



Expanding beef and dairy sectors, while reducing deforestation risks
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 21. The study unpacks the potential, current and future, linkages between beef and dairy development and deforestation, using Nghe An and Ha Tinh provinces in Viet Nam as case...
Obstacles and opportunities
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 20. Lebanon currently faces one of the worst economic crises of this century. The political deadlock, the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have further intensified the country’s existing...
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Studies, No. 18. Structural change is a process in which the amount of labour, capital and land dedicated to agriculture (and other sectors) changes over time. In this study, we focus...
政策简报, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 50. Guyana’s agrifood systems are facing an increasing level of risk: rising sea-levels are eroding its coastal area, where much of the agricultural activity is located; recent off-shore oil...
工作文件, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper, No. 22-07. Guyana’s agrifood systems are facing an increasing level of risk: rising sea-levels are eroding its coastal area, where much of the agricultural activity is located; recent off-shore oil...
政策简报, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Policy Brief, No. 46. This policy brief is intended to sensitize Government decision makers and development partners, youth organizations and other stakeholders about the opportunities offered by applying a value chain approach...
The case of rice processors in Kenya
技术研究, 2022
FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 17. This study looks at the business models of small and medium-sized rice processors in Kenya in order to better understand the policy and technical support they need to...
An analytical review of the literature for integrated policy making
信息产品, 2022
Small and medium agrifood enterprises (SMAEs) such as processors, transporters and other service providers, play an important role in achieving sustainable development objectives. For instance, they connect farmers to urban markets; make significant investments in...
手册/准则, 2021
Value chain development can make significant contributions to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because it is a powerful approach to address root causes and binding constraints that impede the sustainable development of food value...
A qualitative research methodological guide
手册/准则, 2021
The methodology captures the multifaceted nature of small and medium agrifood enterprises (SMAE) business models, adding contextual insights to the literature and policy formulation processes on these small firms, which are often treated homogenously. The...
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