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Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: A Framework for Africa

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    Sustainable agricultural mechanization - A framework for Africa
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    The Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: A Framework for Africa (SAMA) was developed in response to a request by the African Union (AU) and endorsed by the AU Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment meeting in October 2017. It responds to both the Malabo Declaration and AU Agenda 2063 and is a result of discussions with policy makers and experts from AU member states, the AU Commission, FAO and key partners. It offers a detailed look at the history of machinery in Africa and points the way towards addressing challenges and creating new opportunities to assure the successful adoption of mechanization. The long version of this report presents a framework for sustainable agricultural mechanization strategies in Africa, with a menu of priority elements for countries to consider in developing their strategies for sustainable agricultural mechanization (SAM).
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization for Africa
    Equipping small-scale farmers to boost sustainable agricultural productivity
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    Mechanization and related innovations are crucial if the world is to transition to sustainable agriculture. Digital tools and platforms are driving mechanization service provision along the value chain. In 2018, FAO and the African Union launched the Framework for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization for Africa (SAMA), setting out a long-term vision and national and regional priorities, emphasizing cooperation with the agricultural machinery industry. Interventions aim to move smallholders from hand tool-based labour to innovative technologies. Sustainable mechanization cuts working time, relieves labour shortages, raises productivity and encourages youth into agriculture, creating jobs. It aids efficient use of agricultural resources, helping to mitigate the effects of climate change by reducing harmful emissions and increasing farmer resilience. Better access to tools and technologies allows farmers to leapfrog from subsistence to market-oriented farming, boosting the sector. Increased mechanization does not necessarily mean big investment in bulky machinery. It should focus on sustainable production through conservation agriculture, promoting and scaling up innovations and appropriate technologies (digital tools and precision equipment) and bolstering national capacity to promote progress towards sustainable agriculture and socioeconomic development. FAO is boosting the capacity of African smallholders and hire services to develop businesses that use and provide mechanization services. The initiative aims to upscale practices and improve smallholders’ inclusive technological access, particularly the poor, vulnerable, women and youth, in locations where it is needed most. It will have significant impact on all aspects of sustainability, from agricultural production and income generation to policy and trade.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
    Visual Recording
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized the first-ever Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (GAMC), with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience” from 27 to 29 September 2023. This event provided a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, universities, agricultural scientists, mechanization service providers, development agencies, policy makers, extension specialists, civil society, opinion leaders and private sector for focused dialogues to prioritize actions and strengthen technical networks for sustainable development of agricultural mechanization. Significant progress has been achieved in sustainable agricultural mechanization, in many countries around the world, these advances need to be scaled, according to local contexts, to achieve sustainable agricultural production and transformation of agri-food systems, protect the environment, manage natural resources, mitigate and adapt to climate change while creating decent jobs, social equity and achieving food security and improved nutrition. Through six thematic sessions and side events experts from all over the world and different backgrounds shared evidence-based and innovative approaches on sustainable agricultural mechanization to increase efficiency, inclusivity and resilience in the agri-food systems. Visual recording This publication brings together the visual recording drawn live during some of the thematic sessions and the side event on “Voices of Youth for Sustainable Mechanization & Digitalization” of the GAMC.

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