

一系列的土著人民有关的文件如下所示. 这些包括粮农组织关于土著和部落民族政策和一系列自愿准则和原则适用于土著人民的粮农组织成员国批准。

使用位于右侧页面的搜索框中,可以找到一系列的有益的文件,提供关于粮农组织与土著人民之间的合作。该列表包含出版物、 文件和报告,可以协助查明和同土著人民交往,促进多方利益有关者对话和加强合作。

The primary purpose of this book is to describe and to reference the published literature on the nutritional properties, the botanical characteristics and the ethnic uses of traditional food plants of Canadian Indigenous Peoples. Since it is recognized that Canadian...

A menudo el trabajo que realizan las mujeres en su hogar no es valorado y se confunde con el realizado en la explotación agrícola. De esta manera, se subestima el aporte que hacen en la agricultura y para la seguridad...

The purpose of the study is to contribute to the conceptual development of demand-led extension and advisory services aimed at nomadic herders in Eritrea, through a better understanding of pastoralists’ traditional natural resources management practices and their own sources and...

FAO published the VGGTs in Sardi Kurukh, Indigenous languages mainly spoken in India today. In the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit, the FAO Land Tenure Unit and FAO India coordinate efforts...

FAO published the VGGTs in Sardi Kurukh, Indigenous languages mainly spoken in India today. In the framework of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, the FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit, the FAO Land Tenure Unit and FAO India coordinate efforts...