Video recordings of all sessions
Biotechnologies Symposium. Opening session Welcome Address, by José Graziano da Silva, Director-General, FAO, Rome, Italy Keynote Addresses: • The state of knowledge in biotechnology, by Louise Fresco, [...] |
15.02.2016 | 09:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 1.1. Facing the challenges of climate change: Adaptation in the crop and forestry sectors Chair: Chittaranjan Kole, Jacob School of Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Allahabad, IndiaIntroductory remarks: Chittaranjan Kole Developing rice varieties with enhanced adaptation to lowland [...] |
15.02.2016 | 14:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 2.1. Improving productivity through enhanced resource use efficiency Chair: Sergio Feingold, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaCo-chair: Thuy Nguyen, BioSciences Research Division, Melbourne, Australia Introductory remarks: Thuy Nguyen Resource [...] |
15.02.2016 | 14:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 3.1. Social and economic impacts of agricultural biotechnologies for smallholders: Taking stock of the evidence and prioritizing future assessments Chair: Sachin Chaturvedi, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, New Delhi, IndiaCo-chair: Eduardo Trigo, Ministry of Science, Technology and [...] |
15.02.2016 | 14:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Side event. Delivering nutrition, productivity and climate resilience - The Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project Organizers: Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International; DuPont Pioneer and The Global Harvest Initiative.Moderator: Margaret M. Zeigler, Executive Director, Global Harvest [...] |
15.02.2016 | 12:45 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Side event. Helping farmers grow: Climate change, food security and the technology nexus Organizers: (1) CropLife International, Belgium and (2) the Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, Texas A&M University, United States of America Moderator: [...] |
15.02.2016 | 12:45 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 1.2. Facing the challenges of climate change: Adaptation in the livestock and fishery sectors Chair: Shadrack Moephuli, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South AfricaCo-chair: Thuy Nguyen, BioSciences Research Division, Melbourne, Australia Introductory remarks: Thuy Nguyen Fish breeding for [...] |
16.02.2016 | 09:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 2.2. Post production value addition and food safety Chair sub-session 1: Sergio Feingold, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaChair sub-session 2: Delia Grace, International Livestock Research [...] |
16.02.2016 | 09:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 3.2. Public policies, strategies and regulations on agricultural biotechnologies Chair: Vimlendra Sharan, Embassy of India, Rome, ItalyIntroductory remarks: Vimlendra Sharan The role of intellectual property rights in enabling or impeding [...] |
16.02.2016 | 09:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Side event. The voice of farmers: Biotechnology in the field Organizer: Canadian Canola Growers AssociationCo-organizer: Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) Moderator: Thiago Masson, CNA, Brazil Speakers: Edwin Paraluman, Rice and corn farmer, Mindanao, The [...] |
16.02.2016 | 13:15 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Side event. New breeding technologies for smallholders’ challenges Organizer: Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Government of the Netherlands Moderator: Gerda Verburg (Permanent Representative of the Netherlands) Speakers: Rene Smulders (Business Unit Manager, [...] |
16.02.2016 | 13:15 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. High Level Segment The high-level segment will be organized in two sessions and is expected to follow this format: Session 1 (14.30-15.50) 14.30-14.40: Opening [...] |
16.02.2016 | 14:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Student Interactive Session: Bringing Fresh Perspectives Participating universities include:•American University of Beirut, Lebanon•Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia•Cornell University, the United States of America•University of Ghana, Ghana •Wageningen [...] |
16.02.2016 | 17:30 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Side Event. Practical approaches to regulation and oversight of agricultural biotechnology: Experiences from developed and developing countries Organizers: Governments of Canada and the United States of America Facilitator: Frédéric Seppey, Chief Agriculture Negotiator, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada Speakers: Veronica McGuire, [...] |
16.02.2016 | 17:45 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 1.3. How can biotechnologies contribute to adaptation with migration co-benefits? Chair: Olivier le Gall, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris, France Introductory remarks: Olivier le Gall Agricultural biotechnology and the [...] |
17.02.2016 | 09:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 2.3. Nutrition and food quality Chair: Maggie Gill, CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council, Rome, Italy Introductory remarks: Maggie Gill Our food, our diet, our health: Where do [...] |
17.02.2016 | 09:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Parallel Session 3.3. Investing in biotechnology solutions through capacity development and partnerships Chair: Kongming Wu, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China Introductory remarks: Kongming Wu Biosciences capacity building in Africa: Lessons learned from [...] |
17.02.2016 | 09:00 |
Biotechnologies Symposium. Closing Plenary Session Reporting of outcomes from the three parallel sessions dedicated to the Climate change theme, by Olivier Le Gall, Institut National [...] |
17.02.2016 | 12:30 |