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Voluntary Guidelines for Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Policies, Programmes and National and Regional Plans of Action on Nutrition

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Biodiversity and the livestock sector - Guidelines for quantitative assessment
    Version 1
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    The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on biodiversity, hereafter called Biodiversity TAG, is composed of 25 international experts in ecology, biodiversity indicators, agronomy, life cycle assessment, livestock production systems, and environmental science. Their backgrounds, complementary between systems and regions, allowed them to understand and address different perspectives. The aim of the methodology developed in these guidelines is to introduce a harmonized international approach for assessing the impacts of livestock on biodiversity. The livestock sector is a major user of natural resources (land in particular) and an important contributor to pollution (e.g. causing nutrient losses, increasing greenhouse gas emissions), which makes it one of the sectors with the highest impact on biodiversity. At the same time, livestock production is one of the few sectors with not only negative but also positive impacts on biodiversity; therefore, the sector can pull two levers to improve its biodiversity performance – mitigate harm and maximize benefits. Many environmental assessments of the livestock sector have not addressed biodiversity because of its intrinsic complexity. These guidelines strive to include biodiversity in environmental assessments, in order to increase the understanding of the impacts of livestock on biodiversity and to reveal possible synergies or trade-offs with other environmental criteria or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Several indicators in these guidelines are also of relevance for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Secondary Guidelines for Development of National Farm Animal Genetic Resources Management Plans - Management of small populations at risk 1998
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    In recognition of the importance of animal genetic resources (AnGR), and of the sizeable portion that is currently at risk of loss, and in keeping with FAO’s mandate and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) a special action programme for the Global Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources was launched by FAO in 1992. One of the objectives of this Programme is the development of Guidelines for country use. The Primary Guideline Document (FAO, 1996), mainly targeted towards policy ma kers, is designed to help countries get started to identify the main elements and objectives of an animal genetic resources management plan, and to outline the strategic policy directions required to fulfil these objectives. The Primary document is complemented and supported by four secondary documents targeted mainly at those that implement policy, administratively and technically, covering the following issues: characterization, livestock production systems description, active breed use and de velopment, and managing populations at risk to provide guidance for the management of areas identified in the primary document. These Guidelines looks at the specific aspects, options and techniques for the management of populations at risk.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Kenya Food Composition Tables, 2018 2018
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    Food composition data provides food and nutrition sector, both private and public with the important guidelines in food labelling, assessment of nutrient intake to determine nutrition adequacy, diet formulation as well as in research and breeding. The information generated is also used to establish food-based dietary guidelines for dietary diversification and food fortification. They also help program managers in determining the relationships between disease outcome and nutrient intakes. The resultant information provides the evidence base for nutrition and health & agricultural policies in establishing how to meet the nutrient requirements in the population through diet. The Kenya Food Composition Tables [FCT] (2018) was developed following international guidelines from INFOODS considering all the required quality checks. It has three main sections: the first part of the book contains an introduction and user notes; the second section presents the actual food composition tables; the third section features photographies and descriptions of foods, to facilitate food identification. This publication will guide both county and national authorities in setting priorities in the implementation of food-based approaches to reduce the burden of malnutrition in the population and support nutrition-sensitive agricultural production.

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