粮农组织/全球土壤伙伴关系收到了来自不同国家的55张污染土壤的照片。在GSOP 18会议上,照片已经在粮农组织中庭展出了。照片大赛成功地鼓励人们反思这个全球性问题:我们土壤的污染不再是一个被隐藏的事实。
- 意大利坎帕尼亚地区巴尼奥利,土壤基质中的污染物@Paola Adamo
- 尾矿,帕科科查,帕科科查湖,万卡维里察,秘鲁@Achim Constantin
- 固体废物对土壤的污染,摩尔多瓦共和国基希讷乌@Tamara Leah
- 越南广平LâmHoá工地的钻井工作正在进行中@Boudewijn Fokke
- 清除日本福岛县的放射性物质@Shinano Takuro
- 石油泄漏污染,塔拉拉沙漠,秘鲁@Achim Constantin
- 全部为绿色,西印度群岛格林纳达鸽子保护区@Curllan Bhola
- 以色列耶路撒冷市中心的生活垃圾造成的土壤污染@粮农组织/ Stephanie Reiter
Show us how you, your community and your environment are affected by soil pollution in any of its dimensions (agricultural, chemical, waste, industrial, or any other related to soils).
To support the work of the GSOP18, to be held in FAO Headquarters from 2 to 4 May 2018, the UN FAO Global Soil Partnership is calling all photographers (professionals or amateurs) to tell their #SoilPollution story. The Symposium will explore new research on soil pollution, as one of the major threats to our global soils, and discuss its effects on food security and safety, human health, and the environment. This photo contest will serve to raise awareness on the existence and gravity of soil pollution and advocate for addressing it urgently, including its hidden causes and effects.
ELIGIBILITY: UN FAO’s #SoilPollution photo contest is open to all citizens around the world, who are 18 years of age or older as of 1 March 2018.
HOW TO ENTER: Take a Photo that showcases your #SoilPollution story. Photos should be sent by email to [email protected] by 15 April. The contest starts on 1st March 2018.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - All entries must meet the following guidelines:
- Each participant can submit up to 3 pictures
- Photos must represent soil pollution
- The entry must be the entrant’s original work. Photos may have been taken at any time prior to the contest launch.
- The entry’s minimum size is 1500 x 2100 pixels; 300dpi; It must not exceed 7MB and should not contain dates/ text.
- Along with the photos, participants must add the following information:
- Name and Surname
- Date of birth (over 18 years old)
- Caption and Description (max 150 words)
- Location (country, region) and date when photograph was taken
- The entry must not violate the intellectual property rights of any third party. This means that the photo should not contain a trademark or logo of another company
- The participants need to acknowledge that the UN FAO may use the photograph without any compensation to the participant or persons appearing in the photo, in any and all media, throughout the world, in perpetuity, including derivative works. Entry in this contest represents consent to use the photo in future publications without further compensation.
15 - 20 April: Eligible entries will be judged by a panel of UN FAO communications experts with the help of a professional photographer. The jury will select the best 20 pictures on the basis of originality, creativity and depiction of the theme.
20 April: The awarded photographers will receive soil related gadgets (T-shirt/ water bottle/ bag) and FAO soil publications. Their photos will be used in all promotional material during the GSOP18 and showcased in UN FAO online platforms including, but not limited to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. All short-listed candidates will have their photo exposed in the FAO Atrium during the GSOP18 Photo Exhibit.