Call for essays for a forthcoming issue of Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy


The issue will be focused on "Sustainable Fisheries and Market-Based Management: Constraints and Opportunities in Less-Developed Contexts."

When market-based approaches are implemented in new economic, political, social and ecological contexts, are they imported whole cloth or substantially revised? Who introduces, promotes, and contests them? How? Why? Are best practices identified and transferred across contexts and does such transfer work best from North-South or South-South?

What roles do NGOs, government, private sector firms, and researchers play – from local to international scales? How do different constellations of actors prioritize conservation or sustainable livelihoods or a mix of the two? Do actor roles and priorities change over time? Do limitations in the availability of ecological, social or economic data pose particular challenges, and can citizen science overcome some of them? What differences across marketable access mechanisms such as individual quotas, collective quotas, or spatialized privileges do we most need to consider, particularly as they reinforce or conflict with customary use rights? How do access rights interact with marine reserves? How do they relate to Blue Economy/Blue Capital initiatives? What lessons have been learned or overlooked from past experience?

Depending on the number of high quality manuscripts received, the number of essays published will be between ten and twelve, each with a length of 6,000 to 8,000 words. Please see recent journal issues for style and tone.

Intended timeline:

October 15, 2015: Each interested author sends editors an essay summary, roughly a half page or so in length. All queries and submissions must be made by email with attached MS Word files, as needed.

December 1, 2015: Editors will respond with comments.

April 15, 2016: Complete manuscript drafts due to editors.

July 1, 2016: Editors respond with comments and revisions.

September 15, 2016: Authors send final manuscripts to editors.

October 15, 2016: Final manuscripts to the publisher for proofs.

Target Date for Publication, 19 JIWLP (December 2016).

Queries and Submissions:

Authors with questions or wishing to make submissions can contact any one of the following

Jennifer Brewer: [email protected]

Nicholas Watts: [email protected]

Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith, Associate Editor, JIWLP: [email protected]
