G77 & China - Rome Chapter

News archive

H1N1 flu in turkeys may spread

27 August 2009, Rome - The detection of an H1N1 virus in turkeys in Chile raises concern that poultry farms elsewhere in the world could also become infected with the pandemic flu virus currently circulating in humans, FAO said today. [...]

Land acquisitions in Africa pose risks for poor

25 May 2009, Rome - Land acquisitions are on the increase in Africa and other continents, raising the risk that poor people will be evicted or lose access to land, water, and other resources, according to the first detailed study [...]

Food prices remain high in developing countries

23 April 2009, Rome - High food prices persist in developing countries despite an improved global cereal supply situation and a sharp decline in international food prices, FAO warned today in its latest Crop Prospects and Food Situation report. This [...]

UN food agencies to join G8 agriculture ministers in Treviso

19 April 2009, Rome - International agencies on the front lines of the effort to increase food security will bring concerns on the impact of the economic crisis on small-holder farmers and on people's ability to afford food to the [...]

Helping migrants to invest in countries of origin

27 March 2009, Rome – Helping migrants to invest in agricultural development in their home countries is at the heart of a new agreement between FAO and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Football against hunger weekend 20–22 March 2009

11 March 2009, Rome – Over 200 professional football clubs, 100 stadiums and millions of football fans will be involved in the first ever Europe-wide football weekend against hunger being held from 20 to 22 March.

Women Shoulder Heaviest Burden in Global Food Crisis

Published on 05 March 2009 - Throughout the developing world the global food crisis has made women’s role as chief food provider even more difficult. As WFP delivers food to nearly 100 million people in 77 countries, we try to [...]

World fisheries must prepare for climate change

2 March 2009, Rome - The fishing industry and national fisheries authorities must do more to understand and prepare for the impacts that climate change will have on world fisheries, says a new FAO report published today

The Gaza Crisis: Facts, Figures and Documents

Documents from the World Food Programme (WFP) Stocks in Gaza as of 20 January 2009 Gaza Crisis Consolidated SITREP WFP Situation Report on the Crisis in Gaza Operation Lifeline in Gaza

Operation Lifeline Gaza Reaches The Hungry

Kuwait, 17 January 2009 - Josette Sheeran, the Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) announced today that Operation Lifeline Gaza, a campaign launched one week ago at Egypt's border with Gaza to raise awareness and resources [...]
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