Contents -

III. Activities and programs of the organization

A. Introduction
B. Agriculture
C. Agriculture and forest land uses in watershed management

D. Economics
E. Fisheries

F. Forestry
G. Nutrition
H. Information
I. Major expansions
J. Expanded technical assistance program

K. Selected problems and longer-range proposals
L. ECOSOC resolutions on co-ordination and concentration

A. Introduction

136. After having reviewed the activities of the Organization during the years 1956 and 1957, the Conference examined the Director-General's proposed Program of Work and Budget for 1958 and 1959, as well as the future trends along which certain parts of the Organization's work might develop. This review and examination was greatly facilitated by the thorough analysis provided by the Co-ordinating Committee and the Committee on Financial Control (C 57/23), for which the Conference expressed its appreciation.

137. In considering the Program of Work and Budget for 1958 and 1959, the Conference agreed that in the present state of food and agriculture in the world, and having regard to the interests of both producers and consumers, a shift in emphasis within fields of activity was necessary. Major attention should be paid to the improvement of the institutional structures and the administrative requirements of agriculture as defined in Article I of the Organization's Constitution in a number of member countries. The Conference was gratified to learn that upon the recommendations of its Eighth Session the Organization was able to strengthen its work in these important fields; in particular, it laid stress on the necessity for the improvement of administrative structures in member countries in order to ensure the fullest possible benefit from technical assistance rendered by FAO.

138. Particular emphasis was placed on the important role consultants could play in the work of the Organization in view of the limited budget for permanent staff. A more extensive use of consultants would, in turn, make it possible to recruit permanent staff with wide basic training and broad experience, thus facilitating their transferability between projects.

139. The Conference expressed its satisfaction at the continued efforts made by the Organisation to arrive at a still better coordination of the work of the various international governmental and non-governmental organizations. It was particularly gratified to learn that in some instances projects have been undertaken jointly with other organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, pooling the financial and manpower resources for a common goal and thus contributing also to avoid overlapping of activities and duplication of work.

B. Agriculture

Work in the field of agriculture in 1956 and 1957
Program of work for 1958 and 1959
Future program trends
Proposal for a campaign on the use of better seeds
Establishment of definitions and standards for milk and milk products
The regional approach to the control of diseases and pests of plants and animals
Desert locust control
Sunn pest
Weaver birds

Work in the field of agriculture in 1956 and 1957

140. The Conference noted the continued progress made in the field of Agriculture and was satisfied that the regular and technical assistance programs had been fully integrated. It appreciated that this achievement was only made possible by the appointment of additional operational and administrative staff in the various branches which also freed technical officers from many operational and administrative duties, permitting them to devote more attention to technical activities. In order to meet the financial cost of this organizational change the post of the second Deputy Director was abolished. The Conference also noted that a new Atomic Energy Branch had been created in recognition of the fact that atomic energy and its byproducts, radioisotopes and radiation, were of great significance for the development of agriculture and related industries, and that FAO will have an increasingly important part to play in promoting the uses of atomic energy in food and agriculture. Problems of radio-active contamination of the environment including the disposal of waste must also be given consideration.

141. The Conference was also satisfied to learn of the progress of work already started in the field of horticulture agronomy and of tropical crops - fields of great importance for many regions not only in relation to human nutritional needs, but also to achieve an intensified and diversified farming system. On the other hand, it noted that in view of the tight budgetary situation in 1957, it was not possible to fill the already approved posts of land settlement and of agriculture education and vocational training. The Conference felt that the filling of these posts was closely related to the Director-General's proposal for the strengthening of the regional structure of the Organization, and that such a move should be viewed in relation to the creation of new posts in the regional offices of the Near East, the Far East and Latin America.

Program of work for 1958 and 1959


142. The Conference studied the pro gram of work in the field of agriculture in order to examine how a balance between human and natural resources (land, water, plants and animals) could best be achieved in arriving at a high level of efficiency in agriculture. The Conference agreed that the program of work in the Organization, including these fields that would be affected by proposed major expansions, presented a balanced approach to agricultural problems.

143. The Conference expressed the view that trengthening the regional organization would contribute to a more effective implementation of the program of work. In agreeing on the usefulness of priorities, the Conference was of the opinion that strengthening the regional organization should be given a high priority.

144. Finally the Conference underlined the importance which the Organization should attach to the training or in-service training of national technicians both in the field of research and in that of production. These technicians can fully implement the agricultural production programs only after the initial impulse has been given by highly qualified experts.

Land and Water Utilization and Conservation

145. The Conference showed great interest in the program of work in the field of land and water utilization and conservation and emphasized that the very foundation of agricultural production on a sustained or increased basis is the rational use of land, soil and water resources. During this period of rapidly improving technology, no country can espect to develop its agriculture rationally and obtain sustained or increased levels of production unless emphasis is placed on the adequate study of its soils, including soil surveys, and water resources.

146. From requests received by FAO for technical assistance, and from the discussions held during the Conference it is evident that Member Governments are attaching particular importance to the need for greater knowledge of the distribution of soils and water resources for agricultural development, and to the need for improvement in land use through such measures as raising soil fertility, the use of fertilizers and the application of soil conservation practice.

147. Although only a comparatively small portion of the world's soils can be irrigated, the increased production from such soils, when under irrigation and good soil management, is so spectacular that a great deal more attention is warranted to the study of areas where soil conditions and water supply make irrigation practicable. In this connection, all sources of water supply, surface and subterranean, and all methods of applying water to the land, should be taken into account. Attention was also drawn to the need for careful consideration of the purification of inland waters which could shell be utilized for human population and for agriculture and to the possibility of using urban sewage for irrigation purposes.

148. The problem of soil conservation has both physical and social aspects. Fragmentation of holdings, and undersized farms, especially on steep slopes, are liable to contribute as much to soil erosion as the physical factors do. It would therefore be of interest to study the soil and water conservation under the different soil, climatic and tenure conditions and also the measures and legislation in force in different countries to prevent the losses of soil and water.

149. Problems of agrarian structure and agrarian reform are of interest to many countries and, in some countries, farmers cannot derive the full benefit from technological advances until these reforms are carried out. Member Countries would he assisted by the collection and analysis of information on land tenure and by such complete evaluation of the effects of agrarian reform through intensive case studies, as has been undertaken in Italy. The analysis of information on fragmentation and consolidation methods and on problems of cadastral survey and land registration would also be helpful. Studies on agrarian reform and on settlement projects should be undertaken not only in those countries where these have been brought into effect recently but also in those where such programs have been in operation for a considerable period of time. In this connection, farm management aspects are of particular importance, as more and more countries are launching farm settlement schemes where the settlers need practical guidance in the organization and management of their land, labor and c capital resources.

150. the Conference noted the work proposed in the field of agricultural engineering and, in emphasizing its vital role, suggested that ways may he explored of bringing about a greater international exchange of experience where mechanized equipement is used in agriculture. It supported the program of development centers being organized in different regions. Recommendations were also made to keep abreast with mechanized equipment that is being developed for drainage of irrigated land. More attention should be given to keeping Member Governments informed of new developments in specific methods and machines used in agriculture in various parts of the world.

151. The Conference was of the opinion that the preparation of various technical documents by the Land anti Water Use Branch is one of its important functions in disseminating technical knowledge among the member countries. It stressed the need, however, for selecting subjects which lend themselves to specific treatment rather than those which can only be dealt with in generalities. As topics which would be of interest to member countries, the following were cited as illustrations: (a) Efficient Use of Water Resources; (b) Application of Water to the Land - both surface methods and by sprinklers, including costs of such operations: (c) Efficient Use of Fertilizers; (d) Development of Farm Power and Machinery. It was explained, in regard to the last-named item, that it would be more helpful to Member Countries if progressive reports of new developments in the field of farm and power machinery could be circulated rather than if a publication were prepared dealing with all known types of machinery in a generalized way.

152. The Conference also commented on the method of preparation of documents. It was stated that one person could not adequately write authoritatively on any particular field for the whole world. It was suggested that a promising approach might he to enlist the help of competent experts ill the Member Countries in order to assist FAO in the preparation and review of publications. This method has been followed in the preparation of the second edition of The efficient Use of Fertilizers (to which some 95 scientists, from about 30 countries, contributed). It would, however, be the responsibility of Division subject matter officers to weave the various contributions into a balanced and integrated document. It was further proposed that consideration he given to the establishment of such small committees, for certain technical publications, the members of which would represent each of the working languages of the Organization - i.e. English, French and Spanish. The role of such a committee would be to review the final draft of certain technical publications to ensure that it is well balanced with special reference to the bibliography.

153. The Delegation from the Republic of the Philippines, observing the great interest of the Conference in the field of soil and water, proposed that the Director-General establish a division of soil and water resources in order to enable the Organization to strengthen its work in these very important and basic fields of FAO activity. This proposal was supported by several other delegations, and many delegations generally stressed the need to strengthen the work of FAO in the fields of land and water development as a fundamental condition of agricultural progress throughout the world.

Plant Production and Protection

154. The Conference, in giving its general approval to the Program of Work for plant production and plant protection, reaffirmed its support for the way in which these problems Were being covered by the three sections of the Branch dealing with crop production, crop improvement and plant protection.

155. The Conference, fully recognizing the importance of the work concerning the main grains for human consumption urges the Organization to continue this work on rice. wheat, barley and maize, and considers it desirable to extend the work to the many secondary crops, particularly in the tropical anti sub-tropical regions, which contribute not only to a better balance in human nutrition but also to the maintenance of soil fertility and the feeding of livestock. The incorporation of these secondary crops in farming systems and crop rotations should receive adequate consideration.

156. It was recognized that the most important secondary crops were the legumes. whether these were grown in the form of grain for direct human consumption or for fodder, green manure or other purposes. Strong support was given to the joint project of the Agriculture Division and the Nutrition Division on grain legumes in agriculture and human nutrition, and the Organization was requested to proceed with its plans to hold regional meetings on this very important subject. The Conference recommended the preparation of a document to dead more fully with grain legumes than was the case with the FAO Agricultural Study No. 21, Legumes in Agriculture; such a publication should bring together the scattered information and experience which is available in the tropical and sub-tropical regions.

157. The Conference noted that good progress had been made in the development of a horticultural program and stressed tilt' importance of these crops, both in the diversification of farming patterns and in the provision of protective and vitamin-rich foods for human consumption, particularly in the sub-tropical and tropical regions. The Conference recommended FAO to give particular attention to fruit and vegetable production in tropical areas, and to promote exchange of information between Member Countries by organizing working parties or meetings at a regional or international level, and by the preparation of publications such as the proposed agricultural study on vegetable growing in the tropics. The Conference gave strong support to the development of a school-gardening program and noted with satisfaction the collaboration planned in this field with UNICEF.

158. Approval was given for the plans for work on tropical crops in general. Particular reference was made to the need to study the potentialities of maize and particularly hybrid forms of this crop for the tropics. The preparation of a catalogue of coconut species and varieties should be followed by similar work on coffee and cacao. and attention should be given to the collection and dissemination of information on improved methods for the cultivation and harvesting of these crops.

159. The Conference approved the continuation of long-term work on pasture and fodder development supported the activities of the three existing working parties for the Mediterranean, Near East and Central-American regions, and recommended the extension of this method of co-ordinating national work on a regional scale to other appropriate agro-climatic regions.

160. The Conference noted that the map of the grass cover of Africa was almost ready for publication, supported the Organization's work in general on mapping the world's grasslands, and noted that attention would now be given to the Latin-American region.

161. The Conference recognized the basic importance of plant exploration, collection and introduction as a basis for crop improvement in general, and suggested that this project should be developed on a regional basis similar to that which is being considered in association with the European Commission on Agriculture. The Conference noted that a mailing list would be established for the distribution of a Plant Introduction Newsletter which would appear at irregular intervals as a medium for disseminating information to technicians of important activities in this field; that Member Countries would be assisted as far as possible in coordinating, planning and conducting plant exploration missions; that national specialists would be encouraged to make detailed studies of the natural distribution and centers of diversity of the gene material from which economic crops originated.

162. An important counterpart to the plant introduction project, particularly as far as bred strains are concerned, is the preparation of catalogues of genetic stocks. The Conference recognized the great importance of the FAO World Catalogues of Genetic Stocks of Wheat and Rice and of the FAO Tabulated Information on Tropical and Sub-Tropical Grain Legumes, requested that these publications be kept up to date by the preparation of supplements, and welcomed the extension of this method of collecting and disseminating information to barley, oats and coconut.

163. The Conference, recognizing that crop improvement greatly depends on the provision of high quality and authenticated seeds, strongly supported the continuation of the Organization's efforts to improve standards of seed testing. certification and control.

164. The Conference recognized the great value of the work in co-ordinating wheat and barley breeding in the Near East region, stressed the importance of training technicians in this field, and suggested that national training centers might be organized when funds were not available for regional training centers.

165. The Conference stressed the great importance of plant protection in the cultivation, storage and processing of all economic crops in all parts of the world, and requested the Organization to do everything possible to strengthen this aspect of the work of the Branch. The Conference reaffirmed the value of the International Plant Protection Convention in strengthening international cooperation. It recommended that activities under the Convention, such as the dissemination of information on plant quarantine legislation, the publication of the FAO Plant Protection Bulletin and the promotion of regional co-operation in plant protection be continued and strengthened. The Organization was requested to give attention to the biological control of insects? rodents and other pests.

166. The Conference referred to the serious losses which are incurred in the storage, processing and transport of agricultural produce, strongly supported FAO's work in this important field of plant protection and in particular suggested that the work initiated by the ad hoc working group of the International Rice Commission on the storage and processing of rice in 1956 be intensified, and that activities in this field be extended to food crops other than rice.

167. In recognizing that rapid advances ale being made in the development of methods of weed control and of the chemical substances which may he used for this purpose, the Conference requested FAO to give continuing attention to this important subject and particularly to keep Member Governments informed of new herbicides, their use and application and their synonyms' in an appropriate form.

Animal Production and Protection

168. The Conference expressed its general approval of the proposed program in this field for 1958 and 1959, and stressed the importance of livestock breeding and nutrition together with priority for disease control in the over-all projects of the Animal Production Branch for improved agricultural production.

169. The Conference was of the opinion that it was difficult to allocate priorities among the inroad aspects of the program in this field. since each aspect contributes its share to a well-balanced livestock production program. The importance of such a program in providing for the needs in the human nutritional field was stressed.

170. Emphasis was placed on the growing importance of progeny testing as a valuable implement in the improvement of livestock. Attention was drawn to the part which FAO can play in gathering and disseminating information on progeny testing in cattle, sheep and pigs. The expanding use of modern techniques of artificial insemination tended to highlight the growing importance of progeny testing.

171. The Conference noted with satisfaction the progress that has been achieved in the control of the major epizootic diseases and expressed the opinion that work in this field, and in connection with the control of parasitic infestations of livestock, should continue The heavy direct losses sustained through the debilitating diseases and parasitic infestation of animals, and the indirect losses which so markedly reduce livestock productivity, required constant attention which can yield the best results when applied on an international and regional basis. It was agreed that in a world in which protein starvation is a matter of grave concern in human nutrition, the control of animal discases is a question of major importance.

172. The Conference emphasized the need for surveys on national feeding resources leading to the acquisition of information on improved nutrition, using local feeds and industrial byproducts which can be economically produced. The close connection between the Animal Production and Plant Production and other Branches received attention, and it was noted that in many countries the greatest production of animal feed was derived from grasslands. The production of fodder crops in rotation with other crops and the conservation of fodder requires constant consideration, since, for the improvement of livestock production, increase in the amounts of fodder and feeding-stuffs is necessary. Also such integration of livestock and crops has an important place in maintaining soil fertility.

173. The Conference drew attention to the need for the improvement of poultry stocks which can make a rapid and important contribution to the nutritional needs of the human population, particularly ill tropical countries.

174. The importance of joint action with UNICEF and IDF and other international bodies in the fields of dairy production, consumption and distribution, and FAO's responsability in assisting the dairy industry in the improved production of milk and dairy products, was stressed. Collaboration with UNICEF in the establishment of dairy plants should continue as an important item in the development of local dairy industries. Such plants are not necessarily commercially productive in the initial stages, but they fulfil a nutritional need and are to be regarded as development units in the areas which they serve.

175. The difficulties attendant in establishing the most suitable breeds of livestock for certain areas received the attention of the Conference. The collaboration and dissemination of information concerning the reactions of livestock under various climatic conditions should continue to form an important part of the duties of FAO. This should be combined with studies in the breeding of cattle for adaptation to the environment, the upgrading of local breeds. and, where applicable, the crossing of local breeds with exotic strains.

176. The Conference, being of the opinion that the diagnosis, prophylaxis and eradication of the zoonoses depends essentially on the control of these diseases in animals, leading ultimately to control and eradication in the human population, considered that the primary responsibility for such measures rests initially with the livestock services concerned with the control of animal diseases. The zoonoses being of vital importance in both animal and human medicine, the Conference considered that FAO had a primary responsibility in this field, and stressed the importance of collaboration with WHO. It was desired that this question should receive attention in view of the common importance to human and animal health of such diseases as tuberculosis and brucellosis. In particular it was considered there should be close co-operation with PASB in the work of the established zoonoses center in Argentina

177. The Conference particular attention to, and commended the co-operation established with other international bodies such as EAAP, OIE, and UNICEF, which are directly or indirectly concerned in matters of livestock production and protection and as such, can assist the Organization in carrying out this work.

178. The Conference reaffirmed its conviction that methods leading to the improvement of livestock production, nutrition, husbandry, and disease control and eradication are of major importance in improving agricultural production and human nutrition.

179. The problem of Resolutions of the International Office of Epizootics affecting veterinary policy and trade was noted. There was full agreement and endorsement of the working relationships between FAO and the OIE, and the technical competence of the OIE was recognized and appreciated. However, it was realized that some Resolutions passed by the International Office of the Epizootics would not have the benefit of the views of countries, members of FAO, hut not members of OIE. In the particular matter raised, the Conference requested the Director-General at the next meeting of the OIE to make arrangements for a meeting for representatives from interested countries to review jointly with OIE and FAO tilt standards and recommendations established by the OIE on the problems of import and export of meat, meat products and offal in relation to possible dangers from rinderpest.

Agricultural Institutions and Services

180. The Conference, in generally approving the program of work in this field, reaffirmed its recognition of the important role which agricultural extension plays in improving productivity and raising the living standards of rural peoples. The rate at which agricultural research results can be translated into improved farming methods was accepted as an important factor in agricultural development. The importance was stressed of adequate research work upon which sound extension information can be formulated and emphasis was placed on the basic role of education, in contributing to the success of both research and extension. The Conference also recognized the need for sound organization and administration in order to plan, execute and co-ordinate the work in these fields.

181. An extension organization composed of sufficient numbers of qualified extension workers, who are troth technically competent and familiar with the social environment of the rural people is highly important for the succes of extension activities. Recognizing the general shortage of such staff which was reported, the Conference recommended that FAO continue to stress the training of extension staff through both regional and national training centers. The opportunity afforded by study tours to observe various forms of extension organizations and techniques in a number of countries was noted. The Conference recommended that training activities of this nature should continue, and noted that facilities exist in many countries which are suitable for the conduct of extension training activities; it emphasized the importance of FAO using such facilities.

182. Although agricultural research is of the utmost importance to agricultural development, the lack of sufficient technical personnel often severely limits national research programs. Because of its important relation to research. the Conference welcomed the study of agricultural education being conducted in Latin America and recommended that consideration be given to extending this type of work to other regions. 'Fine Conference noted with satisfaction that this study would benefit not only research but also all agricultural training since agricultural teaching at all levels is included.

183. The shortage of research workers points up the advisability of exchanging research results particularly between countries with similar agricultural problems, and the Conference noted the success which has been met with in this regard by the Sub-Commission on Agricultural Research of the European Commission on Agriculture. The Conference strongly recommended that further inter-country exchange of research information should be encouraged.

184. Government services are the usual means of carrying out agricultural policies. The importance of well organized and co-ordinated agricultural services was again stressed by the Conference and endorsement was given to the FAO program on this essential field.

185. The Conference noted the benefits which might derive from an international exchange of workers in all fields of agriculture, both from the standpoint of training and of the exchange of ideas and techniques; and it supported the encouragement of such exchanges, wherever possible.

Rural Welfare

186. The Conference generally approved the program in this field proposed for 1958 and 1959 and stressed the paramount importance of rural welfare in the work of FAO. It concurred in the projected approach to rural problems through the organization of co-operatives, the facilitating of rural credit and the development of rural industries, while emphasizing the importance of the human factor in all programs for the betterment of rural populations.

187. Stress was laid on the need for achieving higher productivity which would provide the means for implementation of the various social programs. In this connection self-help was strongly advocated as well as the imperative need for education in the field of cooperatives. The concentration of resources on a few approaches to rural welfare was regarded as highly desirable in view of the limited number of technicians available to cover the wide program in this field.

188. Work already carried out in the field of cooperatives was commended and the value of cooperation as an instrument for increasing the farmers' real income and achieving better living standards was emphasized. The publications already issued and those planned were regarded as particularly valuable. The fact that there were problem areas in even highly developed countries which were as susceptible to improvement through co-operative organization as were the agricultural problems confronting underdeveloped countries was emphasized, for the latter the great need for co-operative credit and cooperative marketing was considered to be of first importance.

189. While expressing appreciation of the work so far carried out by FAO in the field of credit, the difficulties confronting the farmer in obtaining his credit requirements and the need for the training, of workers in this field was strongly urged. It was recognized that FAO had clone much to assist in this problem and it was considered essential to continue work in this field and link it with agricultural extension as is done under the supervized credit schemes now in operation ill certain countries. The need for developing an adaptable credit structure based on comparative studies was emphasized. The Conference stressed the desirability of establishing working relations with other international bodies such as the International Confederation of Agricultural Credit.

190. The role of rural industries m providing supplementary income for rural populations in under- developed countries was again emphasized and the work done both in the field and on publications was appreciated. The processing of agricultural products was considered to have a special priority. particularly work on food products. Special mention was made of activities related to rice processing which had been carried on under the aegis of a working group of the International Rice Commission. It was recommended that those, which were regarded as very important, should he continued and if possible, intensified.

191. The Conference commended the work that had been done in the field of rural sociology, particularly in the appraisal of rural living conditions and reference was made to the importance of training personnel in methods of social investigation. Attention was drawn to the need for providing incentives, particularly to small farmers underdeveloped countries, to increase their income. In this connection, mention was made of the importance of educating women and promoting their welfare.

192. Satisfaction was expressed at the degree of co-operation already achieved with other International Organizations in all segments of work in the field of rural welfare and the hope was expressed that such collaboration should be continued, particularly in programs for Community Development.

Future program trends

193. The Conference was of the opinion that the existing program trends should be sustained. It particularly emphasized the importance of those activities which have a direct bearing on increased agricultural production and on raising the living standards of farmers. After considering the Program of Work for 1958/59, it requested that, in preparing future programs, high priority he given to work in those fields of activity on which emphasis has been placed in the preceding paragraphs of this chapter.

194. In this connection the Conference noted with satisfaction the proposed plan to conduct an international campaign for the use of better seeds and urged the Director-General to provide the necessary leadership, with the resources available to him, for the promotion of this campaign.

195. Resolution No. 14/57

International Plant Protection Convention

The Conference

Having examined the Report of the Advisory Committee on the International Plant Protection Convention convened in September 1955 by the Director-General in pursuance of the recommendation of the Seventh Session of tire Conference to consider proposals and suggestions of Member Governments for amendment of the Convention and effective implementation 0/ its provisions;

Noting with satisfaction that the Advisory Committee e has thoroughly examined such proposals anti suggestions, and proposed means for furthering the objectives of the Convention;

Resolves to accept the recommendations in the Advisory Committee's Report; and

Recommends that the national plant /protection organization with the functions enumerated in Article IV of the Convention be regarded as an ideal that cannot yet he fully attained by many governments, and that contracting governments should perform the functions of an official plant protection organization as specified in Article IV (a) of the Convention where necessary and practicable or at the request of importing countries.

Proposal for a campaign on the use of better seeds

196. The Conference gave its full approval to the proposed campaign on the use of better seeds, stressing that such a campaign would be of value to all Member Countries in that it will provide action in a concrete way; It the farm level for till' benefit of people.

197. The Conference appealed to all member countries to co-operate by taking the necessary steps to improve their seed improvement programs in all phases, including the production, testing and distribution of seeds and in organizing national publicity compaigns, culminating in an « International FAO Seed Year » to be designated by the next session Of the Conference.

198. The Conference emphasized that the campaign should be so directed as to afford publicity for the general goals of FAO in all segments of the population in addition to the specific publicity destined for the rural community and hoped that Member Governments would use all suitable media die for the campaign.

199. The Conference noted with particular appreciation the intention of the Holy See !to associate itself actively with the campaign and also took note of the promise of co-operation already extended by a number of international organizations, both governmental anti non-governmental.

200. The Conference requested the Director-General to assist Member Governments in the preparation of their campaign through the provision of suitable material prepared by the personnel in technical and information divisions.

201. At the conclusion of the debate, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted:

Resolution No. 15/57

International Seed Campaign

The Conference

Considering that the extensive use of high-quality seed of improved varieties is one of the most generally and most economically applicable measures for increasing productivity and improving the quality of agricultural, horticultural and forest products

Decides to launch an international seed campaign and to designate, at its next Session in 1959, the year 1960 or 1961 as the " International FAO Seed Year ", and to this end;

Urges all Member Governments to intensify their programs for the production and distribution of high-quality seeds through a suitable national authority, in close liaison with, where appropriate, National FAO Committees and other national organizations concerned, and to report to the next Conference Session 011 progress made;

Invites international, governmental and non-governmental, organizations interested to join in this campaign;

Requests the Director-General to report to the next Sessions of the Council and the Conference on the progress made.

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