

07 Oct 2022
Join us for an interactive event at the FAO Science and Innovation Forum! 14 October 2022 | 12:00 CEST  Virtual event: Register here ENGLISH – FRENCH – SPANISH   This event will highlight how the food and knowledge systems of Indigenous hunter-gatherers can support their food and nutrition security while enhancing biodiversity and supporting climate resilience. It will present how to better understand and adequately address the challenges that Indigenous hunter-gatherer societies currently face to sustain their food systems and livelihoods. Counting for about two per cent of the Indigenous Peoples’ population worldwide, Indigenous hunter-gatherers are among the most...
07 Oct 2022
The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific is convening a three-day special symposium focusing on the need for Asia-Pacific governments and stakeholders to transform the region’s agrifood systems to ensure enough, affordable, nutritious, safe and sustainably produced food for all to counter hunger, poverty and inequality. In this context, this side event will provide an opportunity to discuss how Indigenous Peoples’ food systems can contribute to that important goal, leaving no one behind.   Recognizing that Indigenous Peoples’ food systems are game-changers for sustainability and agrifood systems transformation, this...
06 Oct 2022
Join us for an interactive side event of the Committee on World Food Security CFS 50!  12 October 2022/ 18:30 CEST | Register here   Within the framework of the 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT), the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022, this side-event will provide an opportunity to discuss emerging issues related to collective rights to lands, water and natural resources, successful interventions and relevance of instruments,...
23 Sep 2022
Rome – A technical discussion explored the disproportionate impact that pesticides have on Indigenous Peoples, and how to better protect them. The meeting happened as a follow-up on the recommendation of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2022 (paragraph 82) to adjust the FAO-WHO International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management with the participation and holistic approaches of Indigenous Peoples. The main objective of the Code of Conduct is to maximize the benefits of pesticides to effectively control pests in public health and agriculture, while protecting human and animal...