Contents -
A. Agenda
B. Amendments to the constitution, rules adopted by the conference,
financial regulations, statement of principles on conventions and agreements, commissions
and committees, and to rules of procedure of article VI bodies
C. Agreements between the league of Arab states and the food and
agriculture organization of the United nations
D. Agreement between the government of Ghana and the food and
agriculture organization of the United nations regarding the African regional office of
the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
E. Agreement for the establishment on a permanent basis of a Latin
American forest research and training institute under the auspices of the food and
agriculture organization of the United nations
F. Agreement between the international atomic energy agency and the
food and agriculture organization of the United Nations
G. Guiding lines for formal relationship agreements between FAO and
other intergovernmental organizations
H. Convention placing the international poplar commission within the
framework of FAO
I. Scale
of contributions 1960 - 61
J. Delegates and observers attending the tenth session of the
K. List of conference documents (as of 20.00 hours 16 November)
1. Election of Chairman and vice - chairmen (Rule VII - 1 and 2)
2. Appointment of General Committee and Credentials Committee (Rule VIII)
3. Adoption of agenda
4. Arrangements for the session and allocation of agenda items
5. Admission of observers to the session
6. The world situation and outlook in respect of food and agriculture
World food and agriculture situation
Report of the Director - General on the state of food and agriculture
(a) Food production in relation to population trends
(b) Changes in the terms of trade for agricultural products
(c) Economic position of farm populations
(d) Problems of agricultural development in underdeveloped countries
(e) Agricultural price stabilization and support policies
7. Commodity problems
(a) General consideration of reports by the CCP. Reports of Thirty - First and Thirty - Second Sessions of the CCP.
(b) Guiding lines for surplus disposal. Report of Subcommittee on Surplus Disposal.
8. Freedom - from - Hunger Campaign
9. Special questions
(a) Social welfare
(b) Agrarian reform
(c) Development project
10. Current and continuing
(a) Land and water development
(b) Forestry
(c) Plant production and protection
(d) Animal production and health
(e) Fisheries
(f) Nutrition
(g) Statistics
(h) Commodities
(i) Economic analysis
(j) Rural institutions and services
(k) Public relations, Publications, Rural legislation and Library
11. Forward Appraisal
12. Special projects
(a) World Seed Campaign
(b) Survey and appraisal of world agriculture, fisheries and forest resources in relation to needs (paras. 424 and 425 of report of the Ninth Session of the Conference)
(c) Relations with UNICEF
(d) Atomic energy
13. Expanded Technical Assistance Program and United Nations Special Fund
14 FAO's Program of Work and Budget for 1960 - 61
(a) Draft Program of Work and Budget and reports of Council, Program and Finance Committees
(b) Reorganization of FAO Headquarters
15. Constitutional and legal matters
(a) Amendments to the Constitution and the Rules adopted by the Conference
(i) Majority required for decisions on the level of the budget
(ii) Transfer of Rule XXII of the Rules adopted by the Conference to Article XX of the Constitution
(iii) Increase in the membership of the Council and proposal of VietNam for reconsideration of the distribution of Council seats
(iv) Attendance at private meetings of the Council
(v) Voting and elections
(b) Action arising out of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43/57, 46/57 and 47157
(i) Establishment of bodies under Article VI of the Constitution and review of present Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure
(ii) Establishment of bodies under Article XIV of the Constitution and review of existing Statutes and Rules of Procedure
(iii) Clarification of Ninth Conference Resolutions 43/57 and 46/57 in regard to membership and observer status in respect of non - Member Nations of commissions, committees, subcommissions and subcommittees established under Articles VI and XIV of the Constitution.
(c) International conventions and agreements
(i) Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies Categories of officials to which the provisions of Articles VI and VIII are to apply Amendments to Annex 2 to the Convention
(ii) Agreement for the establishment on a permanent basis of a Latin American Forest Research and Training Institute under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(iii) Co - operation agreement with International Atomic Energy Agency
(iv) Agreement with the Government of Ghana concerning the African Regional Office
(v) Statutory report on status of conventions and agreements and amendments thereto
(d) Relations with international governmental organizations (other than those of the United Nations)
(i) Guiding lines governing relationship between FAO and intergovernmental organizations
(ii) Co - operation agreement with the League of Arab States
(iii) Co - operation agreement with the European Economic Community
(e) Relations with international nongovernmental organizations
16. Administrative and financial questions
(a) Audited accounts for Regular Program and ETAP for 1957 and for ETAP for 1958
(b) Amendments to the Financial Regulations (Publications Revolving Fund)
(c) Scale of contributions for 1960 - 61
(d) Regional Office and suboffices for Africa
(e) ETAP Headquarters costs
(f) Repatriation Grant Equalization Fund
(g) Review of Common System of Salaries (professional officers and above)
(h) Office accommodation at Headquarters
(i) Reimbursement to Working Capital Fund
(j) Service Benefit Fund
(k) Other administrative and personnel matters
17. Applications for membership in the Organization
18. Election of Council Members
19. Appointment of Independent Chairman of the Council
20. Appointment of Director - General
21. Appointment of representatives to the FAO Staff Pension Committee
22. Date and Place of Eleventh Session of the Conference
Resolution No. 54/59 - Majority required for decisions on the level of the budget
Article XVIII of the Constitution is to be amended by the addition to that Article of a paragraph 5 worded as follows:
" 5. Decisions on the level of the budget shall be taken by a two - thirds majority of the votes cast. "
Resolution No. 55/59 - Transfer of Rule XXII of the Rules adopted by the Conference to Article XX of the Constitution
Article XX of the Constitution is to be amended by the addition of two new paragraphs 3 and 4 as follows:
" 3. Proposals for the amendment of the Constitution may be made either by the Council or by a Member Nation in a communication addressed to the Director General. The Director - General shall immediately inform all Member Nations and Associate Members of all proposals for amendments.
" 4. No proposal for the amendment of the Constitution shall be included in the agenda of any session of the Conference unless notice thereof has been dispatched by the Director - General to Member Nations and Associate Members at least 120 days before the opening of the session. "
Rule XXII of the Rules adopted by the Conference is to be deleted in its entirety. The subsequent rules are to be renumbered and all cross - references to be modified accordingly.
In Rule XXXIX.1 of the Rules adopted by the Conference, the words between brackets are to be deleted:
" Subject to the provisions of the Constitution, any of the foregoing rules [other than Rule XXII] may be suspended by a two - thirds majority of the votes cast at any plenary meeting of the Conference, provided that notice of the intention to propose the suspension has been communicated to the delegates not less than 24 hours before the meeting at which the proposal is to be made. "
Rule XXXIX.4 is to be deleted in its entirety.
Resolution No. 56/59 - Increase in the member ship of the Council
In Article V.1 of the Constitution, the number between brackets is to be deleted and the number in italics is to be added:
" A Council of the Organization consisting of [24] twenty - five Member States shall be elected by the Conference... "
In Rule XXIII - 1(b) of the Rules adopted by the Conference, the word within brackets is to be deleted and the words in italics are to be added:
" The Conference shall make such provision as will ensure that the terms of office of eight Members of the Council shall expire in each of two successive calendar [year] years and nine in the third calendar year. "
Resolution No. 58/59 - Attendance at private meetings of the Council
Rule XXVI - 9 of the Rules adopted by the Conference is to he amended by the substitution of the following text:
" 9. (a) Subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c) below, meetings of the Council and of such of its committees as are open to all of its members, shall be public.
(b) The Council may, decide to meet in private for the discussion of any particular item on its agenda.
(c) Any Member Nation not represented on the Council, and any Associate Member may submit memoranda on any item on the agenda of the Council and participate without vote in any discussion at a public or private meeting of the Council or of such of its committees as are open to a 11 of its members, unless in exceptional circumstances, the Council decides that it is necessary in the interest of the Organization to restrict attendance to the representative of each Member of the Council. "
As a result of the adoption of this amendment, Rule 11 - 5 of the Rules of Procedure of the Council should be deleted.
Resolution No. 59/59 - Multiple elections
Rules XII - 3(b), XII - 8(b) and XII - II of the Rules adopted by the Conference are to be amended by, the addition of the words in italics:
" 3(b) Except as otherwise provided in these rules, in the case of an election to fill simultaneously more than one elective place, the required majority shall be the smallest number of whole votes necessary to elect no more candidates than there are seats to be filled. This majority shall be obtained by the following formula:...",
" 8(b) When one elective place is to be filled, the method of election by secret ballot shall be as provided in paragraph 10 of this rule. When more than one elective place is to be filled at the same election, the method of election by secret ballot shall be as provided in paragraphs 11 and 12 of this rule. "
" 11 . In any election by the Conference to fill simultaneously more than one elective place, the following shall apply: ."
Rule XII of the Rules adopted by the Conference is to be amended by, the addition of a new paragraph 12 after paragraph 11 as follows:
" In any, election by the Council to fill simultaneously more than one elective place the following shall apply:
(a) Two thirds of the membership of the Council shall constitute a quorum and more than one half of the number of Council members casting valid votes shall constitute the required majority.
(b) Each elector, unless he wholly abstains, shall cast one vote for each elective place to be filled. Each vote shall be cast for a different candidate. Any ballot paper which is not in conformity with these requirements shall be declared defective.
(c) The candidates who receive the largest number of votes shall be declared elected in a number equal to the number of elective places to be filled, provided they have received the required majority defined in paragraph (a) above.
(d) If only some of the elective places have been filled after the first ballot, a second ballot shall be cast to fill the remaining elective places, tinder the same conditions as the first ballot. This procedure shall be continued until all the elective places have been filled.
(e) If, at any stage during the election, one or more of the vacant elective places cannot be filled because of an equal number of votes having been obtained by two or more candidates, a separate ballot shall be held among such candidates to determine which of them will be elected in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (c) above. Such procedure will be repeated if necessary. "
Present paragraphs 12 and 13 are to be renumbered 13(a) and 13(b).
The following consequential amendment would have to be adopted by the Council:
Rule II - 2 of the Rules of Procedure for the Council would have to be amended by the addition of the words in italics:
" Except as otherwise provided in the Rules adopted by the Conference, thirteen members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for any formal action by the Council. "
Resolution No. 63/59 - Rules of Procedure of Article VI bodies
In Rule of the Rules of Procedure of the European Commission on Agriculture, delete the words within brackets and add the words in italics:
" Each Member Nation of the Commission shall communicate to the Director - General the name of its representative who should [as a rule], as far as possible, serve in a continuing capacity and have responsibilities related to the formulation or implementation of the agricultural policy of the member he represents. "
In the Rules of Procedure of the European Commission on Agriculture, Near East Forestry Commission, joint Subcommission on Mediterranean Forestry Problems, Latin American Forestry Commission and European Forestry Commission, add the following text to the rule entitled " Subsidiary Bodies: "
" Before taking any decision involving expenditure in connection with the establishment of subsidiary bodies, the Commission (or Subcommission) shall have before it a report from the Director General on the administrative and financial implications thereof. "
Paragraph 20 of the Statement of Principles and Procedures on Conventions and Agreements, Commissions and Committees, is to be amended by the addition of the words in italics:
" Establishment of Subsidiary Bodies
... 20. Both with respect to Article VI and Article XIV bodies, the convention or agreement, or statutes as the case may be, shall make the establishment of subsidiary bodies subject to the availability of necessary funds in the relevant approved budget. When the related expenses are to be borne by the Organization, the determination of such availability shall be made by the Director - General. Before taking any decision involving expenditure in connection with the establishment of subsidiary bodies, the body concerned must have before it a report from the Director General on the administrative and financial implications thereof. "
Resolution No. 64/59 - Membership of non Member Nations in Bodies established under the aegis of FAO
Resolution No. 67/59 - Membership in Commodity Study Groups
Paragraph 23 of the 11 Statement of Principles and Procedures on Conventions and Agreements, Commissions and Committees " is to be amended by the deletion of the words within brackets and the addition of the words in italics:
"Eligibility in membership and observer status
Membership in the commissions and committees provided for in Article VI of the Constitution shall not be open to non Member Nations of the Organization, except that such non - Member Nations as are members of the United Nations may be invited to become members of admitted by the Council to membership in Commodity Study Groups [by the FAO body establishing such groups]. Former Member Nations of the Organization that have withdrawn leaving arrears of contributions shall not be admitted to membership in Commodity Study Groups until such time as they have paid up all such arrears or the Conference has approved an arrangement for the settlement thereof, or unless the Council, in special circumstances, decides otherwise with respect to such admission. "
Paragraph 9 of Rule XXX (to be renumbered XXIX) of the Rules adopted by the Conference is to be amended by the deletion of the words within brackets and the addition of the words in italics:
" 9. The Committee may, when necessary, establish subcommittees, subsidiary working parties or commodity study groups, subject to the necessary funds being available in the relevant chapter of the approved budget of the Organization, and may include in the membership of such subcommittees or subsidiary working parties Member Nations that are not members of the Committee and Associate Members. [The membership of Commodity Study Groups established by the Committee may include] The Council may admit to membership of Commodity Study Groups established by the Committee nations which, while not Member Nations or Associate Members of the Organization are members of the United Nations. Former Member Nations of the Organization that have withdrawn leaving arrears of contributions shall not be admitted to membership in Commodity Study Groups until such time as they have paid up all such arrears or the Conference has approved an arrangement for the settlement thereof, or unless the Council, in special circumstances, decides otherwise with respect to such admission. "
Resolution No. 66/59
Paragraph 32 of the "Statement of Principles and Procedures on Conventions and Agreements, Commissions and Committees " is to be amended by, the addition of the words in italics:
"Administrative and Financial Matters
32. The statutes of bodies established under Article VI of the Constitution and the basic texts of bodies established under Article XIV of the Constitution shall specify that:
... (iv) Non - Member Nations of the Organization that become members of Commodity Study Groups or of bodies established by conventions or agreements concluded under Article XIV of the Constitution shall ordinarily be required to contribute toward the expenses incurred by the Organization with respect to the activities of these groups or bodies. "
Resolution No. 77/59 - Rules adopted by the Conference
The expression " Rules adopted by the Conference " is to be replaced by the expression " General Rules of the Organization in all the texts of the Organization.
Resolution No. 82/59 - Publications Revolving Fund
The figure appearing in the last sentence of Financial Regulation 6.9 is to be changed from $20,000 to $10,000.
In 1958 the Director - General had been approached on behalf of the League of Arab States with a suggestion that an agreement covering co - operation between the League of Arab States and FAO might be desirable. The Thirty - First Session of the Council transmitted to the Tenth Session of the Conference the draft of a Co - operation Agreement with the League of Arab States, which was prepared in the light of the Guiding Lines which the Council had suggested should govern relationship agreements between FAO and intergovernmental organizations.
The Tenth Session of the Conference, considering the desirability of strengthening and expanding the practical co - operation which had developed between the League of Arab States and the Organization in the field of food and agriculture, approved, in pursuance of Article XIII, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Organization, the terms of the agreement between the League of Arab States and the Organization, authorized the Director - General to sign this agreement and requested him to take all necessary steps for its implementation.
The Conference wished to emphasize that when considering the conclusion of the Co - operation Agreement with the League of Arab States it was only concerned with such activities of the League as fell within the field of competence of FAO.
The Conference further noted that this Agreement related only to activities within member countries of the League of Arab States and was not intended to affect in any way the activities of the Organization in such of its Member Nations located in the geographical area of Near East and Africa as were not member countries of the League of Arab States.
The Conference also understood that with respect to the observation Nations which under Article II, paragraph 3 of the Agreement might be submitted by the League of Arab States in connection with plans of a regional character which are of interest to countries situated in the area considered but that are not members of the League, the Director General would take into consideration also the views that might be expressed by such countries. It was furthermore understood that co - operation with the League was to be ensured within the framework of the existing administrative and regional structure of the Organization.
The League of Arab States and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
Wishing to strengthen and expand the practical co - operation which has developed between them in the field of food and agriculture with due regard to their respective responsibilities as defined in the Pact of the League of Arab States on the one hand and in the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on the other hand,
Desirous of avoiding overlapping and duplication of activities,
Have agreed as follows
The League of Arab States and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations agree to concert their efforts to achieve the following aims within the member countries of the League of Arab States:
(a) to carry out studies in the field of food and agriculture, including matters
relating to nutrition, plant, animal and
water resources, fisheries, forestry and forestry products, and disseminate the results of
such studies;
(b) to improve nutritional methods, giving ample publicity to such methods;
(c) to conserve the natural resources of plant and animal wealth, using the most effective methods for their exploitation, husbandry, and protection against diseases and pests;
(d) to improve the marketing and distribution of agricultural commodities and promote co - ordinated policies to this end;
(e) to promote the developments of agricultural credit facilities.
Mutual Consultation
1. The League of Arab States and the Food and Agriculture Organization shall 5 consult each other on matters of common interest with a view to attaining their common objectives and co - ordinating their activities.
2. The League of Arab States shall inform the Food and Agriculture Organization of all plans relating to its activities in the member countries of the League of Arab States and shall take into due consideration any observations on such plans which may be conveyed to it by, the Food and Agriculture Organization.
3. The Food and Agriculture Organization shall inform the League of Arab States of 1 any plans for the development of its activities in the member countries of the League of Arab States and shall take into due consideration any observations on such plans which may, be conveyed to it by the League of Arab States.
4. When circumstances so require, consultations shall be arranged between representatives of the two organizations to agree upon the most effective manner in which to organize particular activities and to secure the fullest utilization of the resources of the two organizations.
Joint Action
1. The League of Arab States and the Food and Agriculture Organization may, through their competent organs, make arrangements for joint action with a view to attaining major objectives of common interest.
2. These arrangements shall carefully define the manner and extent of participation by
each organization and shall
specify the financial commitment, if any, that each is to assume.
3. The two organizations may, in case of need, establish special committees for the study of questions of mutual interest.
Exchange of Information and Documents
1. The two organizations shall arrange for a full and prompt exchange of documents and information concerning matters of common interest, subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential documents or information.
2. The two organizations shall concert their efforts to obtain the best use of statistical and legislative information and to ensure the most effective utilization of their resources in the assembling, analysis, publication and diffusion of such information, with a view to reducing the but - den on the governments and other organizations from which such information is collected.
Reciprocal Representation
1. The Food and Agriculture Organization shall invite the League of Arab States to be represented at all sessions of the Conference of the Organization and at all other conferences and meetings held under the auspices of the Organization and in which member countries of the League of Arab States participate. The observer of the League of Arab States may participate without vote in the deliberations at such sessions with respect to matters in which the League of Arab States is interested.
2. The League of Arab States shall invite the Food and Agriculture Organization to be represented at all conferences and meetings held under its auspices other than sessions of the Council of the League, whenever questions of interest to the Food and Agriculture Organization are on the agenda of such sessions. The observer of the Food and Agriculture Organization may participate without vote in the deliberations at such sessions with respect to matters in which the Food and Agriculture Organization is interested.
3. The League of Arab States shall bear the expenses of its observer attending conferences or meetings held by the Food and Agriculture Organization, mentioned in paragraph I above.
4. The Food and Agriculture Organization shall bear the expenses of its observer attending the conferences and meetings held by the League of Arab States, mentioned in paragraph 2 above.
Administrative Arrangements
The Secretary - General of the League of Arab States and the Director - General of the Food and Agriculture Organization shall make such administrative arrangements as may appear desirable to ensure effective collaboration and liaison between the staffs of the two organizations.
Previous Agreements
The present Agreement shall in no way affect the provisions of agreements previously concluded between the Food and Agriculture Organization and Member States of the League of Arab States.
Revision and Denunciation
1. The terms of the present Agreement may be modified with the consent of both parties.
2. Either of the parties may denounce this agreement by giving six months notice to the other party.
Entry into Force
The present Agreement, after approval by the Council of the League of Arab States and the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed by the Secretary - General of the League of Arab States and by the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Secretary General of the League of Arab States and the Director - General of the Food and Agriculture Organization have signed the present Agreement in duplicate in the English, French and Spanish languages, the text in all three languages being equally authentic, at..., this ... day of ...
Contents -