The implications of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture for developing countries
Prepared by
Stephen Healy Richard Pearce Michael Stockbridge
for the
Agricultural Policy Support
Policy Assistance Division
Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, 1998
Table of
contents |
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� FAO 1998
Table of contents |
Acknowledgements |
Foreword |
Introduction |
Part 1: The Agreement on Agriculture |
Chapter 1: An Overview of the Negotiations on Agriculture |
1.1 The Background to the Uruguay Round Negotiations |
1.2 Agriculture in the Uruguay Round Negotiations
Chapter 2: the main elements of the Agreement on Agriculture |
2.1 The objectives of the Agreement on Agriculture |
2.2 The main elements of the Agreement |
Chapter 3: Implications of the Agreement on Agriculture for agricultural policies and trade in developing countries |
3.1 The general implications of the Agreement for developing countreis: Special and differntial treatment |
3.2 Market access provisions |
3.3 Domestic support commitments |
3.4 Export policies: Subsidies adn restrictions |
Part 2: Policy implications for agriculture after the Uruguay Round Agreement |
Chapter 4: The impact of the Agreement on Agricultural Trade |
4.1 Agricultural liberalisation and the commitments of the Agreement on Agriculture |
4.2 The loss of preferential trading agreements |
4.3 The impact of the Agreement on Agricultural Trade Liberalisation |
4.4 The impact on food security |
Chapter 5: The Agriculture Agreement in the context of domestic agricultural policy |
5.1 The policy environment |
5.2 Agricultural production policy tools after the Agreement |
5.3 Trade policy reform before and after the UR |
5.4 Policy options under SAPs and commitments in the Agreement: A framework for analysis |
5.5 Concluding comments |
Chapter 6: The implications for food security |
6.1 The Agreement and food security |
6.2 Assessing the implications of the Agreement on Food Security |
6.3 Policy responses in addressing food security |
Chapter 7: Regionalism and the Agreement on Agriculture |
7.1 Regional Trading Agreements (RTAs) |
7.2 RTAs and GATT regulations |
7.3 Policies that support RTAs and the Agreement commitments |
7.4 Concluding comments |
Annex 1: The World Trade Organization and Agriculture |
List of abbreviations |
Bibliography |
Summary |