Action Against Desertification

The publications on Action Against Desertification offer an in-depth overview of the project’s goals, activities and results achieved.

Open General interestTechnical or Peer-reviewed articles by clicking here or in the left column to have access to publications of general interest, such as AAD’s collection of fact sheets, more technical publications such as technical manuals and guidelines, or scientific articles published by the project in peer-reviewed journals.

FAO’s international journal on forestry Unasylva, issue 245, presents the main elements of the Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands, capturing, evaluating and sharing knowledge gained in dryland restoration initiatives (page 37-43) and discusses the restoration model used for Great Green Wall activities in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger (page 44-51). Read Unasylva, issue 245....
Mosaic of sustainable land‐use practices that aims to strengthen local resilience to land degradation and climate change in 20 countries.
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