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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Twenty-ninth Session |
Rome, 7-18 November 1997 |
A. Twentieth McDougall memorial lecture
B. Message from his holiness Pope John Paul II
C. Presentation of the B.R. Sen awards for 1996 and 1997
D. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma award for 1996-97
E. Presentation of the Edouard Saouma award for 1996-97
F. In memoriam
II. Procedure of the session and review of the State of Food and Agriculture
A. Election of the chairman and vice-chairmen
B. Appointment of the general committee and the credentials committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda itemsEstablishment of commissions and appointment of their chairmen, vice-chairmen, rapporteur and drafting committees
Resolutions committee of the conference
Right of reply
Verbatim records
Verification of credentials
Voting rightsApplicant for membership
Admission of observers from non-member nations
Liberation movements
Intergovernmental and international NGOs
A. The conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources for food and agriculture
B. Major trends and policies in Food and Agriculture
A. Tele food
B. United Nations/FAO World Food Programme pledging target for 1999-2000
A. Target for WFP pledges for the period 1999-2000
B. Standards for plant quarantine harmonization
C. Negotiation of a legally binding instrument on prior informed consent (PIC)
D. Desert locust situation: Measures taken and further action required
E. Programme against African trypanosomiasis (PAAT)
A. The programme against African trypanosomiasis (PAAT)
B. Activities and programmes of the organizationProgramme evaluation report 1996-97
Medium-term plan 1998-2003
A. Strengthening the FAO 2000 project
B. Programme of work and budget 1998-99
A. Budgetary appropriations 1998-99
B. Constitutional and administrative mattersAmendments to Rule XXXIII GRO (committee on World Food security)
A. Amendment to financial regulations 6.9 and 7.1 (publications revolving fund)
B. Revision of the general regulations of the World Food Programme
A. Revision of the general regulations of the World Food Programme
B. Revision of the international plant protection convention
A. Amendments to the international plant protection convention
B. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the regional centre on agrarian reform and rural development for the near east (CARDNE)
C. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the centre for marketing information and advisory services for fishery products in the Arab Region (INFOSAMAK)
D. Cooperation agreement between FAO and the intergovernmental organization for marketing information and technical advisory services for fishery products in the Asia and Pacific Region (INFOFISH)
E. Review of FAO statutory bodies
A. FAO audited accounts 1994-95
B. Scale of contributions 1998-99
A. Scale of contributions 1998-99
B. Payment by the European Community to cover expenses arising out of its membership in the organization
C. Financial position of the organization including status of contributions
D. Approval of the commissary accounts by the finance committee
A. Staff commissary accounts
B. Incentive scheme to encourage the prompt payment of contributions
C. Address by staff representative bodies
D. Appointments and electionsApplication for membership in the organization
Election of council members
Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
A. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
B. Appointment of representatives of the FAO conference to the staff pension committee
C. Other mattersFAO compliance agreement
XI World forestry congress
Date and place of the thirtieth conference session
Margarita Lizárraga medal
XXI. Appendix A. Agenda for the twenty-ninth session of the conference
XXII. Appendix B. List of delegates and observers
XXIII. Appendix C. List of documents
XXIV. Appendix D. Statement by the director-general
XXV. Appendix E. Statement of the computation of contributions for 1998 and 1999
XXVI. Appendix F. Proposed general regulations and rules of the WFP
XXVII. Appendix G. International plant protection convention
XXVIII. Appendix H. Terms of reference of the interim commission on phytosanitary measures