

17 Oct 2022
Under the 2022 theme “Healthy Diets. Healthy Planet.”, the World Food Forum (WFF) took place from 17 to 21 October at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome, Italy. In the framework of the World Food Forum 2022, a delegation of more than 50 Indigenous Peoples’ leaders, chefs and artists from the seven socio-cultural regions of the world participated...
17 Oct 2022
It's not every day headquarters has a nomadic tent on its premises! As part of the week-long celebrations that make up the World Food Forum, a delegation of more than 50 Indigenous Peoples’ leaders, youth, chefs and artists from all corners of the planet will participate in the global discussions for the future of food, youth action, science and innovations and investment. The Boaššu FoodLab is a nomadic tent and mobile kitchen from the Sámi People and stands rather strikingly at around twice the height of the Atrium entrance. From today...
17 Oct 2022
罗马—联合国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)总干事屈冬玉周一在世界粮食论坛期间出席宝阿苏(BOAŠŠU)粮食实验室活动并表示,土著人民和土著知识对可持续未来至关重要。 活动地点位于粮农组织总部一顶由北极圈土著萨米(Sámi)人搭建的游牧帐篷内。屈总干事说:“土著知识非常关注生态系统和粮食,而这两者都是粮农组织的核心。” 屈总干事指出,作为一名遗传学科学家,他认为生物多样性代表着丰富的基因库资源,土著人民守护着世界上近80%的现存生物多样性。“土著人民的价值远不止文化层面,”屈总干事说,“分享土著知识非常重要。我的心里一直挂念这土著人民。” 来自世界各地的土著人民青年代表参加了此次活动。他们都表示愿意交流保护和加强土著农业粮食体系和生活方式的各种方法。 “我坚信我们可以提供解决方案,”挪威土著人民代表机构萨米议会主席Silje Karine Muotka说。 Miguel Jorge García Winder和Morten von Hanno Aasland分别是墨西哥和挪威驻粮农组织及罗马联合国机构的常驻代表,他们参加了两国共同赞助的活动。
14 Oct 2022
Rome - Counting for about two per cent of the Indigenous Peoples’ population worldwide, Indigenous hunter-gatherers are among the most invisible societies in the world. However, their food and knowledge systems show unique and common elements of sustainability and resilience. It is critical to recognize those elements to ensure the survival of Indigenous hunter-gatherers living in forests. This side event of the FAO Science and Innovation Forum, organized by the Global-Hub on Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems, highlighted how the food and knowledge systems of Indigenous hunter-gatherers can support their food and nutrition security while enhancing biodiversity and supporting climate...