Contents -

XII. Membership, elections and appointments

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Appointment of director - general
C. Appointment of independent
D. Election of Council Members
E. Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee
F. Date and Place of Eleventh Session of the Conference

A. Admission of new member nations and associate members

660. The Conference had before it:

(a) applications for membership from the Republic of Guinea and, under cover of transmittal letters from the French Government, from the Republic of Togo and the State of Cameroon;

(b) applications for associate membership on behalf of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Madagascar, the Republic of Gabon, the Republic of Senegal, the Republic of Soudan, Somalia (at the time a Trust Territory under Italian administration) and the Republic of Chad, the last application, however (the Republic of Chad), having been received on 28 October, i.e., after the prescribed deadline;

(c) applications on behalf of Cyprus and the Federation of Nigeria for associate membership until they became independent and for membership from the date on which they became independent.

661. The Conference noted that five of the above applications, namely, those which concern Togo, Cameroon, Cyprus, Nigeria and Somalia, applied to nations which would become independent during 1960.

662. The Conference noted with satisfaction that the metropolitan powers that presented these applications would wish the five nations concerned to be admitted without delay to membership. The Conference agreed in principle with this wish, since the interests of FAO would undoubtedly be best served if the membership of the Organization included the largest possible number of states. It realized, however, that any decision of principle that would lead to this result must be subject to the fulfilment of the requirements laid down by the Constitution and in particular to the condition that the government concerned should, after termination of trusteeship or on accession to independence, submit appropriate instruments to confirm their desire of becoming members of the Organization and their acceptance of the obligations of the Constitution.

663. Until such conditions were fulfilled, the Conference was prepared to grant to these nations, without delay and as a transitional measure, the status set out in Article 11, paras. 3 and 4 of the Constitution.

664. The Conference therefore resolved as follows:

Resolution No. 89/59

Admission to Membership and Associate Membership


Decides, with respect to the applications received concerning Cyprus, Nigeria, Cameroon, Togo and Somalia:

(a) to proceed to a secret ballot as laid down in Article II of the Constitution:

(b) to grant membership to each of the above nations that obtains the required two - thirds majority of the votes cast, on condition that the government of each such nation shall submit to the Director - General, after the end of trusteeship or on accession to independence, an instrument confirming its desire to be a member of the Organization and its acceptance of the obligations of the Constitution;

(c) that such admission to membership shall take effect on the day of receipt of the aforesaid instrument if found valid, and that all Member Nations shall immediately be notified accordingly;

(d) in respect of Cyprus, Nigeria and Somalia only, that for the interim period, i.e., from the time the results of the ballot have been announced until accession to membership, each nation having obtained the required majority shall enjoy the privileges set out in paras. 3 and 4 of Article II of the Constitution.

(Adopted 5/11/59)

665. As, however, the applications in respect of the five nations that were to become independent in 1960 and of that of the Republic of Chad did not entirely conform to the provisions of Rule XIX, paras. 1 and 2 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, the Conference suspended that rule by adopting the following resolution:

Resolution No. 90/59

Suspension of Rule XIX


Resolves to suspend Rule XIX of the Rules adopted by the Conference in connection with the applications for membership and associate membership which come up for consideration during this session of the Conference.

666. Resolution No. 91/59

Admission of the Republic of Guinea to Membership of the Organization


Having proceeded to a secret ballot in accordance with Article II para. 2 of the Constitution and Rule XII, para. 7 of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Declares that the Republic of Guinea is admitted as a Member Nation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as from 5 November 1959.

(Adopted 5/11/1959)

667. The result of the voting on the application for membership by Guinea was:

Votes cast: 59
In favor: 59
Abstentions: 3

668. Resolution No. 92/59

Admission of Cyprus, the Federation of Nigeria, the State of Cameroon, the Republic of Togo, and Somalia to Membership of the Organization


Having proceeded to a secret ballot in accordance with Article II, para. 2 of the Constitution and Rule XII, para. 7 of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Declares that Cyprus, the Federation of Nigeria, the State of Cameroon, the Republic of Togo and Somalia are admitted as members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as from the date on which trusteeship ends in the case of Cameroon, Somalia and Togo, and as from the date on which they become independent in the case of Cyprus and Nigeria.

(Adopted 5 / 11/1959)

669. The result of the voting on the application for membership by Cyprus was:

Votes cast: 60
In favor: 60
Abstentions: 2

670. The result of the voting on the application for membership by Nigeria was:

Votes cast: 60
In favor: 60
Abstentions: 2

671. The result of the voting on the application for membership by Cameroon was:

Votes cast: 59
In favor: 59
Abstentions: 3

672. The result of the voting on the application of membership by Togo was:

Votes cast: 58
In favor: 58
Abstentions: 4

673. The result of the voting on the application of membership by Somalia was:

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

674. Resolution No. 93/59

Admission of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, the Republic of Chad, Madagascar, the Republic of Gabon, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Soudan to Associate Membership of the Organization


Having proceeded to a secret ballot in accordance with Article II, para. 3 of the Constitution and Rule XII, para. 7 of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Declares that the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasa land the Republic of Chad, Madagascar, the Republic of Gabon, the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of Soudan are admitted as Associate Members of the Organization as from 5 November 1959.

(Adopted 5/11/1959)

675. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was:

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

676. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

677. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the Madagascar Republic was:

Votes cast: 60
In favor: 60
Abstentions: 2

678. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the Republic of Gabon was:

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

679. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the Republic of Senegal was:

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

680. The result of the voting on the application for associate membership by the Republic of Soudan was:

Votes cast: 61
In favor: 61
Abstentions: 1

681. Resolution No. 94/59

Contributions and Advances by New Members and Associate Members


Having regard to the provisions of Article XIIII - 3 of the Constitution, Rule XIX - 3 of the Rules adopted by the Conference and Financial Regulation 6.2 (b) (iii),

Decides that the contribution to be paid by the new members for the fiscal year 1959 shall be:

for Guinea $ 832.25
for Cyprus 625
for Nigeria 3 745
for the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 1 875
for Madagascar 500
for Gabon 500
for Senegal 500
for Soudan 500
for Somalia 500
for Chad 500

Determines that these contributions shall be treated as Miscellaneous Income; and

Further decides that the advance of Guinea to the Working Capital Fund shall be 760 dollars.

B. Appointment of director - general

682. Resolution No. 95/59


Acting in conformity with Article VIM of the Constitution,

Having proceeded to a secret ballot as laid down in Rule XII of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Declares unanimously that Dr. B. R. Sen is appointed to the office of Director - General, for a period of four years, the term of office expiring one month after the conclusion of the Twelfth Session of the Conference in 1963; and

Having considered the recommendations regarding the terms and conditions of appointment of the Director - General submitted by the General Committee in accordance with Rules X - 2 (j) and XXXIII - 1 (b) of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Resolves that the salary of the Director - General shall be at the rate of 20,000 U.S. dollars per annum, payable in accordance with the rules governing salary payments to staff members of the Organization; that in addition he shall receive a representation allowance at the rate of 6,500 U.S. dollars per annuli, payable half in United States dollars and half in Italian lire, and that he shall be entitled to all allowances and benefits accruing to staff members under the Staff Regulations, including participation in the Joint Staff Pension Fund; and

Further resolves that the terms and conditions of service of the Director - General shall be governed by the relevant provisions of the Staff Regulations subject, however, to the provisions of the draft contract proposed by the General Committee and approved by the Conference, a copy of which has been signed by the Chairman of the Conference; and

Noting that under Rule XXXIII - 2 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, the Deputy Director - General shall act as Director - General in any case where the Director - General is unable to act,

Requests the Chairman of the Council promptly to convene an emergency session of the Council, should the Director - General be unable to continue to exercise his functions;

Empowers the Council in any such emergency to take such action as the situation may warrant; and

Requests the Council to report thereon to the Conference at its first subsequent session.

C. Appointment of independent

Chairman of the Council

683. Resolution No. 96/59


Having proceeded to a secret ballot, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XII of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Declares unanimously that Mr. Louis Maire is appointed Independent Chairman of the Council for a Period of two years, that is, until the end of the regular session of the Conference to be held in 1961; and

Having noted the recommendations submitted by the General Committee in conformity with Rule XXIV of the Rules adopted by the Conference,

Decides that the conditions of appointment, including the allowances attached to the office of the Independent Chairman of the Council, shall be as follows:

(i) An annual allowance of the equivalent of 5,000 U.S. dollars to cover representation expenses and secretarial assistance in the Chairman's home station, on the understanding, that the Director - General will provide secretarial assistance when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council or Conference. One half of the allowance shall be payable in U.S. dollars, the balance being payable, in whole or in part, in the currency of the home country of the Chairman, or in Italian lire, according to his desire.

(ii) A per diem allowance at the rate of 20 U.S. dollars while the Chairman is absent from his home station on Council business, the allowance being reduced to 10 U.S. dollars per them while the Chairman is in travel status.

(iii) Travel expenses, including the above per them allowance, shall be defrayed by the Organization, in conformity with its regulations and existing practices, when the Chairman attends sessions of the Council, of the Program and Finance Committees, of the Conference, or when he is invited by the Council or by the Director - General to travel for other purposes.

D. Election of Council Members

684. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Rules adopted by the Conference, the Conference proceeded to elect the following Member Nations to membership of the Council:


First Group

Second Group


(seats vacated at end of Conference session)

(seats vacated on 31 December 1960)

Africa: Ghana  
Asia and Far East:   India
Europe: Italy Denmark
    United Kingdom
Latin America: Brazil Cuba
Near East: Iran United Arab Republic
North America: Canada  
  United States of America  
Southwest Pacific:   Australia


E. Appointment of FAO Staff Pension Committee

685. Resolution No. 97/59


In accordance with Article XX of the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund,


Dr. Carolus Eygenraam
Agricultural Attaché
Royal Netherlands Embassy

Mr. Walter W. Sohl
Second Secretary
United States Embassy

Mr. Hussein Sadegh
Agricultural Attaché
Imperial Embassy of Iran

as members of the Staff Pension Committee; and further appoints:

Dr. Vittorio de Asarta
Secretary , Italian
National FAO Committee Rome

Mr. Ismat T. Kittani
Second Secretary
Permanent Commission of Iraq
to the United Nations
New York

Mr. O.F. de V. Booysen
Second Secretary
South African Embassy

as alternate members of the Committee, for the period 1 January 1960 until 31 December 1961.

F. Date and Place of Eleventh Session of the Conference

686. The Conference decided that its Eleventh Session should be held at Headquarters in Rome in November 1961.

Contents -