
World Potato Congress hosts webinar to promote International Day of Potato

Achieving an environmentally sustainable increase of production and access to affordable healthy diets is key. This should be donewhile protecting and enhancing the livelihoods of the world’s small-scale agricultural producers and other agrifood system actors. Yet agricultural production systems still lack integration, optimization, diversification, and innovation, while relying on the intensive use of chemical inputs and of natural resources. Global food supplies today rely  on just a few crops and animal species, increasing the vulnerability to biotic stresses.
That’s why plant production and protection should focus on sustainable:

  • Seed system management
  • Plant production systems management
  • Plant pest management
  • Pesticide management
  • Technology innovation and transformation

These sustainable production and protection technologies can greatly contribute to ensuring food security and nutrition, promoting food quality and safety, supporting farmers’ livelihoods, protecting the environment and biodiversity, and facilitating safe trade and economic growth.

Informations récentes sur la production végétale et la protection des plantes


World Potato Congress hosts webinar to promote International Day of Potato


Starting from grassroots to the global level, special agricultural products are being promoted to boost livelihoods in different countries across the world


FAO and the government create new varieties to reduce impact of drought and disease


Director of the FAO Office of Emergencies and Resilience, Rein Paulsen, evaluates the food security situation on the ground and urges continued global support


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FAO joins Members of Parliament (MPs) from nine countries to strengthen their capacities on agroecology during the Commission for Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs


Several municipalities submit letters of intent to join initiative, piloted in capital since March


China has launched the One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) China Tea Programme & International Tea Day Campaign 2024 with a launch event held on 12 April in Dongguan, Guangdong province.


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Événement hybride, 27/09/2023 - 29/09/2023

L’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) organise la toute première Conférence mondiale sur la mécanisation agricole durable, qui aura pour thème «Efficacité, inclusion et résilience» et se tiendra du 27 au 29 septembre 2023.


FAO Plant Production and Protection

Mettre en place un système de production végétale durable pour libérer le monde de la faim

FAO Plant Production and Protection

Protéger l’environnement et la biodiversité et promouvoir un commerce sans risque et la croissance économique

FAO Plant Production and Protection

Rendre la production végétale et la protection des plantes plus efficaces, plus inclusives, plus résilientes et plus durables

FAO Plant Production and Protection

Favoriser l’accès rapide des agriculteurs à des semences et à du matériel végétal abordables, de qualité et sûrs

FAO Plant Production and Protection

Assurer la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition par une production végétale et une protection durables des végétaux

FAO Plant Production and Protection

Réduire autant que possible l’utilisation d’intrants chimiques agricoles et atténuer les effets du changement climatique 

Domaines clés


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