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AGRISurvey Programme in Costa Rica

Process, findings and perspectives of implementation

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    El Programa AGRIS en Costa Rica
    Proceso, hallazgos y perspectivas de implementación
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    Desde abril de 2019, el Programa de Encuestas Agrícolas Integradas (AGRISurvey) de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) brinda asistencia técnica al Gobierno de Costa Rica para mejorar y ampliar su principal encuesta agrícola, es decir, la Encuesta Nacional Agropecuaria (ENA). La implementación del programa AGRISurvey contribuirá a ampliar el alcance de la encuesta y a mejorar la calidad de los datos, aumentando así la relevancia de los resultados de la encuesta para el sector agrícola. Esta nota país presenta los hallazgos y resultados relacionados con la introducción de AGRISurvey en Costa Rica.
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    Fiscal reform in Costa Rica
    Price elasticities of major food categories to inform decision-making
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    In the context of fiscal reform in Costa Rica (value added tax revision), the definition of a new basic tax basket – canasta básica tributaria (CBT), incorporating nutritional criteria is underway in the country. In this study, price elasticities of major food categories were analysed using a Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model and data from the 2018 National Survey of Household Income and Expenditures – Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH). Measuring price elasticities is essential because it allows: knowing the extent to which food demand reacts to price changes, anticipating changes in the quantities demanded as a result of fiscal policy changes, measuring potential substitution and complementary effects between food groups, and potential nutritional effects of fiscal policies. As a result, it helps to provide recommendations on the content of a CBT with nutritional criteria. Results show that the food categories with the most elastic demand are “bread and cereals”, "mineral waters, soft drinks and juices" and “milk, cheese and eggs”. Substitution effects exist between the following groups: “fruits” and “oils and fats”, “fruits” and “bread and cereals”, and between “milk, cheese and eggs” and “oils and fats”. For this last food category and for the one which includes sweets and chocolates, the consumption decreases when the price of “bread and cereals” increases. They are complementary goods. These relations between food groups need to be considered when defining a national CBT with nutritional criteria, and with the objective of promoting the consumption of healthier food groups while disincentivizing the consumption of the unhealthy ones. Lastly, it is important that the consumption of the healthiest foods within each food group be fiscally promoted.
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    Initial achievements of FAO's AGRISurvey programme in Senegal 2019
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    The AGRISurvey Programme supports countries to strengthen their national system of agricultural surveys with the aim of enhancing evidence-based policy making in the agricultural sector. The programme complements the efforts and resources of partner countries for the implementation of their Strategic Plans on Agricultural Statistics supporting the collection and dissemination of survey data. The Enquete Annuelle Agricole (EAA) is the main source of agricultural statistics in Senegal and is carried out by the Senegalese Directorate of Analysis, Forecasting and Agricultural Statistics (DAPSA). It estimates the production of the most important rain-fed crops produced by agricultural households, using the crop-cutting method. It also provides information on the physical characteristics of cultivated plots (geo location, area) and major investments made (agricultural inputs, cultural operations, soil management and restoration). Structural data, such as agricultural equipment, agricultural income, agricultural risks and adaptation strategies, are also collected once every three years. The EAA covers the entire country and generates representative production estimates for 14 regions and 42 agricultural departments of Senegal. Since 2017, FAO has been providing technical and financial assistance to the Government of Senegal to expand the Enquete Annuelle Agricole based on the AGRISurvey methodology. Following the implementation of AGRISurvey many improvements can be observed, from the expansion of scope of the survey, to a better data precision, improved data access and dissemination and reduction of costs and time for data collection.

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