
Report of the Conference of FAO

Fifteenth Session

Rome, 8-27 November 1969

Table of Contents

I. FAO MEMBER NATIONS - as at 1 January

II. FAO ASSOCIATE MEMBERS- as at 1 January 1970


IV. Introduction

A. The late NORRIS E. DODD
B. The late S. A. HASNIE
C. The late italian sculptor MIRKO
D. In memoriam
E. Visit to the conference of the prime minister of Italy and message from the president of the Italian Republic
F. McDougall memorial lecture
G. Presentation of the B. R. SEN awards for 1968 and 1969

V. PART I. Procedural matters

A. Appointment of the chairman, vice-chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Establishment of commissions and provisional timetable for the session
E. Appointment of the chairmen, vice-chairmen and officers of tee commissions and technical committees
F. Resolutions committee of the conference
G. Establishment of a special committee on the arabic version of the constitution
H. Right of reply
I. Verbatim records
J. Verification of credentials
K. Admission of observers
L. Voting rights
M. Informal meeting of non-governmental organizations

VI. PART II - Major trends and policy questions in food and agriculture

A. World situation and outlook: Salient Features in the World Situation

Agricultural Production
Surplus Stocks
Agricultural Trade

B. Commodity problems

International Adjustment
Price Movements in Latin American Trade
Consultative Obligations Under the FAO Principles of Surplus Disposal
International Dairy Development Scheme

C. Fishery problems
D. Indicative world plan for agricultural development
E. FAO contribution to the second development decade
F. The protein problem in relation to the world food supply
G. Multilateral food aid
H. World food programme
I. Freedom from hunger campaign

Progress Report on the Campaign and Future Operation of the Campaign

J. Article XI reports

VII. PART III - Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Review of the work of the technical committees of the conference: Review of FAO's Field Programmes

Development Trends and Prospects
Direction of and Strategy for Field Programmes
Identification, Appraisal and Formulation of FAO/Special Fund Projects
Project Emphasis
Coordination with Other Aid-Giving Programmes
Operational Problems
Operational Structure for Development Assistance in the Field
Senior Agricultural Advisers/FAO Country Representatives
Regional Offices
UN Regional Economic Commissions
Follow-Up Investment

B. Review of the Organization's Activities and Programmes with Special Reference to the Areas of Concentration

General Review of the Areas of Concentration as a Strategy for FAO
High-Yielding Varieties of Basic Crops
Filling the Protein Gap
War on Waste
Mobilization of Human Resources for Rural Development
Earning and Saving Foreign Exchange
Development Planning

C. Programme of work and budget, 1970-71
D. Agriculture department
E. Economic and Social Department
F. Fisheries department
G. Forestry department
H. Development department
I. Investment centre
J. Regional and Country Services

Regional Offices
Country Representatives
Joint Divisors with the UN Regional Economic Commissions

K. Miscellaneous chapters

Conference and Council (Chapter I. A)
Office of the Director-General (Chapter I. B(i))
Policy Advisory Bureau (Chapter I. B(i))
FFHC - Office of the Coordinator (Chapter I. B(iii))
World Food Congress (Chapter I. B(iv))
Miscellaneous Expenditure (Chapter VIII)
Contingencies (Chapter IX)
Reserves (Chapter X)
Miscellaneous Income (Chapter XI)

L. Office of General Affairs and Information

Office of General Affairs and Information (excluding Publications Division)
Publications Division (including Publications Revolving Fund)

M. Administration and Finance Department
N. Common services
O. List of Sessions of FAO Commissions, Committees and Working Parties, Panels of Experts, and Conferences and Consultations under the Regular Programme
P. Appropriations for the Biennium 1970-71
Q. The work of FAO, 1968-69
R. Proposals for medium-term activities and programmes
S. Inter-agency relations and consultations on matters of common interest (including FAO/UNIDO Relations and UN Joint Inspection Unit)

VIII. PART IV - Constitutional and administrative matters

A. Constitutional and legal matters: Amendment to Article XXII of the Constitution relative to the Authentic Texts of the Constitution
B. FAO Language Policy and Practice

General Language Policy

C. Amendment to Rule XIII-5 of the General Rules relative to Quorum Requirements for Commissions of the Conference
D. Amendment to Rules XII-10 and XXXIII-1 of the General Rules relative to the Appointment of the Director-General
E. Amendment to Rule III-2 of the General Rules relative to the Status of Permanent Representatives in regard to Credentials for the Conference
F. Functions of the Post of Independent Chairman of the Council
G. Authority, Terms of Reference and Constitutional Status of Regional Conferences
H. Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and Agreements and Amendments thereto
I. Statutes and Rules of Procedure of Article VI Bodies

Amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission

J. Relationship Agreements with International Organizations

Confirmation of the Agreement between FAO and the Organization of African Unity (OAU)

K. Relations with International Organizations and Granting of Consultative Status to International Non-Governmental Organizations
L. Establishment of an FAO Olive Production Committee
M. Financial and administrative matters: Emergency Fund for the Control of Livestock Diseases and to Carry out Initial Control Activities against the Desert Locust in Emergencies
N. Scale of contributions 1970-71

Contributions and Advances by New Member Nations

O. Financial Position of the Organization
P. Reimbursement to the Working Capital Fund
Q. Audited accounts

World Food Programme

R. Emoluments of the Director-General

IX. PART V - Appointments and elections

A. Admission of new member nations
B. Arrears of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
C. Election of Council members
D. Method of balloting for elections to CCP and COFI
E. Term of office of MR. Maurice Gemayel as chairman of the Council
F. Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Council
G. Appointment of member government representatives to the joint staff pension committee

X. Conclusion

A. Date and place of the sixteenth session of the conference
B. Twenty-fifth anniversary of FAO

XI. Appendices

E. Agreement setting out guidelines for Cooperation between FAO and UNIDO in the field of industrial development
F. Annex to the Memorandum Setting out Guidelines for Cooperation between FAO and UNIDO in the Field of Industrial Development