
Online course: Agroecology and the reconstruction of post-COVID-19 agriculture

CELIA and Conciencia Verde organize an online course on Agroecology and the reconstruction of post-COVID-19 agriculture from 8 to 12 June 2020.

This course will be held in Spanish and will cover the following topics:

Day 1: The crisis of industrial agriculture including the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture and nutrition by Miguel Altieri;

Day 2: Agroecological paths to reconstruct resilient post-COVID-19 agriculture by Clara Nicholls;

Day 3: Alternative and healthy animal production systems by Enrique Murgueitio;

Day 4: What every consumer should know about the political ecology of agriculture by Eric Hold-Gimenez;

Day 5: Agroecological strategies to adapt to the pandemic: experience by agroecological producers.

Register for the course here.

年份: 2020
内容语言: Spanish
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类别: 学习
Organization: CELIA
