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Integrated landscape management to reduce, reverse and avoid further degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources in the Mopane-Miombo belt of Northern Namibia

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    The Impact Program works across three eco-regions within drylands, namely: the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of Southern Africa, the Savannas of East and West Africa, and the Great steppes of Central Asia. The 11 countries involved will be working towards the achievement of land degradation neutrality through gender responsive sustainable forest and land management best practices and green value chains. This brochure presents the One Country, One Champion Approach in the Namibia.
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    United RepublIc of Tanzania champions sustainable honey production for better Miombo-Mopane landscapes 2023
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    The Impact Program works across three eco-regions within drylands, namely: the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of Southern Africa, the Savannas of East and West Africa, and the Great steppes of Central Asia. The 11 countries involved will be working towards the achievement of land degradation neutrality through gender responsive sustainable forest and land management best practices and green value chains. This brochure presents the One Country, One Champion Approach in the Tanzania.
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    The Impact Program works across three eco-regions within drylands, namely: the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of Southern Africa, the Savannas of East and West Africa, and the Great steppes of Central Asia. The 11 countries involved will be working towards the achievement of land degradation neutrality through gender responsive sustainable forest and land management best practices and green value chains. This brochure presents the technical support provided to the Southern African cluster of the DSL-IP, led by FAO in seven countries.

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