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II. Conference procedure

A. Verification of credentials
B. Appointment of general committee
C. Adoption of the agenda
D. Distribution of work among the commissions
E. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
F. Admission of observers

A. Verification of credentials

1. The Credentials Committee was appointed by the Conference at its First Plenary Meeting on 19 November 1951 to examine the credentials of delegates. The composition of the Committee was as follows: Ethiopia, Honduras, Iceland, Israel, Korea, Pakistan, Turkey, Union of South Africa, and Yugoslavia, with the representative of Yugoslavia as Chairman.

2. The Conference found itself in a number of cases in an embarrassing position as it did not feel quite certain whether some of the credentials were in order. As a matter of fact, many notifications would hardly have met the very precise conditions of the United Nations Rules. The FAO Rules of Procedure do not contain any provision on this matter. The Conference, desiring that the procedure be laid down precisely and be similar to that of the United Nations, approved the two reports submitted by the Committee and adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. I - Verification of Credentials

The Conference

Considering the desirability of setting up definite standards for the submission of credentials for national delegations,

Resolves that such credentials should be in the form of letters bearing the signature of, or signed on behalf of, the Head of the State or Government or of the Minister for Foreign Affairs; and invites the Director-General to draw the attention of governments to this Resolution.

B. Appointment of general committee

3. The General Committee of the Conference for the Sixth Session was constituted as follows:

Chairman of the Conference: Amintore Fanfani (Italy)

Vice-Chairmen of the Conference:

First Vice-Chairman: J. S. H. Barton (Canada)

Second Vice-Chairman: Eduardo Zuleta Angel (Colombia)

Third Vice-Chairman: Phra Chuang Kashetra (Thailand)

Other Members: France, Haiti, India,

Lebanon, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States of America.

C. Adoption of the agenda

4. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 2 - Adoption of the Agenda

The Conference

Noting the proposals of the Council of FAO made in conformity with Rule II of the Rules of Procedure,

Resolves to adopt the Provisional Agenda for the Sixth Session of the Conference (C 51/1) and to include therein the supplementary list of items submitted by the Council (C 51/47) (See Appendix A).

D. Distribution of work among the commissions

5. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 3
Establishment of Commissions and Allocation of Agenda Items

The Conference

Approves the arrangements suggested by the Council for the present Session of the Conference (C 51/2),

Decides to establish three Commissions to deal with:

(i) The World Situation in Respect of Food and Agriculture,
(ii) The Technical Activities of FAO,
(iii) Legal, Administrative and Financial Questions,

Allocates the following Agenda items to those Commissions:

Commission I: All items under Title III: "Review of the World Situation in Respect of Food and Agriculture"

Commission II: All items under Title IV: "Activities of FAO"; Items 12 and 13 of the Provisional Agenda: "International Plant Protection Convention" and "Establishment of Latin American Fisheries Council" respectively, plus two items of the supplementary list, i.e. "Resolution of the Economic and Social Council concerning the International Office of Epizootics" and "Status of European Committee on Agricultural Technology"

Commission III: All items under Title V: "Administrative and Financial Questions" including such sub-items as were listed under items 25 and 26 in the supplementary list, plus items 5, 10 and 11 of the Provisional Agenda: "Interpretation of Date of Membership", "Amendments to the Constitution and Rules of Procedure" and "Emergency Action to Assist the United Nations in the Maintenance of Peace and Security,"

Requests the General Committee (as provided in the Rules of Procedure) to report to the Conference on items 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the Provisional Agenda.

E. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions

6. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 4
Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of Commissions

The Conference

Acting on the proposals of the General Committee,

Resolves to appoint the following Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen for the three Commissions:

Commission I

Chairman: Charles F. Brannan (U.S.A.)
First Vice-Chairman: K. N. Munshi (India)
Second Vice-Chairman: S. L. Mansholt (Netherlands)

Commission II

Chairman: G. C. S. Corea (Ceylon)
First Vice-Chairman: Sir Gerard Clauson (U. K.)
Second Vice-Chairman: Antonio de Sousa da Camara (Portugal)

Commission III
Chairman: Mohamed El Kilany Bey (Egypt)
First Vice-Chairman: S. J. J. de Swardt (South Africa)
Second Vice-Chairman: Horacio Serrano (Chile).

F. Admission of observers

7. The Conference adopted the following resolution:

Resolution No. 5
Admission of Observers

The Conference

Noting the list of non-member governments and international organizations to which the Director-General has extended provisional invitations to send Observers to the Sixth Session of the Conference of FAO,

Decides to approve these invitation; and to admit the representatives of these governments and organizations as Observers to the Conference.

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