Contents -

VIII. Activities and programs of the organization

A. Introduction
B. Animal Production and Health
C. Fisheries
D. Forestry and Forest Products
E. Land and Water Development
F. Nutrition
G. Plant Production and Protection
H. Rural Institutions and Services
I. Survey and Appraisal of World Agricultural, Fisheries and Forestry Resources in Relation to Needs

J. Forward appraisal
K. The FAO world seed campaign
L. FAO/UNICEF relations
M. Expanded technical assistance program
N. United nations special fund
O. Commodities
P. Economic analysis
Q. Statistics
R. Information and Publications

A. Introduction

171. The Conference reviewed the activities of the Organization during the biennium 1958 - 59 and the proposed Program of Work and Budget for 1960 and 1961. The comments of the Conference on these matters are contained in the following paragraphs.

172. The Conference felt that some improvements could be made in the manner in which the different aspects of the Organization's Program of Work were reviewed by the Technical Committees that are usually established during the sessions of the Conference. These Committees should be given more precise terms of reference and responsibilities in the future. The Conference therefore requested the Council to study this matter with a view to proposing to its Eleventh Session procedures, terms of reference and responsibilities for the Technical Committees.

173. The Conference heard a report from the Director - General on developments in FAO's work in the regions since its Ninth Session and on his plans for further strengthening the regional activities of the Organization. The Director - General had placed special emphasis on the strengthening of regional offices and activities ever since he took office and had made important proposals in this regard to the Ninth Session of the Conference. These proposals had, in the main, already, been implemented. The functions and responsibilities of regional representatives had been thoroughly reviewed early in 1959 and the technical staffing in all the regional offices had been strengthened. A regional office had been established in Africa and subregional offices would be set tip there in 1960. A subregional office had also been opened in the Far East.

174. Although rapid progress had thus been made in providing technical services in Africa, the Conference recognized that their future strengthening should be given due attention. It therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 18/59

Regional Office for Africa


Noting that the resources of the newly established Regional Office for Africa are insufficient when considered in the light of (a) the wide fields of work which governments of the region have requested FAO to undertake; and (b) the excellent working relations that are being established between FAO and the governments of the region,

Invites the Director - General to examine all the possibilities under the Program of Work and Budget for 1960 - 61 for strengthening the work of the Regional Office for America and also invites the Director - General to provide for a considerable strengthening of that office when preparing his Program of Work and Budget for 1962 - 63.

175. The Conference concurred with the intention of the Director - General to strengthen further the work of the Organization in Europe. His proposal (C 59/LIM/10) for holding regional conferences in Europe, if funds permitted, was noted, but since delegations had not received advance notice of this proposal, the Conference requested the Director - General to communicate it to European Member Governments, in order to ascertain their views before calling such a conference in the 1960 - 61 biennium.

176. The Conference noted with approval the work of the European Commission on Agriculture and endorsed in general the objectives outlined in the resolution adopted by that Commission at its Eleventh Session (C 59/LI M/ 14). A few European delegations, however, had reservations regarding any further widening of the terms of reference of, and the undertaking of further tasks by, the Commission or giving additional emphasis to work in Europe in preference to less developed regions. The Conference, while endorsing the Director - General's intention of giving the problems and needs of European countries the same degree of attention as those of other regions, and of maintaining the Secretariat's servicing of the European Commission on Agriculture, took note of his desire to await the Program Committee's examination of FAO's work in the regions at its next session before developing in detail the implementation of the Commission's recommendations in this respect.

177. The Conference noted that in Latin America policy matters in the field of agriculture were debated not only in FAO Regional Conferences but also to some extent at meetings arranged by the Organization of American States (OAS). In particular, the Conference learned that OAS was proposing to convene an inter - American agricultural conference in mid - 1960. In the interests of co - ordination and efficiency and in order to obviate much unnecessary travel by delegates from Member Nations, the Conference endorsed the Director - General's action in exploring the possibility of holding a joint conference. An agreement on this matter, which had already been reached between the two agencies at secretariat level, required ratification by the Conference and the Council of OAS. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 19/59

The Sixth Regional Conference for Latin America



(a) that in compliance with resolutions approved by the Conference, the Director-General will convene the Sixth Regional Conference for Latin America in the second half of 1960,

(b) that by invitation of the Mexican Government, the Organization of American States will convene the Fifth Inter - American Conference of Agriculture in Mexico City in July or August 1960,

(c) that most of the items to be discussed in both conferences will be similar and often almost identical, and that the holding of these two conferences one after the other could result in a duplication of effort and expenditure, and

(d) that the maximum collaboration should be brought about between FAO and OAS in their programs to assist agricultural development in Latin America,

Notes with satisfaction the success with which negotiations between the Director - General of FAO and the Secretary - General of OAS have been conducted so far with a view to holding in 1960 a joint agricultural conference sponsored by both organizations, with an agenda in which the majority of items will be common but with provision for separate meetings as necessary, to give each organization the opportunity of dealing with those items of interest only to it;

Recommends that the Director - General

(a) continue negotiations with the OAS with a view to working out mutually acceptable arrangements so that the proposed joint conference may become a reality and duplication be avoided; and

(b) report to the Eleventh Session of the Conference on the degree of success attained through holding such a joint conference; and

Recommends further that the governments of the American countries, through their missions with the OAS, give full support to the proposal to convene a joint inter - American agricultural conference in July or August 1960.

178. The Conference noted with satisfaction the progress with the strengthening regional activities in the Near East and the further plans in this regard. The Conference was of the opinion that the post of Deputy Regional Representative for the Near East, which had been included in the 1958 - 59 Program of Work but which for various reasons had not yet been filled, should be reinstated in the Program of Work for the 1962 - 63 biennium.

B. Animal Production and Health

Animal Production
Animal Health

179. The Conference reviewed the past, current and future activities in animal production and health. It noted with satisfaction the balance between the activities in animal health, dairy and animal production, both in respect of short - term and long - term aspects, and the organization for the practical approach to this work. In particular, it welcomed the progress made in the establishment of the Regional Working Parties in Animal Production in Latin America, the Far East and in the Near East. Reference was made to the desirability of a similar working party, for Africa, as well as to the future assignment of regional livestock officers in Africa and in the Near East as soon as financial provision could be made.

180. While recognizing the need for the Organization to remain abreast of developments in the use of radioisotopes in animal science, the Conference cautioned against undue emphasis on the use of radioisotopes in agricultural research, in view of the importance of assisting in the application of other research techniques and procedures for which there is a greater immediate need in many countries.

Animal Production

181. The Conference welcomed the program for stimulating animal husbandry research, and supported the emphasis placed on providing assistance to countries in the development of animal husbandry research institutes and agricultural institutes coordinating animal production and plant production research and the related disciplines.

182. The Conference endorsed the work on animal nutrition and requested that particular attention be focused on ruminant nutrition. It supported the proposal regarding the investigation of mineral deficiencies and imbalances in livestock but warned against the indiscriminate addition of trace minerals and other additives, such as antibiotics, etc., to feeds, and emphasized the need for further research in this regard. It was suggested that there is a strong need for defining analytical techniques and general investigational procedures to be used in mineral nutrition studies. It was agreed that high priority should, in future, be given to livestock management on ranges and pastures and the production, preservation and utilization of forages. In order to obtain a close integration of crop and animal production, collaboration should be continued and strengthened between the Organization's Work in animal production and plant production. It was noted that attempts to eliminate animals in order to adjust their numbers to the existing carrying capacity of the land was not always practicable. The problems would in some cases be solved by range and livestock management improvement and storage of fodder and other crops to increase the carrying capacity of the land. The Conference also recognized the importance of surveys on the world's animal feeding resources, with a view to their better distribution and to increasing livestock productivity.

183. The Conference approved the principles underlying the programs for increasing the efficiency of feed utilization by livestock. In view of the new and rapid developments in ruminant nutrition, it expressed the opinion that it would be wise to proceed slowly in any efforts to obtain greater uniformity in animal feeding standards.

184. The Conference called attention to the serious protein shortage in the human diet in many parts of the world, stressed the importance for most countries to develop egg and poultry production programs, and particularly those based on the use of local by - products, and endorsed the proposed future expansion of the Organization's work in this field.

185. The Conference approved the development of the environmental physiology program for the appraisal of the adaptability of animals to extreme environmental conditions such as existed in the tropics and subtropics and in high - altitude areas. The need for co - ordinating research work in this and other fields of animal science and for the collection and distribution of information on the most recent work and its practical application was recognized.

186. Reference was made to the need for advising member countries on the selection of exotic high - producing breeds of livestock for introduction into tropical and subtropical environments. The danger of introducing exotic stock without concomitant improvement in standards of animal nutrition and management was stressed. In this connection, the Conference noted the value of the low temperature technique for the preservation of semen as a means to the economical introduction of superior genetic material. The need for international co - ordination and supervision of trade in bovine semen, with special reference to the sanitary safeguards and the genetic quality of bulls, identification of progeny,, and price control, was acknowledged.

187. The Conference urged that greater attention should be given to improving the efficiency of dairy cattle production. Reference was made to the advantages derived from improved feeding and the use of artificial insemination as an aid for the breeding of higher - producing cattle.

188. The Conference also recognized the need for giving greater attention to sheep and goats for meat, wool, and milk production, without however ignoring improvement in the quality of sheep's wool.

189. The Conference requested the Director - General to consider the future assignment of regional livestock specialists to the Near East and African regions. It was noted that in West Africa there was an urgent need to fill the growing gap between supply and demand in animals and animal products as the standard of living of populations in that area improved.

190. The Conference as the publication of world Catalogues of breeds of livestock and looked forward to the prompt issuance of the remainder of the series. It was noted that in this series Asian cattle were covered only in respect of those found in India and Pakistan, and it was recommended that a further publication on Asian cattle be issued.

191. The Conference expressed satisfaction with the draft of the Vocabulary of Animal Husbandry Terms produced in collaboration with the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) in four languages, which should aid materially in establishing a universal terminology and facilitate the exchange of scientific information in this field.


192. The Conference welcomed the proposed meetings in the Far East in December 1959 and in Latin America in 1960 to consider dairy problems in these regions.

193. The Conference agreed that FAO should work in close collaboration with UNICEF in the Milk Conservation Program to develop dairy projects in member countries, with particular attention to the tropics, in order to enable such projects to expand efficiently and so to become an integral part of the agricultural plan and economy of the individual countries. In view of the shortage of technicians and skilled administrative personnel where milk plants were being established, it was agreed that the training of local personnel remained of the utmost importance. Measures should be taken for the efficient exchange of information between technicians working in dairy, production. The Conference expressed its appreciation of the support received by UNICEF in developing this program. It was stressed that child - feeding programs should be based on the expansion of local milk production rather than on surplus supplies of skim milk powder received from other countries. These supplies, when available, were of value in stimulating the demand for milk on local markets and for extending local supplies through such methods as toning. (Toned milk is normal milk with the addition of reconstituted dried skim milk; the resulting low - cost product is equal to or higher than normal milk in solids nonfat content but lower in fit content.)

194. The Conference urged that full use should be made of all available local supplies, including those obtained from domestic animals in addition to cattle. The Conference therefore adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 20/59

Development of Milk Production


Considering that the disappearance of surplus supplies of powdered skim milk may lead to a diminution of mother and child - feeding programs and is therefore of such a nature as gravely to compromise government efforts to improve the conditions of their peoples,

Considering further that the launching of milk distribution campaigns has instilled better dietary habits, and

Considering finally that the development of the dairy industry and the increasing of milk production are an indisputable means of improving farming and raising the level of living of rural populations,

Recommends that the Organization's efforts be urgently directed to programs for the development of national milk resources in deficit countries and that the most appropriate methods of using available resources be studied, in particular the milk of species of domestic animals other than cattle in areas where natural conditions are suited to the raising of these animals.

195. The Conference noted the report that has been prepared reviewing and evaluating the joint FAO UNICEF Milk Conservation Program over the previous ten years and dealing with the establishment of designations, definitions and standards for milk and milk products, following on Resolution No. 16/57 of the Ninth Session of the Conference.

Animal Health

196. The Conference reviewed the work of the past two years in the field of animal health and examined its various aspects. It recorded its satisfaction with the approach adopted and was of the opinion that the program was well conceived and properly balanced within the limits of the available funds. The view was expressed that efforts to protect, maintain and enhance the health of animals were fundamental, bearing in mind that, particularly in underdeveloped countries, the reduction of losses caused by disease could bring about significant Increases in agricultural production. The Conference commented favorably on the practical manager in which field disease problems were being dealt with by the Organization, and welcomed the series of regional meetings on animal health, such as the one being held in Manilla in 1959 with the collaboration of the Office international des épizooties (OIE). In this connection the Conference also welcomed the statement made by the observer from OIE.

197. The Conference rioted the progress made in controlling many of the epizootics of livestock but expressed concern in regard to foot - and - mouth disease, especially with reference to the Asian and African types of virus. Attention was directed to the disastrous results which could follow the introduction of such exotic viruses into regions where the livestock populations were susceptible, particularly in view of the fact that no adequate vaccines were currently available for large-scale immunization. in emphasizing the need for international and regional control and for continued research work to produce better vaccines, the Conference drew attention to the dangers attendant upon the international trade in livestock and livestock products and urged the need for the intensification of methods of control. The following resolution was therefore adopted:

Resolution No. 21/59

Foot - and - Mouth Disease Control


Noting that foot - and - mouth disease Present is in many countries and that its Presence has serious
repercussions on the financial status of individual owners and on the economy of a country,

Conscious of the disastrous results which might follow the introduction into Europe and other regions of non - European types of foot - and - mouth disease virus which have riot Yet been introduced into those regions,

Appreciating the control of the disease achieved by individual countries and the help provided by FAO, OIE and other international organizations, and that the operation of a complete slaughter policy as practiced by some countries is an ideal which cannot be universally applied at this time,

Noting that well - planned vaccination schemes have been and are being successfully applied in some parts of the world, that vaccines at present available, on the whole, produce a serviceable immunity, and that research work is in Progress on new types of vaccine,

Considers that countries in a region where foot - and - mouth disease is enzootic should give serious consideration to the regional control of the disease, that countries free from foot - and - mouth disease should continue to take all possible measures to prevent its introduction and, if introduced, to take the measures necessary to prevent its spread and to ensure its early eradication;

Stresses that continuing encouragement should be given by member countries and by FAO and other international organizations to the study of the epizootiology of foot - and - mouth disease and the development of immunizing agents which will produce even more satisfactory vaccines than those at present in use, especially in providing longer duration of immunity

Noting further that the report of the Fourth FAO Inter - American Meeting on Livestock Production and the report of the Sixth Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease record that North and Central America Panama and the Islands of the Caribbean are free from foot - and - mouth disease, that in South America the disease exists, and that in certain countries of that region it is enzootic, and

Being aware of the importance of the meat trade between South America and Europe, of the danger that infection may be spread with imported meat and meat products, and of the ,practical difficulties in developing perfect safeguards in the importing countries,

Notes the importance of preventing the spread of foot - and - mouth disease by the exportation and importation of meat and offal, the economic loss and disruption of the livestock and trade in livestock and livestock products which may follow the introduction of the disease by such means, and the high financial cost of eradicating the disease so introduced;

Accepts the recommendations of the Fourth Inter - American Meeting on Livestock Production and of the Sixth Session of the European Commission for the Control of Foot - and - Mouth Disease; and


(a) that countries in which foot - and - mouth disease exists and in which control measures are being practiced should continue and intensify such activities when advisable and consider the modification of the measures in accordance with changes in circumstances and conditions;

(b) that countries which have not yet developed control schemes and measures should do so at the earliest possible moment requesting advice and assistance from FAO and other international organizations;

(c) that in particular FAO/OIE and such institutes as the Pan - American Foot - and - Mouth Disease (,'enter continue to give assistance to countries individually or collectively in a region in which foot - and - mouth disease is enzootic, to devise and apply such measures as will bring the disease under control and eradicate it from the country or region at the earliest possible time

198. The Conference requested the Director - General to maintain and strengthen its close co - operation with the Office international des épizooties and other international organizations with a common interest in the control of epizootics, and stressed the importance of FAO field veterinary staff in establishing and co - ordinating regional methods of control. The Conference considered that countries which had not yet been able to adopt adequate control measures should request advice and assistance from the Organization, and that the animal health committees of the regional working parties should indicate the need for animal health centers in the various regions.

199. In reviewing the world position of other major epizootics of livestock, including rinderpest, the Conference expressed its confidence in the existing programs of FAO and urged their continuation. The co - operation of both governmental and nongovernmental organizations with interest in this field should be sought. And the program should be strengthened wherever possible by the future appointment of FAO regional veterinarians. Attention was drawn to the importance of a continuing and expanding program for the control of enzootic diseases. Recognizing the enormous preventable economic losses caused by such diseases resulting in reduced productivity, infertility and premature deaths in livestock, the importance of controlling those diseases intercommunicable between animals and man, the need to utilize the services of skilled and experienced veterinarians in the most efficient and economical manner, and the fact that disease knows no frontiers either political or geographical, the Conference stressed the importance of intercountry co - operation and the co - ordination of national efforts to the common end. The responsibility of FAO in such matters was agreed, and 'it was recommended that wherever possible countries should, when requesting technical assistance, consider using veterinarians on group - country and regional assignments. In connection with such regional veterinary programs, it was proposed that emphasis be given to the operation of veterinary diagnostic and vaccine production laboratories, as well as training in laboratory techniques on a regional basis, for which financial support might be sought, particularly from the United Nations Special Fund.

200. Accordingly, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 22/59

Livestock Disease Control


Indicating the enormous preventable economic losses which are caused by diseases resulting in reduced productivity, infertility and premature deaths in livestock,

Noting the importance to the health of man of controlling those diseases intercommunicable between animals and man, and the need for Such control to commence in animals,

Emphasizing the fact that disease recognizes no frontiers either political or geographical, and that, therefore, its control should be planned on a regional basis,

Recognizing the importance of utilizing the services of skilled and experienced veterinarians in the best and most economical manner consistent with the attainment of the desired results in the control and eradication of enzootic and epizootic disease,

Approving the co - ordination through FAO and OIE of the veterinary activities of neighboring countries and, in particular, the utilization wherever possible of combined efforts for disease control through the work of international veterinary teams with priority of action for their field programs,

Recommends that FAO should stress the importance of, and should priority in its field programs wherever feasible and possible to, the assignment of veterinarians whose terms of reference will allow them to operate on group country and regional bases.

201. In view of the importance of infertility in livestock, the Conference noted with approval the work of the Expert Panel oil Livestock Infertility. Additional emphasis should be placed upon the need for the, control and eradication of infectious and other conditions leading to reduced fertility, sterility and abortion. While drawing attention to recent advances in artificial insemination, the Conference noted its potential dangers in relation to disease and stressed the importance of veterinary supervision of all clinical and laboratory techniques involved in the collection, handling, storage, treatment, transport arid use of semen including deep frozen this field, as in all other aspects of animal health, the Conference emphasized the importance of training, including training centers arid fellowships, to meet the urgent needs of countries with programs for the improvement of animal fertility.

202. The Conference reaffirmed its approval of projects in such other aspects of the work in animal health as the operation of the World Livestock Disease Reporting Service, the production of the Animal Health Yearbook the control of disease in pigs and poultry, the construction, equipping and operation of slaughterhouses, and the hygienic handling of meat. In particular, the Conference emphasized the importance of veterinary education and noted with satisfaction the projected international meeting on veterinary education and the establishment of a Standing Committee on Veterinary Education. Approval was given for work in parasite control and for the proposal to establish new expert panels on poultry diseases, swine diseases and on mortality, of young livestock. The Director - General was requested to consider the future expansion of FAO disease control activities into fields which had not yet been explored, especially in Africa, where many diseases of livestock were not receiving the attention warranted by their economic importance.

203. The Conference approved the program of work in animal production and health for 1960 - 61 and requested the Director - General to take into account the suggestions made in the preceding paragraphs in the formulation of future programs of work.

C. Fisheries

Fisheries Biology
Fisheries Technology
Fisheries Economics and Statistics
Activities in the Regions
Future Trends

204. The Conference considered that the proposed program of work in the field of fisheries was well conceived and that, within the limits of the funds available, a balanced selection had been made of the fields of activity undertaken. It therefore approved the projected activities as set out in Documents C 59/3 and C 59/FI/4, subject to the comments which follow.

205. The Conference emphasized that the Director - General should endeavor to select for continuous work those biological, economic, technological and other activities which are fundamental to the aims of the Organization. It was in this context that the Conference considered in detail the proposed program.

206. The Conference laid considerable stress on the need for an integrated approach to fishery problems. It noted with satisfaction that all the branches of the Fisheries Division were collaborating closely, in carrying out the program and expressed the hope that these working relationships would continue.

207. The Conference suggested that the Director-General, in reviewing future trends, should endeavor to ensure that adequate resources were made available to the Fisheries Division to enable it to meet more fully the increasing demands by, many, Member Governments for services arising from growing concern with fisheries development, taking into account the over - all needs of the Organization.

208. The Conference recognized that the holding of expert meetings in various fishery fields was one of the most potent means of furthering the objectives of the Organization; in this connection, the comprehensive reports emerging from such meetings, for instance, those on costs and earnings of fishery, enterprises, on the economics of fisheries, on boats and on gear, had broken new ground and formed the basis for new creative thought and action and for the direction that future activities and research should take. This was also the case with the meetings on fishery co - operatives and on the biology of sardines, the printed reports of which were not yet available. The Conference also endorsed and commended the extensive use of consultants as an effective means of dealing with the very wide range of subject matter covered by the Fisheries Division.

209. The progress of the Expanded Technical Assistance Program was noted with satisfaction but the downward trend in requests from governments for assistance in the field of fisher). economics was regretted, in view of the importance of this discipline in evolving fisheries development programs. Closer technical supervision of recipients of fellowships was suggested. The Conference noted that the Organization was likely to be invited by the United Nations Special Fund to act as executing agent for two fishery projects in the near future, and that this would place an additional load on the professional staff of the Fisheries Division.

Fisheries Biology

210. The Conference noted with regret that due to lack of funds certain documents of the greatest value, such as Fishing Gear of the World and the Current Bibliography for Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries, were published in English only and that this situation was likely to persist for the ensuing biennium. The Conference therefore requested the Director-General to avoid the recurrence of similar situations either through an increased overall budget allotment for publications, or a suitable revision of the publications of the program, in order that all documents published be available simultaneously in the three official languages of FAO.

211. The Conference endorsed the work being carried out and the program proposed in the field of fisheries biology. The Conference commended the progress made in the development of a methodology for collecting and storing information over a very wide field, and recognized that by, these methods the production of a wide series of documents was made possible. The Conference also endorsed the proposal to publish in English the Current Bibliography fir Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries (hitherto an internal document), in printed form through the medium of a commercial publisher, as an exceptional measure. The Conference also approved the preparation and issue of a series of manuals on a wide variety of biological and oceanographic subjects.

212. It was noted that during the biennium a number of fruitful expert meetings and training centers had been held; these included the World Scientific Meeting on the Biology of Sardines and Related Species, and the Training Center on the Methodology and Techniques of Research on Mackerel (Rastrelliger), the reports on which had proved particularly timely and valuable. The Conference approved, subject to the availability, of funds, the continuation of a series of such meetings in the ensuing biennium, especially, dealing with important species of fish. The program for 1960 - 61 already included the biology of tuna, and a second, a symposium on fish culture, which would embrace biological, technological and economic aspects of the subject matter. A meeting on Hilsa should be held in the ensuing, or a succeeding, biennium if funds permitted.

213. Some delegations recommended further regional fishery studies, such as that on the Mekong river basin; other delegations stressed the need for FAO assistance with the establishment of a training and research Institute in inland fisheries at an appropriate place in the area. Some delegations also recommended that the problems arising from pollution of marine and inland waters should receive special consideration. The Conference requested the Director - General to give these matters the attention that available staff and funds would permit.

214. The Conference commended the collaboration which the Organization had developed with other international governmental and nongovernmental organizations, specifically the relations with UNESCO and the International Scientific Unions, on fishery, aspects of oceanographic research, especially in the Indian Ocean. It also noted witch pleasure the acknowledgement contributed by the Observer from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, of fruitful collaboration with that body.

Fisheries Technology

215. The work accomplished in the field of fisheries technology - was commended and the programs in the fields of fish processing and of fishing craft and gear were endorsed. The Conference noted that during this biennium the Second World Fishing Boat Congress had been held during the biennium with successful results.

216. The Conference requested the Director - General to examine the methods being used in the production of the World Fishery Abstracts, especially, with respect to its relation with other publications, and with due regard for the audience for which these Abstracts were intended. The Conference, however, suggested that no radical changes should be introduced without consulting with Member Governments.

217. The Conference endorsed the practical field work in fishing gear and methods technology performed during the biennium, and appreciated the initiation of research work in this field that had already led to valuable results.

218. The Conference noted the initiation of studies on the safety, of life at sea, where applicable to fishing craft, with special reference to the question of stability, expressed the hope that this matter would be kept under continuous review, and requested the Director - General to explore the possibility, of establishing a standing committee to consider these matters, so as to provide criteria for the consideration of Member Governments.

219. The Conference recognized the value of the work being undertaken on the design of fishery, research vessels. It was suggested, however, that in order to relieve the pressure on the small staff available for this work, activities accepted by the Organization should be restricted to the organization of expert meetings, the exchange of information and, where specifically required by. Member Governments, and as the budget allowed, to design studies to serve as a basis for further work by fishing vessel designers outside FAO, and to advice on plans submitted.

220. The Conference noted with approval the development of recent work on the improvement of traditional methods of fish processing and the development of new fishery products. It also requested the Director - General to look into the possibility, subject to the availability of funds, of organizing a symposium on the nutritive value of fishery, products as a joint activity of the Fisheries and Nutrition Divisions.

Contents -