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How access to energy can influence food losses

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fuel and Energy Use in the Fisheries Sector: Approaches, Inventories and Strategic Implications 2015
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    The role of fuel and energy in the fisheries sector is an important yet little noted issue in natural resource, food and trade policy. While specific aspects of fuel use and cost have periodically concerned the fishing industry and its policy and management agents, the strategic issues of these have been relatively unquestioned until recently. However, in the midst of growing concern for rationalization of fisheries management, for energy and greenhouse gas linkages in climate change mitigation, for competitive options for smaller-scale producers, and for consumer appreciation of the environmental footprint of food choices, these issues deserve further exploration. This publication addresses the utilization of fuel energy by the global fisheries industry. It explores the complete supply chain from aquatic raw materials to consumption, including capture fishing, aquaculture, post-harvest activities, distribution and retail presentation. This is the first such global overview, and althou gh it has not been possible to set out complete and integrated value-chain perspectives, it provides initial data to demonstrate a range of critical characteristics and trends, with implications for sector development and relevant policy and strategic investment needs. As discussed more fully in the document, there are important interactions to consider in policy and practice, not just in ensuring the viability of the fisheries sector, but in linking energy cost with competition between capture fisheries and aquaculture, with choices of fishing methods or aquaculture systems, with implications for fishing effort, resource pressure and management strategies, and with the costs of making food available to consumers at all levels.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Food loss prevention and reduction analysis in Indonesia
    A case study on chili, cabbage and shallot
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    Food loss and waste within Indonesia's supply chains present significant challenges to both environmental sustainability and efficient natural resource utilization. This pervasive issue spans from food production to retail, affecting the ability of supply chain stakeholders to invest in essential infrastructure improvements. Food waste, in particular, accumulates at various stages, including retail, catering services, and households, further straining natural resources and exacerbating climate change impacts.In Indonesia, the reduction and prevention of food losses assume strategic importance as it directly impacts food availability, accessibility, and the well-being of consumers. Additionally, it alleviates pressure on natural resources, supports the growth of agribusiness, and enhances the livelihoods of farmers and other actors along the supply chains. Key factors closely linked to addressing food losses in Indonesia include finance, technology, knowledge, and market dynamics. Alarmingly, horticultural commodities, especially vegetables, experience losses exceeding 60 percent. Minimizing food losses not only bolsters productivity for agripreneurs but also improves food security and nutrition for all, from vulnerable smallholder farmers to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).To address these challenges, Indonesia has enacted national law No. 13/2020 on horticulture, encompassing fruits and vegetables, with the aim of creating jobs, enhancing production, productivity, quality, added value, competitive advantage, and market share. In a recent study conducted between June and December 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Center of System, a logistics research institution, analysed food losses in chili, cabbage and shallot supply chains. These commodities, predominantly cultivated by smallholder farmers, play a vital role in stabilizing food prices, controlling regional inflation, and ensuring food availability and accessibility. The study not only identifies the extent of quality and quantity losses but also provides practical solutions for their reduction.Crucially, enhancing the implementation of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), good manufacturing practices (GMP), and good hygiene practices (GHP) is emphasized, particularly during harvest, transportation, handling and storage. Recommendations include establishing post-harvest technical assistance facilities, agrologistic centres, and value-added processing facilities to mitigate losses due to quality degradation. Furthermore, the abstract underscores the need for innovation in technology, private-sector investment, and raising public awareness as decisive elements in substantially reducing food loss. In conclusion, addressing food loss is paramount for enhancing food security, supporting sustainable livelihoods, and fortifying the overall food system in Indonesia.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Tomato supply chain in Guyana
    Food loss analysis: causes and solutions
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    This factsheets illustrates the results of a project entitled Reduction of post-harvest losses along the food chain in the CARICOM subregion implemented by FAO in collaboration with CARICOM. The project identified tomato as one of three commodities for post-harvest loss analysis. The main objectives of the investigation included an in-depth analysis of post-harvest handling practices of tomato producers, retailers (roadside and mobile market vendors, municipal markets, supermarkets), wholesalers, exporters, processors for development of value-added products and consumers, to obtain a more complete understanding of the system-wide nature of quality deterioration and subsequent losses in order to formulate appropriate solutions for quality management and loss reduction strategies; analysis of the tomato value chain as items for food consumption, with quality attributes that must be protected and enhanced in various marketing channels; examination of the significance of losses of both technological and socio-economic origins; examination of the links between growers and provisions for transferring relevant research information on identified problems to producers, traders, processors; design and evaluation of improved operations throughout the system and alternative post-harvest handling systems; and description of the main factors affecting the logistics performance in the CARICOM Region with particular emphasis on logistics that affect produce losses in the supply chain.

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