

15 September 2015
#Generation2030: Torchbearers for the Sustainable Development Goals A High Level Event on the Role of Youth in the Implementation and Monitoring of the SDGs Organized on the sidelines of the United Nations Summit to...


07 September 2015
Do you care about forests? Do you care about climate change? Do you care about animals and plants? Do you care about yourself and your friends’ future? This is your opportunity. Get engaged! The good news is that the...


04 September 2015
The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (Division for Sustainable Development) is pleased to announce the beta version launch of “Partnerships for SDGs” - an online platform for encouraging global engagement around multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments in...


12 August 2015
The 2015 International Youth Day theme is Youth Civic Engagement. Youth Civic Engagement, a main goal of the United Nations System-Wide Action Plan on Youth, seeks to promote young people’s effective inclusive civic engagement at all levels. There has...

2015年亚太地区青年论坛(#APYF2015):迈向可持续发展的未來, 创造适应气候变化的山区生活

10 August 2015
As an annual flagship youth event, ICIMOD – through its Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN) –  is preparing for the ‘Asia Pacific Youth Forum 2015 (#APYF2015): Towards Sustainable and Climate Resilient Mountain Livelihoods’, which will take place...