
From cultures and cities, towards urban agriculture.

撰稿人: Coll.
出版社: AgroParisTech


What is urban agriculture? A fashion? A bit of green for magazine articles? Is it a utopia that comes back to haunt us in regular space, or is it an experience full of future? How do big cities like Paris, New York or Berlin cope with pollution, lack of space and cultivable land? In this video documentary, we follow several concrete experiences. From the adepts of sheep grazing in the city to the futuristic projects of vertical farms, we will see that this urban agriculture welcomes all diversities - and visions that are sometimes difficult to reconcile.



主题: Food production and ecosystem management
标签: Food safety, Urban and peri-urban agriculture
组织机构: AgroParisTech
撰稿人: Coll.
年份: 2016
种类: Reports & Case Studies
City (国家): Canada, France, Germany, United States of America
地区: Global coverage
資源格式: Video
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