Editorial Board
Rome, 1994
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1. Introduction: Generalities concerning energy integrated systems
1.1. Host country strategy: sustainable energy production and consumption
1.2. Renewable energy sources available at the site and corresponding facilities
1.3. The project main activities and objectives
1.4. The project's energy input-output flow
1.5. The farm2. Breeding and cultivation of sweet sorghum
2.1. Breeding Shennong no. 2 with high grain yield and high juice sugar content
2.2. Accumulation of dry matter and sugar and formation of yield in sweet sorghum
2.3. Inheritance of sugar content in sorghum stalk
2.4. Research on alcohol production of stalk for several sweet sorghum varieties
2.5. Sweet sorghum production by multiple cropping with early maturing crops
2.6. The effect of different cultivation techniques on sweet sorghum3. Study on the mechanization of sweet sorghum cultivation
3.1. Process and machinery
3.2. Pneumatic sprayer
3.3. The plan and effect of deep plow
3.4. Sweet sorghum leaf stripping device4. Ethanol production from sweet sorghum
4.1. Components of sweet sorghum stem juice
4.2. Study on palletizing machine for yeast cells immobilized carrier production
4.3. Research on refining alcohol I from juice of sweet sorghum stem5. Alcohol and cotton oil as alternative fuels for internal combustion engines
5.1. The fuel properties of alcohol and basic principles of engine conversion
5.2. Conversion design of a L195 diesel engine to ethanol/diesel fuel
5.3. Studies on burning gasoline/ethanol blended fuel in gasoline engines
5.4. Studies on using vegetable oil for diesel engine
5.5. Field test system for evaluating a tractor6. Livestock house and biogas system
6.1. Animal feeding and its house
6.2. Biogas production
6.3. Biogas as a substitute for diesel fuel
6.4. Cogeneration units7. The research progress of biomass pyrolysis processes
7.1. General introduction
7.2. Biomass pyrolysis system
7.3. Products and their characteristics
7.4. Pretreatment and characterization of feedstocks
7.5. Pilot rotating cone reactor established in SAU8.1. The combined passive solar energy training building
8.2. The passive and active combined solar working office9. Research on the temperature environment of solar greenhouse
9.1. The temperature simulation and structural optimization of the solar greenhouse
9.2. The underground heat exchange system of protected vegetable cultivation
9.3. The benefit of vegetable production in the underground heat exchange solar greenhouse10. Integrated energy self-served animal and plant complementary ecosystem in China
10.1. Introduction
10.2. History and principle of the integrated energy self-served animal and plant complementary producing system
10.3. The investigation of the problems of the integrated energy self-served ecosystem
10.4. The structure improvement of the energy self-served animal and plant complementary ecosystem
10.5. The study and test of the ventilation system in the E-W form of the ecosystem11. Energy balance analysis on an integrated energy system
11.1. Production structure of the farm
11.2. Energy balance in alcohol fuel production and the utilization system
11.3. Heat and electricity balance in an IES
11.4. Dimensioning of energy producing plants12. Economic analysis of the project
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Illustration of the pilot project
12.3. Collect the data and establish the database
12.4. Search for alternatives
12.5. Evaluate the alternatives
12.6. Identify the best alternative
12.7. Results of economic analysis and proposal plan
12.8. Conclusion
The technology of converting biomass into shaped fuels
Materials and methods
Results and discussion
Equipment and testing procedures
Results and discussion
AcknowledgmentStudy on performance of biomass gasifier-engine systems and their environmental aspects
System design principle and test apparatus
Results and discussion
ConclusionsUtilization of natural zeolites for solar energy storage
Storing solar energy principle of zeolites
Experimental research and results analysis
ConclusionsA study on anaerobic wine lees tail liquid aerobically treated with fiber packing biofilm reactor
Mechanism of the treating process
Analyses of the biodegradability of anaerobic wine lees tail liquid
Technological process and equipment for the experiment
Results and discussions
ConclusionsUtilizing wind energy to develop aquaculture industry
Significance of enhancing oxygen content in fishponds
Utilizing wind energy to enhance the oxygen content in fishponds
The pathways of utilizing wind energy to increase water temperature in fishponds
Conclusions and recommendationsCirculating fluidized bed gasifier for biomass
Design of the fast fluidized BED
Performance of the CFBG
ConclusionA potential renewable energy resource development and utilization of biomass energy
I. Introduction
II. Biomass resource and its energy value
III. Utilization of biomass
IV. Prospect of biomass utilizationEffect of ecological agriculture project construction on the regional environment improvement
The effect of ecological environment destruction
Utilizing ecological agriculture project to improve the regional environment
The situation of implementing and results
Problems need solving in the construction of ecological agricultureThe experimental study of solar ox-fattening shed
Solar ox-shed structure
Experiment and measurement
Analysis of the cost and benefit of the solar ox-fattening shedEnergy environment and agriculture in China
I. The energy pattern of China
II. Environmental issues
III. The relationship between NRSE and agricultural and economic development.Experiences on wind energy utilization in Korea
1. Introduction
2. Site description
3. KIST-20 project
4. Concluding remarks
Figures1) Introduction
2) Energy integrated systems
3) The SAU'S energy integrated system
4) Comments about the SAU'S energy integrated system
5) Proposals for future activities in the project
6) Conclusions
7) Bibliography