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Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

FAO. 2022. Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Rome. 

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    Book (series)
    The State of the World's Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 2019
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    The conservation, sustainable use and development of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) is critical to the future supply of fish. The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is the first ever global assessment of these resources, with the scope of this first Report being limited to cultured AqGR and their wild relatives, within national jurisdiction. The Report draws on 92 reports from FAO member countries and five specially commissioned thematic background studies. The reporting countries are responsible for 96 percent of global aquaculture production. The Report sets the context with a review of the state of world’s aquaculture and fisheries and includes overviews of the uses and exchanges of AqGR, the drivers and trends impacting AqGR and the extent of ex situ and in situ conservation efforts. The Report also investigates the roles of stakeholders in AqGR and the levels of activity in research, education, training and extension, and reviews national policies and the levels of regional and international cooperation on AqGR. Finally, needs and challenges are assessed in the context of the findings from the data collected from the countries. The Report represents a snapshot of the present status of AqGR and forms a valuable technical reference document, particularly where it presents standardized key terminology and concepts.
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    Report of the first session of the COFI Advisory Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources and Technologies, Brasilia, Brazil, 1–2 October 2015 2016
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    The relevance of the sustainable use, management and conservation of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) for food and agriculture is relatively well known and documented, but there is still an urgent need to preserve and better manage existing aquatic diversity to enhance its contribution to food security, nutrition and livelihoods. Aquatic genetic resources for food and agriculture include thousands of species, which are found in the world’s oceans, seas, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, rice paddies an d other wetlands, and also in aquaculture facilities in marine, brackish and fresh waters. Unlike other sectors, all wild relatives of farmed aquatic species still exist in the wild. The establishment of the Advisory Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources and Technologies (Working Group) and its terms of reference were approved at the 31st session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in 2014, based on a request from the 7th Session of the FAO COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, and in re cognition of the tremendous opportunities to increase food production and improve livelihoods from the responsible use, management and conservation of aquatic genetic resources and technologies. The establishment of the Working Group will assist and provide advice to FAO on matters concerning aquatic genetic resources and technologies, and will enhance international cooperation on aquatic genetic resource management. Following FAO standard procedures for the establishment of the Working Group, t en experts were endorsed taking into consideration technical expertise, and gender and geographical balance. These members will serve a two year term with the possibility of renewal. This report contains the main discussion points and general conclusions and recommendations from the first meeting of the Working Group convened from 1–2 October 2015 in Brasilia, Brazil.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Aquaculture development. 9. Development of aquatic genetic resources: A framework of essential criteria 2018
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    Aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) play a crucial role in contributing to global food security and nutrition, as well as sustainable livelihoods. However, in various international fora, most FAO members have highlighted the limitations and constraints faced in assessing their national capacities to use, manage and conserve AqGR as well as in identifying and monitoring the resources used and the suitable indicators of the status of those resources. The main constraints are represented by limited information on genetic resources, inadequate national capacities and expertise, and inadequate legislation and policy frameworks. Recognizing these needs, the Aquaculture Branch of the FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, in consultation with the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Advisory Working Group on Aquatic Genetic Resources and Technologies (Working Group) agreed on the need to develop a “Framework of minimum requirements for sustainable use, management and conservation of aquatic genetic resources of relevance for aquaculture”. The Framework is a guideline that FAO and FAO members can use to evaluate objectively the capacities, infrastructures and governance tools of a country regarding the sustainable use of AqGR. To this purpose, the Framework has been designed to identify existing gaps, constraints and limitations and to address those, in order to strengthen the capacities of FAO members. The publication contributes to the scope of Strategic Objective 2. Major stakeholders benefiting from this Framework will be national stakeholders involved in the aquaculture and fisheries sectors such as fish farmers, hatchery people, fisher folk, AqGR managers, policy makers, decision makers, donors, consumers and academia.

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