment, under Article VI-2 of the Constitution, of a committee of selected Member Nations and Associate Member of the Organization to be known as the "FAO Olive Production Committee" and setting out suggested terms of reference.

618. The Conference, considering the importance of olive and olive oil production for a number of Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization, endorsed the proposal that Director-General be authorized to establish an FAO Olive Production Committee under Article VI-2 of the Constitution, and adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 16/69

FAO Olive Production Committee

The Conference

Noting the good progress made by the FAO Inter-Regional Project for the Improvement of Olive Production in the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East, which led to the establishment of a coordinated programme of work;

Convinced that this programme of work should be executed at the inter-regional level in such a way that efforts are complementary and that each country benefits from results obtained in other countries;

Considering that in order to ensure this active coordination of efforts, representatives of participating countries should have an opportunity, through periodical meetings, to discuss the progress of the work and future programmes, so as to harmonize actions at the national level;

Authorizes the Director-General to:

1. Establish, under Article VI-2 of the Constitution, a Committee of selected Member Nations and Associate Members to be known as the " FAO Olive Production Committee" whose terms of reference shall be:

(a) to review periodically the current situation of olive production and to examine problems of common interest in this field;

(b) to identify problems which require research work for their solution and to prepare coordinated programmes. to be executed in cooperation by various countries, in the framework of the FAO Inter-Regional Project for the Improvement of Olive Production in the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East;

(c) to follow-up the implementation of the FAO Inter-Regional Project for the Improvement of Olive Production in the Mediterranean Basin and the Near East, to discuss results obtained and orientated future work;

(d) to ensure the coordination of efforts and the cooperation of participating countries with the Inter-Regional Project;

(e) to discuss technical subjects in relation with the Inter-Regional Project.

2. Select the membership of the Committee from among Member Nations and Associate Members that are olive producers, inviting them to appoint their representatives to the Committee on the basis of technical competence and participation in the determination of national production policy, such selection being effected in the light of the desirability that membership in the Committee should be not less than 10 members.

3. Promulgate the statutes of the Committee.

Requests the Director-General to report to the Council at its Fifty-Fifth Session on the measures he has taken to implement this resolution.

(Adopted 24.XI.69)

M. Financial and administrative matters: Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Diseases and to Carry out Initial Control Activities against the Desert Locust in Emergencies

619. The Conference, recognizing the serious threat of the plague of the desert locust to the economy of a great many Member Nations situated in its invasion area, considered the proposal of the Director-General endorsed by the FAO Council at its Fifty-First Session for establishing an Emergency Fund for Initial Control Activities Against the Desert Locust as a valuable means through which effective assistance may be rendered to Member Nations during emergency outbreaks.

620. The Conference considered that priority in granting the assistance should be given to regional bodies wherever established for this purpose. One delegate expressed the view that at least one of the three experts composing the Advisory Panel on Desert Locust mentioned in the resolution should not be a national of the countries requesting assistance.

621. The Conference, while recognizing that in many cases it would be inappropriate to press for repayment from countries receiving assistance from this source, urged Member Nations to treat such assistance as a repayable loan, wherever possible, in order to derive maximum benefits from the Emergency Fund.

622. The Conference agreed that the emergency fund previously established within the Working Capital Fund for the control of livestock disease should be extended to cover also the desert locust. The Conference accordingly adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 17/69

Authority for the Director-General to Undertake Emergency Action for the Control of Livestock Diseases and to Carry out Initial Control Activities against the Desert Locust in Emergencies

The Conference

Having examined the proposals of the Director-General to establish an Emergency Fund for Initial Control Activities Against the Desert Locust;

Noting with concern the serious resurgence of the desert locust plague and that the developing countries are facing serious losses as a result thereof;

Recalling that the Conference at its Thirteenth Session by Resolution 35/65 had authorized the Director-General, after consultation with the Chairman of the Finance Committee or another member of that Committee designated by him, and in the light of the recommendations of an Advisory Panel of technical experts, notwithstanding the provisions of Financial Regulation 6.3 to withdraw up to $ 500 000 from the Working Capital Fund, to finance initial emergency measures for the control of outbreak of livestock diseases under emergency circumstances, which constitute a potential epizootic threat to livestock of other countries;

Decides to authorize the Director-General to withdraw up to $750 000 from the Working Capital Fund;

(i) to finance initial emergency measures for the control of outbreak of livestock diseases under emergency circumstances which constitute a potential epizootic threat to livestock of other countries;

(ii) to finance initial control activities against the desert locust in emergencies, provided that not more than $ 500 000 may be withdrawn in any one biennium for either the initial emergency measures for the control of outbreaks of livestock diseases, or for initial control activities against the desert locust, and that no expenditure will be incurred until the Director-General has consulted with the Chairman of the Finance Committee or another member of that Committee designated by him, and with the appropriate Advisory Panel referred to in this resolution;

Decides that the Advisory Panel established by the Director-General under Article VI. 4 of the Constitution pursuant to Resolution 35/65, and comprising three experts of acknowledged competence in epizootiology and three alternates, each being a national of a different Member Nation, be maintained;

Requests the Director-General to establish, under Article VI. 4 of the Constitution, an Advisory Panel comprising three experts of acknowledged competence in desert locust control with three alternates, each being a national of a different Member Nation;

Requests further the Director-General to report to the Council or to the Finance Committee, whichever meets first, immediately after funds have been withdrawn from the Working Capital Fund in accordance with this resolution; and

Decides that this resolution shall supersede Resolution 35/65 adopted at its Thirteenth Session.

(Adopted 24.XI.69)

N. Scale of contributions 1970-71

Contributions and Advances by New Member Nations

623. The Conference, at its Eighth Session, had decided that the FAO Scale of Contributions would in future be derived directly from the United Nations Scale of Assessments as in force during the calendar year of the Conference session, and that such a scale would be applicable to the two following years.

624. The proposed Scale of Contributions for 1970-71, based on the United Nations Scale in force in 1969, had been recommended by the Fifty-Second Session of the Council for adoption by the Conference, subject to the appropriate adjustments arising from the admission of new members. The Conference examined the thus amended Scale of Contributions for 1970-71, and consequently adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 18/69

Scale of Contributions 1970-71

The Conference

Having considered the Report of the Fifty-Second Session of the Council;

Decides to adopt for use in 1970-71 the Scale of Contributions set out in Appendix D, which is derived from the United Nations Scale of Assessments for 1969.

(Adopted 24.XI.69)

625. One delegate, noting that the proposed assessment of his Government was substantially higher than that of 1968-69, observed that sudden increases of such a magnitude could create difficulties for the Member Nations so affected. He suggested that, in future, attempts should be made to avoid drastic upward changes in the assessment of any Member Nation, and advised that his government was raising the matter with the United Nations Committee on Contributions.

Contributions and Advances by New Member Nations

626. Contributions. In accordance with the provisions of Article XVIII.3 of the Constitution, Rule XIX. 3 of the General Rules of the Organization and Financial Regulation V. 8, the Conference decided that the contribution to be paid by the newly-admitted Member Nations for the year 1969 would be as follows:

Czechoslovak Socialist Republic $79 500
People's Republic of Southern Yemen $2 750

627. Advances. In accordance with Financial Regulation VI. 2(b) (ii), the advances due to the Working Capital Fund by new Member Nations were as follows:

Czechoslovak Socialist Republic $52 200
People's Republic of Southern Yemen $ 1 800

O. Financial Position of the Organization

628. The Conference noted that the percentage of current contributions collected was somewhat lower than at the same date in 1968 and 1967 and that some important amounts were still outstanding.

629. If these contributions were not received before the year end, the cash surplus, expected because miscellaneous income substantially exceeded the amount budgeted for 1968-69, might not arise. In accordance with the Financial Regulations, any cash surplus should be allocated among Member Nations.

630. The Conference therefore urged Member Nations to settle their obligations at an early date.

P. Reimbursement to the Working Capital Fund

631. The Conference noted that the Director-General considered it possible for the Organization to meet the following costs from savings in the 1968-69 budget:

Firstly, the increased costs of salaries and education grants for which the Council, at its Fifty-Second Session had authorized a withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of $335 000;

Secondly, the cost of purchase and shipment of vaccine for emergency action for the control of foot-and-mouth diseases in the Near East for which the Director-General had withdrawn $ 15 000 under the provisions of Conference Resolution 35/65;

Thirdly, the cost of engaging a firm of management consultants for which the Council, at its Fifty-First Session had authorized a withdrawal from the Working Capital Fund of $150 000.

632. The Conference noted that in the event that a withdrawal should prove necessary, the Finance Committee, at a future session, would consider what action, if any, should be taken to reimburse the Working Capital Fund.

Audited Accounts

633. The Conference approved the accounts and the reports of the External Auditor thereon as submitted by the Fifty-First and Fifty-Third Sessions of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:

Q. Audited accounts

World Food Programme

Resolution 19/69

The Conference

Having examined the following Audited Accounts and the External Auditor's Reports thereon:

Regular Programme, 1966-67; Freedom from Hunger Campaign, 1966-67 and 1968; European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, 1967 and 1968; United Nations Development Programme, Special Fund and Technical Assistance Sectors, 1967 and 1968; Trust Funds, 1968;

Adopts the above Audited Accounts.

(Adopted 24.XI.69)

634. The Conference further considered that the scope of audits should provide for the External Auditor's report to include observations on administration and management.

World Food Programme

635. The Conference noted that at its Fourteenth and Sixteenth Sessions, the Inter-Governmental Committee of the WFP had approved the audited accounts for the years 1966, 1967 and 1968, together with the External Auditor's certificates and reports thereon.

636. The Conference approved the above accounts and the reports of the External Auditor thereon as submitted by the Fifty-First and Fifty-Third Sessions of the Council, and adopted the following resolution:

Resolution 20/69

Audited Accounts - World Food Programme for 1966, 1967 and 1968

The Conference

Having examined the following Audited Accounts and the External Auditor's Reports thereon:

World Food Programme Accounts, 1966, 1967 and 1968;

Adopts the above Audited Accounts.

(Adopted 24.XI.69)

R. Emoluments of the Director-General

637. In accordance with the provisions of Rule XXXIII-l(b) of the General Rules of the Organization, the Conference decided that the emoluments of the Director-General should be amended as of 1 January 1969 to a gross annual salary of $47 000 ($30 100 net), with a post adjustment rate of $1 200 per class (dependency rate).

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