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Precision agriculture in seedling production in Albania

Good practice series - Digital agriculture

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Blended public-private extension provision increases farmer revenue in Uganda
    Good practice series - Agricultural extension
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    This good practice fact sheet aims to share the experience behind an initiative to test and compare different models of extension provision in Uganda. The document highlights the scope for using a mix of private and public service providers to advise and support small-scale producers engaged in Uganda’s vegetable oil sector, and the lessons learned regarding what methods are most effective. It also sets out to explore how this blended approach could be scaled up and replicated, and which prerequisites should be in place to ensure success.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    A manifesto to ensure a voice for farmers in Uganda
    Good practice series - Advocacy
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    This good practice fact sheet describes an initiative to canvas the views and demands of Uganda’s smallholder farmers on measures required to boost the country’s agricultural performance as a driver of both the national economy and for raising incomes among agricultural value chain players. The creation of a Farmers’ Manifesto, and its presentation to political parties in the run-up to a general election, may be an experience relevant to other developing nations as an advocacy process, where agriculture plays an important role in generating gross domestic product (GDP), but receives insufficient funding and attention for it to achieve its full potential.
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    Strengthening Institutional Capacity for Protected and Precision Farming - TCP/BHU/3702 2022
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    The available area of agricultural land in Bhutan is shrinking Urban settlements and industrial zones now occupy space that was once used for farming, and mountainous terrain prevents the expansion of fields in many parts of the country Protected and precision technologies for sustainably intensifying agricultural production are required to ensure food security for the country’s growing population These technologies, which include greenhouses and irrigation systems, can lead to increased food production and quality while simultaneously using natural resources sustainably and shielding planting sites from adverse weather conditions This project was designed to i install protected and precision technologies on the campus of the Rural Development Training Center ( ii) develop training materials on the technologies and iii) build capacities within the institution through a Training of Trainers ToT programme.

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