

A side event of the 159th FAO Council last 4 June, 2018, “FAO’s role in social protection: Innovation to achieve zero hunger, reduce poverty and build resilient communities” highlighted the organization’s growing engagement in the area of social protection in recent years. It also demonstrated FAO’s key role in solidifying...
Did you know? In 2015, an estimated 65 million people were forcibly displaced as a result of persecution, conflict, generalised violence or other human rights violations – an increase of almost 6 million compared to the previous year. That number is projected to keep growing. Evidence demonstrates that social protection enhances...
The two UN Organizations join forces to prove common perceptions on cash transfers are wrong, showing how social protection can help achieve SDG1 and SDG2. FAO and UNICEF are strengthening their partnership to promote the expansion of social protection as one pathway out of poverty. A new joint study refutes some...
6 July 2017, Bamako - Nearly 56 percent of the rural population in Mali lives in poverty with limited resources to invest in agricultural activities. Among those, about 3 million people are classified as being at risk of food insecurity with limited access to social assistance or social services in general. ...
An innovative approach to combating poverty and hunger is gaining credibility in sub-Saharan Africa and making its way into international development discourse. This involves bringing together agricultural and social protection interventions to support small family farmers in taking part in, and contributing to, the process of agricultural transformation.