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Myanmar: Response overview (October 2022)

FAO. 2022. Myanmar: Response overview, October 2022. Rome

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    Myanmar: Response overview (June 2022) 2022
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    Humanitarian needs in Myanmar continue to rise sharply since February 2021 as a result of political and economic upheaval and increased conflict. Myanmar is facing a rapidly growing food security crisis, and nearly one in four people are already food insecure. Ongoing violence, economic crisis, recurrent climate-induced shocks, population displacement and COVID-19, among other factors, are disrupting the entire national food system. In this context, protecting the livelihoods of smallholder farmers to enable them to feed themselves and their communities is a frontline humanitarian response. Against this backdrop, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is responding to the crisis through providing smallholder farmers across Myanmar with access to agricultural production inputs along with the implementation of cash-based interventions. This document provides an update of FAO's 2022 emergency and resilience response.
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    Food insecurity is worsening in Myanmar, where more than a quarter of the population, 15.2 million people, are experiencing moderate or severe food insecurity. The combined impacts of conflict, political instability, economic crisis and longstanding poverty leave millions unable to access basic services and struggling to meet their families’ food needs. With three in four people dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, humanitarian support to restore rural households’ production is critical.
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    Sri Lanka: Response overview (June–December 2022) 2022
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    Sri Lanka is witnessing an unprecedented economic crisis, and the situation is exacerbated by political and social turmoil. Consequently, agricultural production is in a downward trend and one in four people are already facing food insecurity. Since June 2022, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has scaled up its emergency and resilience interventions, reaching more than 62 640 households (244 300 people) with emergency agricultural assistance. This document provides an overview of FAO's emergency and resilience response during June–December 2022.

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