
Pastoral mobility must be preserved to ensure Mongolian rangeland sustainability. Pastoralism in Mongolia is currently going through major transformations (pasture user groups, cooperatives, draft Land Law, climate change, conflicting forms of land use i.e. mining, cropping, national reserves). In this new context, the value of mobility might not be fully appreciated in new policy formulations, which could weaken Mongolian pastoral systems. Supporting mobility requires an adequate institutional framework in the provision of services (e.g. water, veterinary, education and health) and institutional flexibility with stronger and reciprocal intersoum inter-aymag agreements for hosting neighboring herders during climate shocks.

Year of publication: 2014
Topic: 组织
Language: English
Type of document: 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 中亚地区

This brief lists a range of policies to support pastoralists to market their products.

Year of publication: 2014
Topic: 经济
Language: English
Type of document: 技术, 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

This evaluation has three objectives: i) evaluate the overall relevance and coherence of AFD Group interventions; ii) assess the performance of pastoral water projects; iii) propose strategies for continuing the process (with significant changes) or gradually winding it down. This exercise covered 11 projects implemented in three areas of Chad between 1993 and 2013. 

Year of publication: 2014
Topic: 土地
Language: English, Français
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 中部非洲

畜牧业是可持续发展的三大支柱间的纽带,提供了社会、环境和经济效益的 综合体。它利用了最适合多功能用途的大片土地:广泛生产结合了高价值生 态系统服务的高质量食品。政策、公共服务和投资都应该支持这个用途组 合,以确保充分补偿和保护所有利益范畴。

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: 国际自然保护联盟, 联合国环境规划署 
Topic: 经济, 环境服务
Language: العربية, 漢語, English, Français, Русский, Español
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

This field manual supports planning and management in rangelands including in village land use planning. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: 国际土地联盟 
Topic: 土地
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

Rangelands are large natural landscapes that can include grasslands, shrublands, savannahs and woodlands. They are greatly influenced by, and often dependent on, the action of herbivores. In the majority of rangelands the dominant herbivores are found in domestic herds that are managed by mobile pastoralists. Most pastoralists manage their rangelands communally, benefitting from the greater flexibility and seasonal resource access that common property regimes can offer. As this book shows, this creates a major challenge for governance and institutions.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: 国际自然保护联盟 
Topic: 土地, 组织
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

The Post-2015 Agenda provides an opportunity to work globally towards making livestock production systems more sustainable while finding solutions for the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems such as rangelands. This fact sheet presents overlooked facts, myths and emerging issues regarding pastoralism and gives recommendations on how to work towards sustainable pastoralism. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: 国际自然保护联盟, 联合国环境规划署 
Topic: 经济, 环境服务, 参与
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

What is the magnitude of pastoralism? The issue of the social and economic importance of pastoral systems is closely related with policies of land use. Overestimating the importance of pastoral systems, or downplaying it, can slow down development and lead to undesirable consequences. This study looks at the demand, the supply, and the future concerning data on the magnitude of pastoral systems in Kenya.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: , 个人作者 
Topic: 经济
Language: English
Type of document: 科学
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲